Minutes of the Meeting Of
The Society of William Wallace
Held on the 21st October 2014 in Elderslie Village Hall. 8.00pm.
Gary Stewart, George Boyle, Abbey Stewart, George Kempik, James Wallace, Steve Murray, Gordon Aitken, Michael Balahura, Neil Lochiel, Cha Halliday, Sean Donnelly, Chris MacLeod, Lesley Matthews.
Irene Stewart, Irene Clarke, Charli Stewart, Andy Middleton, William Ballantyne, Michael, Susan Coghill, Karen Owens.
Minutes of the Meeting.
The meeting was chaired by vice convener of The Society of William Wallace, Gary Stewart.
Treasurers report…George
George outlined the income and expenditure of the Society. In the month prior to the Annual General Meeting, the bank balance remains healthy.
Gary and George gave thanks to Patricia Hovie who has donated another of her paintings, which will help to increase Society funds.
Webmasters report…George
George is working on updating the website.
He is also working with Ziggy on the merchandise side of the site.
George suggested that a new role be created, namely a membership secretary, all present agreed that this would benefit the Society.
Press and Media Officer
Irene had given her apologies, that she was unable to attend the meeting.
The Young Lions…Abbey
Abbey continues to work hard to promote the Young Lions,
Vice Conveners report…Gary
Idea for future meetings,
Gary suggested inviting speakers to attend future meetings, which could be publicized, to encourage attendance.
The Bell o the Brae Poetry competition, a decision will be made soon on the winning poem.
The Bell o the Brae, awaiting response from Sandra White, MSP. Glasgow City Council refused permission. The Society will consider carefully, the next steps to be taken.
The Wallace Letter,
Gary is in communication with Fiona Hyslop regarding the current position.
Visit to Jean,
Neil reported on an emotional visit to see Jean with Dina who was over for a few days.
Gary reported that Jean would like more involvement within the Society
Social Convener,
This role was discussed and will also be put on the list of roles open within the Society at the AGM.
Randy reported that he is setting up an online shop to help the Society in the US.
Bands for Wallace Day, the favoured choice by those present were,
Ted Christopher, Clann an Drumma and The Tartan Specials which have all been booked.
Christmas Night out, suggestions included: a pub in Airdrie with Ted as entertainer, and The Wallace Bar in Paisley, also with Ted.
Marketing secretary, another new role suggested for the AGM, to assist with the promotion of the Society within schools, at outdoor events, etc.
Membership, fees will be decided at the AGM. It was suggested that two types of membership be available. One being that of ordinary member, at a minimum cost of £5 per year. Another VIP membership would also be available, costing £15.00 per year, which would include quarterly magazine, t-shirt and lapel badge.
Preparation for AGM, it is hoped that there will be a really good turnout at this meeting , and decisions will be made by those present on the night.
With new roles being created, the work can be shared and more people can be involved in maintaining the Society of William Wallace and taking it forward into the future.
The AGM has been changed to Monday 17th November as a lot of members will be going to the Scotland V England football game on the Tuesday night
Meeting ended at 9.35 pm.
Date of next meeting, that of The Annual General Meeting.
Monday 17th November, 2014 at 7.45 pm.
Please come along!
Everyone welcome
The Society of William Wallace
Annual General Meeting
Monday 17th November 2014
Election of Office Bearers
for the year 2014 – 2015
The following office bearers nominated so far are:
Convenor………….......................Nomination………Gary Stewart
Vice Convenor ……………….…Nomination………George Boyle
Secretary……………………….….Nomination………George Kempik
Treasurer…………………….…...Nomination………Lesley Matthews
Membership Secretary…..….Nomination………Stuart Duncan
Asst Merchandise Officer…...Nomination………Craig Wilson
Minute Secretary………………Nomination………Chris Macleod
Webmaster…………………….….Nomination………George Boyle
Press @ Media Officer…….…Nomination………Irene Clarke
Merchandise Officer………….Nomination………Ziggy Wilson
Asst Merchandise Officer…..Nomination………Craig Wilson
Social Convenor…………….….Nomination………None so far
Leader of the Young Lions….Nomination………Abbey Stewart
Wallace Society USA…………. Nomination………Randy Dedrickson
Marketing Secretary……….….Nomination………Neil Lochiel
Events coordinator…………….Nomination………William Ballantyne
Committee member………..….Nomination………Gordon Aitken
Committee member…………...Nomination………Archie Millar
Committee member…………...Nomination………Andy Middleton
Other nominations are welcomed and encouraged
Next meeting will be on Monday 17th November 2014 at 7.45
All welcome. |
Minutes of the
Meeting Of
The Society of
William Wallace
Held on the 15th July 2014 in Elderslie Village Hall. 8.00pm.
Irene Clarke, Gary Stewart, Abbey Stewart, Steve Murray, Iain McCulloch, Gordon Aitken, George Boyle, Lesley Matthews, William Ballantyne, Chris MacLeod,
Bill Pollock, Val Pollock, Susan Coghill
Minutes of the Meeting.
The meeting was chaired by vice convener of The Society of William Wallace, Gary Stewart.
As a mark of respect, Gary will chair the meetings as vice convener until the AGM of The Society in November.
Gary welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced the office bearers.
Treasurers report…George
George read his detailed financial report to all present.
The cost of the Bannockburn event was a major expense. Others included donations, Drinks Licence for Wallace Day, hire of hall etc..
Income continues including 6 new members last month and sales of stock.
George has arranged with Kimberley that the money raised through the David R Ross Memorial fund be incorporated into the Stirling memorial.
Webmasters report…George
Both Facebook and the website are doing well. George spends a considerable time and effort in keeping the website up to date and to a professional standard.
Press and Media Officer..Irene
No specific issues to report.
The Young Lions…Abbey
No specific issues to report.
Vice Conveners report…Gary.
The Bell O the Brae,
Glasgow City Council is currently in recess.
Gary will continue to liase with MSP’s James Doran, David Turner and Sandra White.
The closing date for the poetry competition to be extended to 10th October. This will be put on a web forum that will enable all all schools to see it.
The new drawing by Andy Hillhouse has been submitted and approved.
Robert Wishart
Work continues amongst members to raise awareness of the tomb of the bishop in Glasgow Cathedral.
A tremendous success, with sincere thanks to everyone who helped.
Gordon Aitken reported on the new Battles of Falkirk Society which recently formed to educate the public on both battles of Falkirk, work together with other Societies and organisations, and ease the financial pressure on them.
Bannockburn commemoration
The Official weekend organised by Visit Scotland went well, although no wreath was laid and no mention of the thousands who lost their lives 700 years ago.
2pm. 19th July.
Quaich for Wallace Day
It was agreed that a Quaich be purchased for the Young Lions, Abbey to decide on the message.
It was agreed that a targe be commissioned with the Society Loge and the names of David, Duncan and Lachlan around the rim. This is to be raffled in aid of The Guardians Trust.
American visitors
Good to see friends of The Society in Scotland for Bannockburn.
Mary and Lydia. It was agreed to make a donation to help out through illness.
Thanks go to Randy for his brilliant ideas on taking The Society forward.
Wallace Day
George will make posters for distribution to local shops by Archie and Jean. A main poster will be made on the evening events and the format.
March to be led by Tullyallan Pipes and Drums.
The Speakers will be Mark Hirst, Lesley Matthews, Martin Mitchell, Abbey Stewart and Ted Christopher.
It was suggested that a picture of Wallace be carried at the front of the parade.
Bar will be worked as usual by Irene and Paul. Prices have to be increased.
Tea room volunteers needed. Also need for sandwiches and baking.
Bands…The Tartan Specials, The Tonkerers, Uige Beatha, Ted Christopher.
Help will be given to decorate the Wallace Memorial.
Whisky to be raffled to raise funds for the Society., kindly donated by Duncan’s family.
Award ceremony to be held. with William Ballantyne presenting the awards, assisted by Lesley Matthews.
A discussion arose as to how The Society could moved forward amongst those members present.
The following is a list of some of the ideas suggested.
Increase membership and promote in other areas. Have a membership secretary. A good quality certificate. , calligraphy used. signed by convener. Make use of direct debit and standing orders. Give membership discount on stock. Promote.
Have an agenda sent out prior to meeting for everyone to add to.
Alter the layout of the chairs from formal to informal.
Create a new role of school co-ordinator.
Ask for a donation when working with schools.
Fund raising opportunities.
Create new role of fund raising officer.
Look at charities e.g. National Lottery.
Regular booking of bands in advance with deposit.
Complation CD as fundraiser.
Flyers for use at events
Have a quarterly newsletter. Include news, events, stories of Wallace, new stock etc.
Members only discounts.
Review merchandise. Move on old stock.
Make use of Facebook and ebay.
Make use of events.
Promotion of items.
Distribute items economically.
Create the new role of events co-ordinator.
Create team to assist.
Gary thanked everyone for their contribution to the discussion.
The meeting ended at 9.55pm.
Please remember that Membership fees are due this month!
Next meeting will be on Tuesday 19th August 2014 at 7.45
All welcome.
Minutes of the
Meeting Of
The Society of
William Wallace
Held on the 17th June 2014 in Elderslie Village Hall. 8.00pm.
This was the first meeting since the death of Duncan Fenton, The Convener of The Society of William Wallace, on May the 25th 2014.
Irene Clarke, Gary Stewart, Abbey Stewart, Charli Stewart, Malcolm MacNeill, Faither MacNeilll, Brian McCutcheon, Steve Murray, Iain McCulloch, Sloveig Dittrich-Piva, Gordon Aitken, George Boyle, Bill pollock, Val Pollock, Chris MacLeod, Jean Millar, Archie Millar, Irene Lavelle, Tom Lavelle, Gary Kempik, Neil Lochiel, Chas Halliday, Richard Quinn.
Gini Craig, Lesley Matthews, Karen Owens, Susan Coghill William Ballantyne, Andy Middleton
The meeting was chaired by vice convener of The Society of William Wallace, Gary Stewart.
As a mark of respect, Gary will chair the meetings as vice convener until the AGM of The Society in November.
Poetry Competition
The closing date for the poetry competition has now gone. It was agreed that this be extended to encourage more applicants. This is publicised on the Education Scotland Website, which goes out to all schools in Scotland.
Some Society members have agreed to research progress in their areas including Inverclyde, Stirling and Clackmananshire and Glasgow.
Treasurers report…George
This has been a difficult time for the Society. The death of Duncan and the arrangements for Bannockburn have hit the Society hard.
In addition to usual expenditure, members present agreed to give a financial donation to Duncan’s partner, Jean.
Another donation was approved, which is to be given to Sarah Cromes daughter.
George has managed to negotiate a reduced cost for the evening event at Bannockburn. Tickets will now be £20.00.
It was suggested that coins should be sold on e’bay, but merchandise should still be sold through the Society merchandise officer. Members present agreed.
Despite all of the expenditure, the Society finances still remain afloat. Gary thanked George for the work he has done in order to achieve this.
Webmasters report…George
Both Facebook and the website are doing well.
Duncan’s obituary appeared in The Herald on June 16th. It was written by George Mayer, journalist with The Herald. All present agreed it was an excellent piece.
Press and Media Officer..Irene
Irene sent a Thank You card to Peter Darney at Greengairs Social Club for making the Society so welcome following Duncan’s funeral. Peter replied and said that Society members were welcome any time.
Irene is in contact with Jean every day.
Irene and Gary will take some of Duncan’s ashes to Bannockburn.
The Young Lions:
Abbey Stewart thanked William Ballantyne and The Society for her t shirt and phone cover , given for doing a speech at Loudon Hill on the 10th May.
Loudon Hill:
The Society will review this for next year. Cost and transport are major factors to be considered and we will look in to this to enable more people to travel to help make the night-ime event more successful to help with the amount of effort that William and Ann put in.
Gary has been asked to make a speech there.
Abbey Stewart, as leader of the Young Lions, has also been asked to speak.
Avoch 24th May
Irene and Paul did not attend Avoch this year.
All those who attended observed a minutes silence as a mark of respect for Duncan.
The old flag was posted to Jean and a new flag was sent up to Avoch by The Society.
Minutes from the meeting in April
These were read out by Chris MacLeod. The last meeting that was chaired by Duncan.
Renfrewshire Council grant for Wallace Day.
George confirmed that the local council has given £500.00 from the Commonweal Fund towards the costs of Wallace Day.
The Lubeck Letter
Society member Petra has tried to get the Lubeck Letter on display in Lubeck. Fiona Hyslop is also involved in trying to obtain a 3d high performance copy of the original that can be on show in both Germany and Scotland.
Vice Convener, Gary Stewart
Battle of the Bell o’ the Brae:
Glasgow City Council have now informed the Society that the monument cannot be built on their land as they now say that it will affect other monuments in the area.
The Society has invested already invested so much money in this project. Members have given so much expertise in the design and production so far and members have used their own time in attending numerous meetings with the council. Gary will arrange a meeting with the key players.
New Honorary member
All present agreed that Andy Hillhouse be given Honorary Committee Status of The Society of William Wallace in recognition of the immense amount of incredible artwork and design produced by him for the Society over many years.
New Coin
Gary showed members present the new design by Andy Hillhouse for The Black Douglas coin, which will soon be on sale at £10.00
Subscriptions and membership
Following a discussion, all present agreed to keep the rate of membership to £5.00 per year, payable in August. The possibility of a membership card was discussed, but thought not to be practicable.
So much of the work of the Society is now done on Facebook and internet, which helps to keep costs down, particularly on postage. By reaching out to followers using the internet, the potential is there to ask for donations to assist the work of The Society.
Bannockburn 21st June 2014
See website for details.
Stirling Bridge….Gary Stewart
Bannockburn….George Boyle
Wreath laying
Stirling Bridge…Jean
Question and answer session chaired by vice convener, Gary Stewart.
Resulted in the following responses.
Stirling Smith Museum Visit…Gary will speak to Elspeth King.
Speakers at Wallace Day…Mark Hirst(helped with the return of the Wallace letter), Speech and song by Ted Christopher. Waiting for confirmation from other people
Pipe band…George has booked
Wallace Tree at Port Glasgow…Society member Cha reported that the owner is willing to donate the tree to the Society, which could be fashioned into fundraising gifts.
Society member Gordon Aitken suggested that the design of the Bell o the Brae monument could incorporate a wooden memorial inlay. He also reported that Arthur has been unable to work on the piece through ill health, but would welcome help from anyone interested.
Memorial bench
Gordon Aitken suggested a celtic cross, made by the Artizans, be added as a back piece to the memorial bench already designed, where names could be inscribed.
Greenock press
The Greenock press has been running interesting articles on the Wallace Tree and others linked to Wallace. Cha has collected them and gave them to Gary.
Wallace Parades on 21st June
Concerns were expressed by a member of the society on why two events were running on the same day. Gary clarified the situation to all present.
The meeting ended at 9.30pm , with thanks to all in attendance by Gary Stewart.
Next meeting will be on Tuesday 15th July 2014 at 7.45
All welcome. |
Minutes of the
Meeting Of
The Society of
William Wallace
Held on the 18th March 2014 in Elderslie Village Hall. 8.00pm.
Duncan Fenton, Irene Clarke, Brian McCutcheon, Gini Graig, Iain McCulloch, Neil Locheil, Cha Halliday, Sean Donnelly, Gordon Aitken, Chris MacLeod
Bill Pollock, Val Pollock, George Boyle, Susan Coghill, Gary Stewart, Abbey Stewart, Jean Millar, Archie Millar, Tom Lavelle, Isobel Lavelle, Karen Owens.
The meeting was opened by Society Convenor, Duncan Fenton, who outlined safety procedures in the hall.
He then introduced the Office Bearers in turn and the following is a summary of their activities.
He updated all members present on Archie’s health. Everyone sends their best wishes.
Neither the vice convenor, Gary Stewart, nor the treasurer, George, were able to make the meeting, so Duncan gave a brief report on their behalf.
Treasurer’s Report
Bank balance still quite healthy
Webmaster’s Report
Duncan congratulated George on all the new content on the website. Facebook page is very popular.
Vice Convenor’s Report
Gary still working away on the Bell o’ the Brae project. Seems now they require a sample of the stone we will be using. They also council also now say they require 1:10 drawings, which means more work for everyone and a further set back.
We have already supplied the required ones at 1:1250 and 1:50.
Enquiries will be made through facebook to see if there are people suitably experienced in the technicalities of planning consent applications who could help the society. MSP’s are to be contacted for support.
Charlie Robertson, our bard from Dunoon has been enlisted to assist with the poetry competition.
Ideas for the Junior member of the Society, to be known as The Young Lions, were finalised. Abbey Stewart will head the organisiation. Flags have been ordered with the logo on them from Randy’s supplier in the USA.
Loudoun Hill
10th May.
Fiery Jack & the Rusty Remains have been booked for the event. This year we will switch the after ceremony event to the Black Bull in Darvel.
Wallace Day
Speakers….Mark Hirst and Ted Christopher have agreed.
March…Strathleven Artizans are to be contacted to ask for someone to be dressed as Bruce.
Press & Media Officer’s Report
Irene informed members present of a Society member, Lisa, who regularly visits the site at St Bart’s in London and tends to the memorial there.
The BBC have a new 3 part series on the Plantaganets out soon, which should be interesting to see how Scotland is portrayed.
It was noted that there is an increasing use of union flags in the soaps on tv and much more in the way of series using the words “Great British…”.
The recent BBC programme on the portrait of Charles Edward Stewart featured a biker historian.
USA Fundraising Co-ordinator’s Report
Sword Raffle: 39 tickets have been sold between the Tartan Day South and Loch Norman Scottish Games.
2013 expense report sent to George.
SOWW flags are on the way to Scotland. Charlie Allan is bringing them back with him.
Two festivals completed and two up coming.
They are: Tartan Day South Columbia South Carolina April 3 – 6
Loch Norman North Carolina April 12 & 13
Up Coming:
Triad Highland Games, Greensboro, NC
Winston Salem Highland Games.
Grand Father Moutain Games.
Bruce Coin order: Coins should be coming in the mail to me this week. We need to determine how many to send over since Charlie Allan has also agreed to sell coins.
Highly recommend the Committee meet with Clanranald Trust in person to figure out the details.
Convenor’s Report
Chris MacLeod reported on her visit to the new Bannockburn visitors centre which opened on the 1st of March. The tartan she designed has been made into scarves in cashmere and lambswool, along with other items .
Gregor Ewing is travelling one thousand miles from Rathlin Island, in the footsteps of Bruces army in 1307 – 8 to raise awareness of Bruce’s earlier campaigns.
The Society has been invited to participate in a couple of Gala Days in the Barmulloch & Chryston areas to celebrate the commonwealth games. We attended the Barmulloch day last year & it went well. Duncan will contact the organizer to confirm our attendance.
For many years Archie Millar has helped prepare the memorial on Wallace Day. Duncan asked if someone could help with this task this year.
The Bruce Coin will be ready soon.
Gordon Aitken of the Society, and hugely experienced in the construction of memorials, explained to all present the practicalities of workmanship required in the making of the Bell o the Brae statue.
Gordon brought along a small version of the helmet section of the BOTB memorial, sculpted by Arthur Murdoch. Members were impressed by the workmanship. It is estimated that the full size sculpture would take around a month to produce.
A discussion ensued on the logististics of getting the site prepared & getting the finished memorial into place. Everyone present was greatly impressed and appreciative of the huge amount of work involved.
On behalf of the SOWW, Duncan thanked Gordon & his friends for their civil engineering knowledge & help.
Chris mentioned recent TV programme re “missing” portrait of Bonnie Prince Charlie. The programme referred to art historian, Dr Bendor Grosvenor, as the “ Biker Historian”. Our own Davie Ross was of course referred to by this nickname by the press, & Chris was immediately reminded of Davie.
Cha Halliday & Sean Donnelly, who uncovered the story of the tree Wallace was reputedly chained to in Port Glasgow, continue their quest for the whereabouts of the chain. They will notify the Society of any further information. Duncan thanked the guys for their time & dedication on this.
Bannockburn 2014
Cost of event on 21st June 2014
Total cost for event = £125.00
(inclusive of 3 course dinner, bed and breakfast at £100.00, plus entertainment and buffet costing £ 25.00)
Deposits of £50.00 per head or full payment are now required.
Evening event.
There are only 60 places available for the evening event. These cost £25.00 inclusive of entertainment and buffet.
Next meeting will be on Tuesday 15th April 2014 at 7.45
All welcome. |
Minutes of the
Meeting Of
The Society of
William Wallace
Held on the 18th February 2014 in Elderslie Village Hall. 8.00pm.
Duncan Fenton, Jean Thomson, Janette Johnston, Gary Stewart, Abbey Stewart, Iain McCulloch, Irene Clarke, Steve Murray, Richard Quinn, George Boyle, Cha Halliday, Sean Donnelly, Lesley Matthews.
Gordon Aitken, Bill Pollock, Val Pollock, Charli Stewart, Archie Millar, Jean Millar, Tom Lavelle, Isobel Lavelle, Chris MacLeod, William Ballantyne, Anne Gladwell, Nick Brand, Gini Craig,Brian McCutcheon, Susan Coghill, Andy Middleton.
The meeting was opened by Society Convenor, Duncan Fenton, who outlined safety procedures in the hall.
He then introduced the Office Bearers in turn and the following is a summary of their activities.
Treasurer’s Report
George gave a summary of the income and expenditure of the Society. Bank balance is healthy at the moment.
Webmaster’s Report
The website is up to date and new articles are coming soon.
Facebook is also doing well.
Vice Convenor’s Report
Gary announced that the stone has been selected & obtained for the Bell o’ the Brae Monument. Arthur will begin work on this shortly.
Further discussion was held on how to proceed with the schools poetry competition, with the winning poem affixed to the finished monument.
Sandra White MSP has agreed to be on the judging panel for this.
Bannockburn 700. Unfortunately, Albannach will be unable to perform at the evening gig, due to commitments in the USA. Gary has secured the services of Clan an Drumma, which we considered appropriate, since it was they who performed at Wallace’s 700th anniversary in 2005.
Press & Media Officer’s Report
Irene commented on BBC 2’s series on the Stewarts, which begins with James VI of Scotland. Because he was the first Stewart monarch of England, his predecessors have been ignored. It was generally agreed that this was typical of BBC programming.
USA Fundraising Co-ordinator’s Report
Duncan read out Randy’s report
Sword Raffle: Money in for the raffle now stands at $642.
Propsal to discuss ideas on how to stream merchandise orders better, so that folk in the US order from Randy & folk here order from Ziggy.
An expense sheet is being prepared for 2013. This will be sent to George shortly.
Randy continues to develop his “Adopt-a-Project” scheme. Under this, the sponsor’s name would be put on a plaque with the amount donated.
Randy supplied a list of 8 festivals that he will be attending with the SOWW tent this year.
Duncan gave a vote of thanks for Randy & Barry’s work for the past year. No doubt this will continue to expand.
Convenor’s Report
Duncan thanked everyone for their cards, visits, messages of goodwill & general support throughout his recent illness. Pleased to be back.
After changing Broadband providers at the end of last year, sending out the newsletter by e-mail encountered a few hiccups. It seems that so many recipients at once flagged up alerts in the system, warning that Duncan was a potentential scammer. Having now tried numerous different programs & systems, it seems to be working OK now.
If anyone doesn’t receive the monthly newsletter when they had previously got it, please let us know.
As a precaution of “staring his own mortality in the face”, as Duncan put it, he has given George a datastick with all data, records, letters & contacts of the Society for the past 18 years that Duncan had on his hard drive. Better to be safe than sorry & be pragmatic about these things.
Duncan & George both received an order form from the wee flag company which supplied our paper saltires. As we are down to around 50 , it was decided to order a new batch. George will handle this.
Recently-joined members Cha Halliday & Sean Donnelly gave members a talk on their research into the story of the tree to which Wallace is said to have been chained, in Port Glasgow, after his capture at Robroyston in 1305. They have spent many weeks interviewing people to find out as much as they could on the subject.
Their interest was sparked by the late Davie’s Ross’s book, “Desire Lines”, which mentions the legend.
Having tracked down the tree, which had been blown down, despite attempts to shore it up, They were shown a carving, taken from a piece of the tree. It consists of a 15” tall statue of Saint Padre Pio, & this they showed to members who were amazed. Done by Joe Delaney, not by a professional woodcarver, it is a fantastic piece of workmanship.
Duncan thanked the guys for their dedication in persuing this important part of Wallace’s story. More can be seen HERE
Next meeting will be on Tuesday 18th March 2014 at 7.45
All welcome. |
Minutes of the
Meeting Of
The Society of
William Wallace
Tuesday 21st of January 2014
at Elderslie Village Hall at 8.00pm.
Gary Stewart, Abbey Stewart, Brian McCutcheon, Gini Graig, Iain McCulloch, Irene Clarke, Steve Murray, Gordon Aitken, Bill Pollock, Val Pollock, George Boyle, Neil Lochiel, Chris MacLeod
Andy Middleton, William Ballantyne, Anne Gladwell, Nick Brand, Karen Owens, Susan Coghill
Due to the serious illness of Duncan Fenton, convener of The Society, the meeting was chaired by Gary Stewart, vice-convener.
Society members were also given the news that Archie Millar is unwell. Archie and his wife Jean have been active supporters of the Society and have attended most meetings for many years.
Minutes of the Meeting.
The vice -convener of the Society, Gary Stewart, welcomed everyone to the meeting. He outlined the procedures to be taken in the event of fire alarm activation.
Gary introduced the office bearers and each gave their reports in turn.
Treasurer. George Boyle
George outlined the income and expenditure of the Society in detail.
This included the Christmas party and Duncan’s trip to Chillingham Castle, near Hexham.
Thanks go to Malcolm for the gift of two swords to The Society.
The Christmas party ran at a loss, due largely to the cost of the buffet. Catering is to be reconsidered for next year.
Memberships and donations continue, and the bank account remains healthy.
Webmaster, George Boyle
Facebook is also doing well.
George reminded everyone that it would be good to receive input from others. He is happy to receive news and pictures related to the Society to share on the website.
George is also looking for volunteers to help with the writing of articles in particular. If you would like to help, please contact George.
Press and Media Officer, Irene Clarke
Irene commented on the forthcoming BBC ‘s programme on The Stuart Dynasty, beginning with James VI.
Also STV’s debate “Would Robert Burns have voted yes or no”
It was also noted that the UWS has complained about how biased media coverage is at this time.
Vice convener Gary Stewart
Battle of the Bell o’ the Brae
Gary was very happy to inform the Society that the application for the memorial has now been officially passed.
Schools Poetry Competition.
Gary has been trying to get in contact with poet Allan Bisset to assist with this.
David O’Hara and Dr Fiona Watson are also on board.
Fiona Hyslop and Mike Russell have suggested Dr Alastair Allan MSP.
MSP Sandra White was a name suggested by members of the Society who has a greater link with the Society.
New Coin for 700th
All members were greatly impressed by the design by Andy Hillhouse.
Society member Bill Pollok translated the latin inscription which says “Robert, King of Scotland, by the Grace of God”.
Facebook members will also be asked to comment.
The Society for younger people.
The “Young Lions” was a suggestion for a name for the group.
A Junior Member of the Year was also suggested, with a role in Wallace Day.
There was a discussion on the practicalities of running this. A number of members present have disclosure checks, so this should not be an issue.
US report
Gary gave the report from our US Liason Officer, Randy Dedrickson. These included the raffle of a sword, which raised an amazing amount of money for the Society. A huge thank you to Randy for all of his hard work.
Randy will have his 2013 report for February’s meeting.
Randy intends to be over at the 700th commemoration of Bannockburn.
Lachlan’s headstone
The Society agreed to help Amber to cover the cost of a lair certificate to get the headstone in place. Gordon Aitken is to speak to Arthur regarding the sculpture.
Xmas party
Although the turn out was relatively small a great night was had by all who attended.
David’s memorial
Was held on 2nd January at Robroyston at 2pm. Despite the weather, a good number attended to pay their respects.
Bannockburn 2014
Members discussed the need to make this a success and to maintain the work of the Society as a friendly, creditable and reputable organization.
Cost of event on 21st June 2014
Total cost for event = £125.00
(inclusive of 3 course dinner, bed and breakfast at £100.00, plus entertainment and buffet costing
Deposits of £50.00 per head are now required.
Evening event.
There are only 60 places available for the evening event. These cost £25.00 inclusive of entertainment and buffet.
Entertainment…Clann an Drumma, Ted Christopher and Fiery Jack.
Reduced rates for children of £10 a head.
Key rings
George showed the members present new key rings, made for the Society by Peter Campbell Crafts, in order to raise funds for the Society. The pewter key rings sell at £7.99 plus £1.99 p & p.
Life Membership
This was a suggestion made by Steve Murray, which received a good response.
Funds raised from this could be put in a separate bank account, with the interest raised going towards Society funds. A topic for future discussion.
Bannockburn event
A discussion arose regarding marking the commemoration with a walk, possibly sponsored with a few suggestions e.g. Yorkhill, the people of Bannockburn, a children’s hospital near Bannockburn. This would help raise publicity and enter into the spirit of the event.
Practical suggestions for starting points included Stirling Bridge, Abbey Craig, Cambuskenneth, Duncarron Fort, Dunnait, and Sherrifmuir.
It was thought that each group could begin at a different point and meet together at the battlefield site. Some Society members will ask the other organisations planning to take part in the commemoration, about their plans.
It was agreed that the practicalities would be further discussed at the next meeting
Society member Lesley has plans to produce a limited edition t shirt for Bannockburn, with profits going to the Society.
The commemoration at midnight will again take place.
There were no refreshments after the meeting, as there is no longer a social convener (Lily was greatly missed!). It was agreed that this be discussed at the next meeting!
The meeting ended at 9.30pm .
Date of next meeting.
Tuesday 18th February 2014 at 7.45 pm.
Everyone welcome!
Yours for Scotland,
Duncan Fenton
Convenor, Society of William Wallace |
The Society of William Wallace
Annual General Meeting
Held at Elderslie Village Hall
Tuesday 19th November 2013 at 7.30 p.m.
Duncan Fenton, Gary Stewart, Abbey Stewart, Brian McCutcheon, Marion MacMillan, Iain McCulloch, Irene Clarke, Lily Love, Steve Murray, Gordon Aitken, Bill Pollock, Val Pollock, Richard Quinn, George Boyle, Archie Millar, Jean Millar, Tom Lavelle, Isobel Lavelle, Chris MacLeod
Neil Lochiel, Martin Mitchell, Robbie Burns, Ziggy Wilson, Craig Wilson, William Ballantyne, Anne Gladwell, Nick Brand, Gini Craig, Karen Owens, Susan Coghill
As is customary, the convenor announced that he & the other office bearers would stand down & asked the treasurer to carry out the election process.
The following is a result of the election, chaired by
George Boyle, of Office Bearers for the year 2013-2014.
Elected to the office of Convener
Duncan Fenton
Proposed by Steve Murray
Seconded by Irene Clarke
Elected to the office of Vice Convener
Gary Stewart
Proposed by Irene Stewart
Seconded by Bill Pollock
Elected to the office of Treasurer
George Boyle
Proposed by Jean Millar
Seconded by Irene Clarke
Elected to the office of Secretary
Andy Middleton
Proposed by Duncan Fenton
Seconded by Gary Stewart
Elected to the office of Minute Secretary
Chris MacLeod
Proposed by Jean Millar
Seconded by Gary Stewart
Elected to the office of Webmaster
George Boyle
Proposed by Duncan Fenton
Seconded by Gary Stewart
Elected to the office of Press and Media Officer
Irene Clarke
Proposed by Richard Quinn
Seconded by Gary Stewart
Elected to the office of Merchandise Officer
Ziggy Wilson
Proposed by George Boyle
Seconded by Gordon Aitken
Elected to the office of Assistant Merchandise Officer
Craig Wilson
Proposed by Gary Stewart
Seconded by Duncan Fenton
Elected to the office of Social Convener
This office is currently vacant
Proposed by
Seconded by
Elected to the office of USA Liaison
Randy Dedrickson
Proposed by Duncan Fenton
Seconded by George Boyle
Committee Members
Gordon Aitken
William Ballantyne
Archie Millar
Proposed by Duncan Fenton
Seconded by George Boyle
The November 2013 meeting commenced immediately following the election of the new office bearers.
The meeting was opened by Society Convenor, Duncan Fenton, who outlined safety procedures in the hall. He welcomed everyone to the meeting, with a special welcome to new member Iain McCulloch.
He then introduced the Office Bearers in turn and the following is a summary of their activities.
Treasurer’s Report
George outlined the income and expenditure of the Society in detail.
Duncan complimented George on his excellent summary of the accounts of the Society and thanked everyone who helped in raising funds and donated both their time and money, resulting in an excellent and profitable year for the Society.
Webmaster’s Report
The website is up to date and new articles are coming soon.
Facebook is also doing well.
George reminded everyone that he was happy to receive news and pictures related to the Society to share on the website. George is also looking for volunteers to help with the writing of articles in particular. If you would like to help, please contact George.
Vice Convenor’s Report
Battle of the Bell o’ the Brae
The Weir Trust application for financial assistance with the proposed memorial was unsuccessful.
An article was on the front page of The Evening Times. Inside, covering two pages, was an article on the BOTB memorial. Pictured were Duncan, George, Gary & MSP Sandra White.
The reporter is keen to follow up on this story.
Schools Poetry Competition. Val Pollock has agreed to be the Society link in choosing a poem for the memorial. She will be part of the team including MSP Mike Russell and Dr Fiona Watson.
King James IV
The campaign to return the ring, sword and dagger is quiet at the moment, but will continue to be pursued.
Gary is still waiting to hear from Albannach to confirm their participation in 2014.
Society members Brian McCutcheon and Gordon Aitken were present at the commemoration recently.
The Bruce Coin
Andy Hillhouse is finishing off his design for the new coin.
Press & Media Officer’s Report
The BBC “Britain’s Secret Treasures” and “Britain at Sea” programmes. Irene is on the case!
The Wallace Day Bar, which Irene and Paul run, was discussed. Prices must be raised slightly to cover costs. All agreed.
Irene passed on a message of thanks from Amber for all of the assistance given to her by the Society.
Irene also thanked Lily for all of her work as social convener of the Society. All members present heard earlier in the evening that, for personal reasons, Lily has to give up this role.
USA Fundraising Co-ordinator’s Report
Duncan related the report from our US Liason Officer, Randy Dedrickson. These included….
The raffle for the Claymore which belonged to David Ross. 62% sold.
The web page, which is near completion
A new Woodcarver has been found.
Randy has been, and will be present at, a number of Highland Festivals.
T shirts have been ordered.
A list of leather items has been provided.
Randy has also asked for more articles, newscuttings, etc, to scan into the US website.
Convenor’s Report
Duncan and Gary led the discussion on the possible formation of a Youth Society linked to the current SOWW. Advice is being sought on the practicalities of this e.g. use of social media site, Disclosure forms, etc. Abbey Stewart is interested in this. The poetry competition may spark a lot of interest in the Society. All agreed that this was a good idea. A Junior certificate and under 16’s free membership were a couple of positive ideas suggested which would take the work of the Society to another audience and the future generation who will carry on the work of the Society.
Duncan expressed his thanks to Sandra White MSP for her recent help.
Duncan showed the members present a copy of the embroidery of Wallace and De Moray at Stirling Bridge, which forms part of the Grand Tapestry of Scotland. This was on show recently in the Parliament and will be on tour shortly.
The annual St Andrews Day Rally will take place on 30th November, at Whitburn.
Duncan has been asked to speak on camera for a Travel Channel production on Chillingham Castle, in Northumberland. It’s regarding Wallace’s involvement in the Wars of Independence, while Edward I of England was running operations from Chillingham.
Duncan showed a new publication by archaeologist David Strachan on the excavations at the Black Spout near Pitlochry. David’s mother, Flora, has been a member for many years. She had asked David for signed copy of his book for Duncan. Very much appreciated.
Richard Quinn informed all present of the Yes Scotland Ceilidh on the 28th of November. See website for details.
Irene reminded all present of the meeting to remember David on 2nd January at Robroyston 2pm.
Marion MacMillan handed copies of The Buteman newspaper to Duncan who shared with the group present some relevant articles. George will scan these in for the website. She also gave George a dvd, filmed at the Rothesay commemoration this year. Once processed, this will also go on our website.
Duncan expressed his thanks and admiration to the speakers at the recent event at Stirling Bridge.
Chris MacLeod mentioned that the Royal National Mod was in Paisley recently. A huge PR success for the town. See The Royal National Mod website for details.
Christmas Party Night at The Elderslie Bowling Club. Friday 6th December.
Tickets have been handed in to the club for their members to purchase. Our own members can pay at the door on the night. A special thanks was given to Jean and Archie for enabling this, and last years, to happen!
Wallace Day 2014. It was suggested that there could be an opportunity for bands to be playing in the afternoon as well as in the evening. The practicalities of this will be discussed further, but all present thought that this would be a good idea.
The meeting ended at 9.15pm .
Refreshments were provided by Lily, with a special thanks from everyone for all of her hard work, She will be missed!
As there is no meeting in December, we would like to take this opportunity to wish all our members a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year.
Date of next meeting.
Tuesday 21st January 2014 at 7.45 pm.
Everyone welcome! |
The Society of William Wallace
Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 15th October 2013 in Elderslie Village Hall. 8.00pm.
Duncan Fenton, Gordon Aitken, Christine MacLeod
George Boyle, Gary Stewart, Neil Lochiel, Jean Millar, Archie Millar, Tom Lavelle, Isobel Lavelle, Karen Owens, Irene Clarke, Bill Pollock, Val Pollok.
Due to tonight’s meeting falling on the same night as the Scotland – Croatia football match, many of our members were at the game. Quite a few also contacted me to inform me of being unwell.
In the event, it was decided to carry tonight’s business forward to the November meeting, which will be the AGM.
Next meeting will be our Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 19th November 2013 at 7.45
All welcome.
Yours for Scotland,
Duncan Fenton
Convenor, Society of William Wallace |
The Society of William Wallace
Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 15th October 2013 in Elderslie Village Hall. 8.00pm.
Duncan Fenton, Gordon Aitken, Christine MacLeod
George Boyle, Gary Stewart, Neil Lochiel, Jean Millar, Archie Millar, Tom Lavelle, Isobel Lavelle, Karen Owens, Irene Clarke, Bill Pollock, Val Pollok.
Due to tonight’s meeting falling on the same night as the Scotland – Croatia football match, many of our members were at the game. Quite a few also contacted me to inform me of being unwell.
In the event, it was decided to carry tonight’s business forward to the November meeting, which will be the AGM.
Next meeting will be our Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 19th November 2013 at 7.45
All welcome.
Yours for Scotland,
Duncan Fenton
Convenor, Society of William Wallace |
The Society of William Wallace September
Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 17th September 2013 in Elderslie Village Hall. 8.00pm.
Duncan Fenton, Petra Segrodnik, Amber McCann, Murron Rose & Scotia Ann McCann, George Kempik, Harry & Dianne McAlister,Gary Stewart, Abbey Stewart, Gordon Aitken, Brian McCutcheon, Neil Lochiel, Richard Quinn, Irene Clarke, Lily Love.
George Boyle, Guillamme De Mari, William Wallace, Mary E King, Bill Pollok, Val Pollok, Gini Craig, Karen Owens.
The meeting was opened by Society Convenor, Duncan Fenton, who outlined safety procedures in the hall.
Duncan gave a special welcome to Harry McAlister, former convener of The Society of William Wallace, and his wife Diane, who live in Seattle USA and are currently on holiday in Scotland.
He then introduced the Office Bearers in turn and the following is a summary of their activities.
Treasurer’s Report
This was given by Duncan in George Absence, e-mailed to Duncan.
After a very successful Wallace Day, the bank balance is quite healthy.
There are still quite a few Annual membership renewals to come in. Thanks to all who have paid & given generous donations. If you haven’t yet done so, please visit
The King Robert Hotel. Money needs to come in now for the Bannockburn event. The entire stay will cost £125.00.
Shortly we will have a facility to pay a deposit through Paypal or by cheque. Deposit will be £50 per person, to secure your place.
Webmaster’s Report
George is still working on updating the website, which is quite labour-intensive, given the amount of content that we have.
Our Facebook Page continues to grow in readership, with many good ideas coming from folk.
Vice Convenor’s Report
We are still waiting for a response from Glasgow City Council about our planning application.
Gary has applied, on behalf of the Society, to the Weir Trust. It is hoped we can secure funding from them to pay for the construction of the Bell o’ the Brae Memorial.
King James IV, and Flodden commemoration.
Many, largely financial and bureaucratic obstacles, prevented the return of the sword, ring and dagger of the king to Scotland. Work, however, continues in the background.
Gary continues to pursue the chance to get the King James artefacts on loan, maybe for 2014. We had been told that if other items are coming here on loan, the transport costs will be shared & thus lowered considerably.
Gary mentioned the idea of the SOWW adopting the Robroyston Monument. Although Stewart Milne Homes own the land, they do not own the monument, which is supposed to be looked after by Historic Scotland, who sadly, have done nothing to ensure the site is protected from vandalism, graffiti, etc. This has been done by our own members.
This will be discussed further.
Abbey Stewart told the meeting of mistakes in history being taught at her school. She pointed these out to her teachers.
Press & Media Officer’s Report
Irene has noticed that there is much more negativity towards Scotland in the mainstream press & media during the run-up to the Independence Referendum, which will be held next year. This was discussed.
USA Fundraising Co-ordinator’s Report
52% of raffle tickets have been sold.
Randy thanked the Society of William Wallace for their time and comradeship.
The USA website is almost complete.
He has had really positive comments from various events I the US, including The North Virginia Festival and the Scotland County Games.
Randy has provided George with a list of makers and suppliers of leather items.
Randy has requested that any news cuttings pertaing to Wallace & Scotland’s history, be scanned & sent to him for display in the tent. There is a definite lack of Scottish related news making it to the States.
Randy suggested financial sponsorship in the form of “Adopt a Project”, such as The Bell o’ the Brae and The Guardians Trust , within his tent at the events.
Convenor’s Report
Duncan thanked everyone for their input at Wallace Day, which was a huge success.
The SOWW also attended the Stirling Brig Commemoration, run by Ted Christopher. This also had a great turnout. Great speeches by Ted, Rob Gibson, Neil Lochiel & Lesley Matthews, all members of the Society.
Duncan has discussed the possibility of launching a commemorative coin for the Bannockburn 700 anniversary. Interested parties are, the Clanranald Trust & the Bannockburn Heritage Centre. Costs & profits will be shared.
Christine attended the Flodden 500 Anniversary. She wore the “Flodden” plaid that she wove specially to mark the event. After trying to register the tartan, the name “Flodden” hy with ad already been taken. It was suggested to her to name it “Flooers o’ the Forest”. This has now been accepted.
Well done Christine.
Her specially woven “Bannockburn 700” tartan will be on display at the visitor centre next year.
Petra is looking into the possibility of a delegation of Society members travelling to Germany the next time the Lubeck Letter goes on display there.
It was noted that there was very little coverage of Wallace Day in the Paisley Daily Express, which has always devoted a 2 page spread in the past.
Harry McAlister, former convener of The Society, then spoke to the group present and thanked everyone in The Society of William Wallace for all of their work.
The meeting ended at 9.30p.m
With thanks to Lily for the refreshments and eats afterwards!
Yours for Scotland,
Duncan Fenton
Convenor, Society of William Wallace
The Society of William Wallace AUGUST
Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 20th August 2012 in Elderslie Village Hall. 8.00pm.
Duncan Fenton, Gordon Aitken, Gini Craig, Brian McCuthcheon, Irene Clarke, Bill Pollock, Val Pollok, Lesley Matthews, James McCleary, Richard Quinn, George Boyle, Steve Murray, Randy Dedrickson, Barry Hallenburg, Chris MacLeod, Gary Stewart.
Guillamme De Mari, Mary E. King, Karen Owens, Susan Coghill. Jean Millar, Archie Millar, Tom Lavelle, Isobel Lavelle.
The meeting was opened by Society Convenor, Duncan Fenton, who outlined safety procedures in the hall.
He then introduced the Office Bearers in turn and the following is a summary of their activities.
Treasurer’s Report
George reported on the End of Year Accounts of the income and expenditure of the Society, which included: a new set of t-shirts, room hire, wreaths, and a drinks licence for Wallace Day.
Everything has been paid for Wallace Day.
Money is still to come in for the tartan.
The balance, however, remains healthy.
Bannockburn Hotel : money needs to come in now for the Bannockburn event. The entire stay will cost £125.00. The Society will check with the hotel regarding numbers allowed before gig only tickets can be made for sale at £25.00 for the evening. Details will be posted on our website & Facebook page soon.
Webmaster’s Report
George reminded everyone that he was happy to receive news and pictures related to the Society to share on the website.
The website will be updated soon.
Facebook : numbers are over 8,000, and is very busy.
Vice Convenor’s Report
Gary reported that the latest Bell o’ the Brae application has been submitted.
The builder of the statue is still to be found. A representative from Strathleven Artizans has volunteered to assist.
Press & Media Officer’s Report
Irene has complained to the BBC regarding the drama serial The White Queen as it is English history and promoted as British History.
Discovery channel and STV are both doing items on the life of Wallace in the next year.
Convenor’s Report
King James IV sword, dagger and ring.
This will not be returning to Scotland in time for the Flodden Commemoration through the extraordinarily high cost of insurance and transport.
The debate as to the authenticity continues and will be monitored by vice convener, Gary Stewart.
Schools Poetry competition. Duncan & Gary are involved in coordinating a competition to raise awareness of the Bell o’ the Brae and for the poem to be inscribed on the future statue. MSP’s Fiona Hyslop and Mike Russell are to be included in the shortlist and deciding the winner.
Duncan then handed over to the convener of Wallace USA, Randy Dedrickson, who, with his wife Barry, was present at the meeting, having just arrived from the USA that morning and especially to be present at Wallace Day, when he will be one of the speakers.
USA Fundraising Co-ordinator’s Report
Randy talked about his work at events like Grandfather Mountain Games, and future work at The North Virginia Scottish Festival, and others including North Carolina and Richmond.
He gave $1000 to the Society, raised recently at events.
He also gave all of our office bearers a specially made wooden pendant, with Wallace’s face on it, made by carver Jim Calder.
Also, he handed over 2 bags of Wallace coins & ADM coins.
He showed a number of items, which his group have fundraised for and purchased, which greatly enhance the profile of The Society of William Wallace in the USA. These included beautiful high quality printed fabric banners, used as story boards, which were re-useable, easily transported and looked fantastic.
Randy also offered ideas for future fundraising merchandise including flags, and leather goods, of which he showed high quality samples.
This led on to a discussion on coins and display. Lots of ideas were flowing. As a result, it was suggested that part of a meeting be set aside to produce a shortlist of future coins.
The members present were all greatly impressed by the quality, professionalism and attention to detail that Randy has put into all of his work so far. Duncan, on behalf of all members present, thanked Randy for all of his work, which is greatly appreciated.
Duncarron Fort.
The Clanranald Trust have come up with a great idea of “sponsor a log” to help raise funds. The website contains details of how you can do so. Duncan suggested doing this in the name of the SOWW, one for the late Davie Ross & Lachlan McCann.
The Speakers for Wallace Day are now confirmed as coming from Scotland, Greece, Germany and the USA.
Society Christmas get together. Elderslie Bowling Club, a date has been pencilled in for 7th December. Thanks to Jean and Archie for organizing this.
Axe. David’s axe is to be raffled separately on Wallace Day. Tickets are £5.
Duncan has printed out posters & tickets for this.
Memorial Bench. Gordon Aitken is looking into an existing tree stump being converted into a lasting memorial to Lachlan near the Falkirk Cairn in Callander Park.
The meeting ended at 9.30p.m
With special thanks to Lily for the refreshments and eats afterwards!
Next meeting will be on Tuesday 17th September 2013 at 7.45
All welcome.
I thank you all & hope to see you all again next year.
It will be 2014.
It will be bigger & better, with hopefully a brighter future.
Yours for Scotland,
Duncan Fenton
Convenor, Society of William Wallace
The Society of William Wallace JULY
Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 16th July 2013 in Elderslie Village Hall. 8.00pm.
Duncan Fenton, Irene Clarke, Lily Love, Jean Millar, Archie Millar, George Boyle, Chris MacLeod, Tommy McGrory.
Gary Stewart, William Ballantyne, Anne Gladwell, Tom Lavelle, Isobel Lavelle, Susan Coghill, Neil Lochiel, James Crawford Wallace, Bill Pollock, Val Pollock, Brian McCutcheon, Gini Craig, Andy Middleton.
Pre business news.
The visit to Rothesay on the 11th of July was a great success, organised by members of the Society. A fitting tribute was paid to the Men of Bute who gave their lives at Falkirk in 1298. Numerous speeches were made and wreaths laid.
A presentation was made by the former Keeper of Records and accepted by Christine MacLeod, of a framed certificate of the record of The Society tartan which was woven on the island.
The meeting was opened by Society Convenor, Duncan Fenton, who outlined safety procedures in the hall.
He then introduced the Office Bearers in turn and the following is a summary of their activities.
Treasurer’s Report
Bank balance lower than normal, but expenditure has been higher than usual, hut there is still money to come in for tartan, etc. This month contributions towards assisting Lachlan’s family at this sad time are outlined in the accounts of The Society.
Coins have been sold and are available for sale.
The balance, however, remains healthy.
Webmaster’s Report
George reminded everyone that he was happy to receive news and pictures related to the Society to share on the website.
Vice Convenor’s Report
Duncan gave Gary’s report in his absence.
Gary & Duncan had a meeting with Education Scotland to firm up an idea for a Glasgow-wide schools poetry competition. The winner of this would see his/her poem on a brass plaque on the Battle of the Bell o’ the Brae Memorial, outside Provand’s Lordship.
The meeting was constructive, with us receiving very good advice & offers of help on how to go about this.
Another £180.00 fee was required to be paid for the resubmission fee. Artist Andy Hllhouse, has spoken to Liz Davidson of planning directly.
King James IV artefacts. Dr. Elspeth King has completed all the required forms for the loan agreement, to take place this year. All we have to do now is wait for confirmation.
Press & Media Officer’s Report
Irene told us that Ridley Scott, director of Gladiator & many other blockbusters, is to make a mini-series about William Wallace. Linked to the Discovery Channel, this will be based on the works of the late Nigel Tranter.
STV are already working on their own production, based on Wallace.
Archeologists have found what they believe may be the world’s oldest calendar, in Aberdeenshire. In the form of a series of pits, they seem to track the phases of the moon, from 10,000 years ago.
Irene and Paul were recently at Portobello with Amber, Scotia and Murron who all had a great day out.
Regarding Wallace Day, Irene and Paul have organised the purchase of drinks, on a local sale or return basis and have a fridge for use behind the bar.
USA Fundraising Co-ordinator’s Report
Duncan read out Randy’s report
SOWW tent was a huge hit at the Grandfather Mountain Highland Games.
The new storyboards were well received, as were the new Andrew de Moray coins.
Several folk asked to join the Society & were referred back to our main website.
The worst weather for 14 years washed out the Sunday. The new website in the US will be ready in late July & will then be linked to the main site in Scotland.
57 claymore raffle tickets now sold.
New life-size display of William Wallace in front of the tent, prompting people to compare themselves next to it.
Eric dropped off the remaining t-shirts that WUSA had left over. Randy did a deal with Eric to sell remaining copies of Davie Ross’s books they still have in stock.
Jim did sweet potatoes carvings for the kids who attended.
Duncan expressed his thanks to Randy for all of his hard work on behalf of the Society.
Convenor’s Report
Duncan began by welcoming Tommy, a new visitor to the meeting, who later showed the group his intentions to stage a musical in Glasgow. Finance permitting, it will feature Scottish youth groups with modern Scottish classics. All who saw the preview on laptop were impressed by the professionalism of the presentation.
He has asked us to look over the script to check details, chronological order, etc.
Duncan sent a thank you letter to Councillor Andy Doig, for his help in securing funding from Renfrewshire Council.
Tulliallan Pipes & Drums have again been booked for Wallace Day.
John Mackay sent leaflets for the forthcoming Wallace 700 commemoration in Aberdeen.
Duncan reported on the recent commemoration in Rothesay. A great day, with beautiful weather, we all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Duncan & Gary were invited into Bute Radio to give an interview regarding the commemoration. Thanks to Robert McGowan for interviewing us. A full report will appear on the website shortly.
Duncan again thanked all those involved, especially Marion MacMillan, for making the memorial event to the Men of Bute a success.
Minute Secretary
Christine showed members the framed certificate, backed by our tartan, which was presented to her by the former Keeper of the Register of Tartans in Scotland, George McKenzie. This took place at our Men of Bute Commemoration in Rothesay in July.
As mentioned last month, Christine was chosen to weave the tartan to commemorate the 700th anniversary of Bannockburn, by the National Trust of Scotland. She brought along a length of it to show us, & explained the significance of the colours & the sett.
It represents an important piece of history, woven into cloth.
We discussed the need to take deposits for the King Robert Hotel stay, which will be in June next year. Once we get the deposits in, we will get a good idea of numbers attending.
George has booked the Bowling Club next door to the hall for this year’s Xmas party. It will be on Friday 6th December.
Duncarron Fort. It was suggested that the Society should “Sponsor a Log”, a fundraising project to help finance the building of the fort.
Duncan has expressed his condolences to Lachlan’s family. His funeral was a very moving experience and he thanked all of the members of the Society who attended and who did all they could throughout a difficult time. The Society intends to continue to support Amber and the girls as much at it can.
The meeting ended at 9.30p.m
With special thanks to Lily for the refreshments and eats afterwards!
Next meeting will be on Tuesday 20th August 2013 at 7.45
All welcome. |
The Society of William Wallace JUNE
Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 18th June 2013 in Elderslie Village Hall. 8.00pm.
Duncan Fenton, Gary Stewart, Steve Murray, William Ballantyne, Anne Gladwell, Tom Chalmers, Lesley Matthews, Daryl Matthews, Irene Clarke, James McCleary, Jean Millar, Archie Millar, Tom Lavelle, Isobelle Lavelle, Paul Ballantyne, Richard Quinn, George Boyle, Chris MacLeod.
Susan Coghill, Neil lochiel, James Crawford Wallace, Guillaume De Mari, Mary E King, Robert Burns, Bill Pollock, Vall Pollock, Brian McCutcheon, Gini Craig, Abbey Stewart, Charli Stewart, Andy Middleton.
The meeting was opened by Society Convenor, Duncan Fenton, who outlined safety procedures in the hall.
He then introduced the Office Bearers in turn and the following is a summary of their activities.
Treasurer’s Report
George reported on the End of Year Accounts of the income and expenditure of the Society, which are an increase on last month.
Money is still to come in for the tartan. Bank balance remains healthy.
Webmaster’s Report
George reminded everyone that he was happy to receive news and pictures related to the Society to share on the website.
Vice Convenor’s Report
BBC reporting of James the IV, in a programme on Flodden 1513, descried him as king of Britain. A letter of complaint was sent.
Rothesay 13th July. George MacKenzie, Mike Russell have agreed to attend. Tartan makers James Sprint and Ken MacDonald from Paisley will also be invited. Isobel Strong, Provost of Argyll & Bute may also attend.
Gary will contact Cal Mac ferry company, to inquire about a group discount.
Bell O’ the Brae. Andy Hillhouse’s new design is stunning and do not see any problems getting passed through planning dept of Glasgow City Council.
Gary & Duncan attended a meeting with Education Scotland, to propose plans for a Glasgow wide schools poetry competition, with the winning poem being placed on the monument.
Gary has done another school talk on Wallace.
Press & Media Officer’s Report
Irene reported on the Govan Fair booklet, which ran a story on the strong handloom weaving industry before the shipyards took over the area.
USA Fundraising Co-ordinator’s Report
Randy is prepared for Grandfather Mountain Games. The SOWW will have two 15 x 15 spaces.
New story boards made covering subjects of; Battles of Falkirk & Stirling Bridge, Braveheart – Fact or Fiction, & the map of the route through London which Wallace was dragged to his execution. Pending approval from Glasgow City Council Planning Department, one will be made on the Bell o’ the Brae memorial.
David’s axe has been posted to Duncan. Discussion by Society members on how best to raise funds for 2014 fund through a raffle to continue. Duncan will make up posters & tickets.
Convenor’s Report
We received a thank you letter from Ardrossan Castle Heritage Society for our involvement at the Castle last month. £800 was raised. Radnall Archaeology will conduct an archaeological dig at the end of July 2013.
Another thank you letter from Barmulloch Gala Day organisers, for our participation.
Bannockburn event. Duncan has been in touch with Scott MacMaster, property manager of site. Meet at 1314. March at 1.30pm. As the site is being redeloved, we won’t be able to get access to the Borestone, but will lay our wreaths outside the surrounding fence.
Duncarron Fort . Duncan visited during their recent open day. He reported that it is coming on a treat.
Our friend, Lachlan McCann is fighting a terrible illness, & had asked if we could help him to achieve one of his ambitions, to revisit the National Wallace Monument. However, as a wheelchair user, that had eluded him. So, “Wheels for Wallace II” was born. On the Saturday, over 30 of us arrived at the base of the Abbey Craig & took turns to push Lachlan to the top.
There, they were invited into a wee private room to recreate their first date there, 15 years before, with clootie dumpling & cream!
Sadly, 4 days later, he passed away at home. Many members will attend his funeral.
New coins. Candidates for next subjects were discussed, including Bruce, and the Black Douglas . Now £10.00 incl. postage. A shortlist of 10 future possibilities to be made at the next meeting. Proportion of money raised on each coin will go to artist Andy Hillhouse for his stunning design.
Tartan. Chris told the story of the finishing of the new Battle of Bannockburn tartan on the loom in Weaver’s Cottage. She also described the next piece to be woven…in memory of Flodden.
Wallace Day entertainers now confirmed. Albannach, Skiltron & Ted Christopher.
It was decided that Lachlan& Amber’s latest addition to their family, Murron, will be sent 0.5 metre of our tartan in time for her naming ceremony & a framed certificate of membership.
The meeting ended at 9.30pm
With special thanks to Lily for the refreshments and eats afterwards!
Next meeting will be on Tuesday 16th July 2013 at 7.45
All welcome. |
The Society of William Wallace
Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 21st May 2013 in Elderslie Village Hall. 8.00pm.
Duncan Fenton, Tom Chalmers, Irene Clarke, Abbey Stewart, Lily Love, Brian McCutcheon, Gini Craig, Lesley Matthers, James McCluaag, James Wallace, Archie Millar, Jean Millar, Steve Murray, William Ballantyne, Anne Gladwell, George Boyle, Gordon Aitken, Richard Quinn, Chris MacLeod.
Susan Coghill. Neil Lochiel, Isobelle Lavelle, Tom Lavelle, Karen Owens.
The meeting was opened by Society Convenor, Duncan Fenton, who outlined safety procedures in the hall.
He then introduced the Office Bearers in turn and the following is a summary of their activities.
Treasurer’s Report
George reported that despite the output of money for items such as coin production, Avoch , Loudoun Hill, and the tartan money yet to be recovered, the balance remains healthy.
The recent Loudoun Hill commemoration cost us around £200. The Strathleven Artizans contributed £100 to the cost of the day, very much appreciated. Outgoings included the battle re-enactment group, Swords of Dalriada, the buffet, & the evening entertainment.
All in all, not bad.
George had organised a gift for our friend, Gerald, as a thank you for all the work he has done for us. It was a framed piece of the Wallace Tartan with two of the Wallace coins, both sides displayed. Duncan presented this to Gerald at Loudoun Hill.
Not to be outdone, Gerald gave us another flag he had done for the Society! Many thanks, Gerald.
Webmaster’s Report
Website is doing fine & reaching many members across the world. Our Facebook page is also gaining a lot of support & is not far off 8,000 likes.
George reminded everyone that he was happy to receive news and pictures related to the Society to share on the website.
Vice Convenor’s Report
Gary spoke about our recent involvement in Ardrossan, helping to raise awareness of the perilious state of Ardrossan Castle, so that something can be done about it. The last we heard, they had raised £800 on the day. Our friend, Petra, visited us yet again. Later, we took her to visit the Strathleven Artizans’ Robert the Bruce Centre, in Renton.
Bell o’ the Brae memorial
Glasgow City Council has rejected our latest design, but have indicated that they like one of the previous designs. We will now focus on that one. Andy Hillhouse will now provide a more detailed design to put before the planning department.
Wallace Coffin
Gary spoke to Ken Thomson the marketing manager with Stirling Tourism, with a view to displaying the Wallace Coffin & Davie Ross’s ‘Walk for Wallace’ plaid in the National Wallace Monument, in Stirling.
King James IV artefacts
Gary has spoken to Dr. Elspeth King, director of the Stirling Smith Art Gallery & Museum. She has agreed to submit a formal application for the loan of these items from the College of Arms in London. Hopefully, they will be on display in September, to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Battle of Flodden.
Gary did another school talk on the history of Scotland during Wallace’s time.
We have been asked to attend the “Gallus Games”, next year, an alternative to the Commonwealth Games.
Minute Secretary’s Report
Christine attended the recent Battle of Prestonpans Tapestry exhibition, in Anchor Mill, in Paisley. An amazing piece of work, done by hundreds of people.
As Christine will be weaving the official Bannockburn Tartan, for the unveiling of the new visitor centre next year, she suggested that members come to see it on the loom at the NTS property of the Weavers Cottage in Kilbarchan. The cut-off date for the piece will be 14th June.
Press & Media Officer’s Report
Irene reminded everyone of the booking of The King Robert Hotel for the commemoration next year. The cost is £125.00 inclusive of dinner, bed and breakfast and entertainment from at least 4 top entertainers. A real bargain.
We’ll be giving details on how to book soon.
On behalf of The Society, she gave condolences to Jean and Duncan on the loss of Jeans mum and dad.
She praised the BBC (for once!) for their production of the wildlife series Hebrides.
USA Fundraising Co-ordinator’s Report
Read out by Duncan.
18% of raffle tickets now sold for the claymore, drawn on 2nd January next year.
Awaiting receipt of the new Andrew de Moray coins. These will then be posted to the SOWW in Scotland.
Still working on a venue for the Guinness World record attempt for next year.
Website design is nearly complete. When it is finished, both sites will be linked.
All six cloth storyboards are now finished.
The guy who made them has also made a flag showing the Wallace Tartan, with the SOWW logo in the centre. Two of these will be sent to the SOWW in Scotland for use at events.
We are in the process of making table top storyboards depicting the historical aspects of the Battle of Stirling Bridge, Falkirk, the route Wallace was taken to London and SOWW activities. This will be a new display to provide festival attendees with a more historical perspective on Wallace and SOWW. Our goal is to start winning best Festival display. Gary has been a big help getting some of this information together. We get a lot of questions on this from Festival attendees.
George is helping us make a life size banner of William Wallace. This too will help tell the story of William Wallace and be a great prop for picture takers.
Carver, Jim Calder has been installed as Vice President. He has been very positive & a huge help.
Convenor’s Report
Duncan thanked our two newest speakers, Tom Chalmers & Lesley Matthews, who performed well at the foot of Loudoun Hill, despite the atrocious weather. Duncan also thanked William & Anne, who organised the whole event. A good turn out, despite the adverse conditions.
Randy has sent the axe belonging to the late Davie Ross from the USA. It hasn’t arrived yet, but we’re tracking it. It will be raffled on Wallace Day this year.
We have been contacted by Kym Fletcher, who has opened the Wallace Tea Rooms, in Lanark. We have offered to go along to publicise this.
Duncan suggested that we book the Bowling Club next door for our Xmas party again this year. Last year, as the local pub that we normally used had closed, we were fortunate enough that Jean & Archie Miller managed to book the Club & managed to get someone to do a buffet, all at the last minute. We will be more prepared this year.
Malcolm has given his Wallace replica sword to the armourers, so they can reproduce it. Malcolm has promised a copy for the Society to use at events, a very generous gesture. It is taking longer than anticipated, so Malcolm has given Duncan another sword to use at events until it is ready. This is much appreciated.
Tom Chalmers had created a framed piece of the Wallace Tartan with the certificate & registration document. He held a free raffle to attending members. This was won by Gini Craig. Thanks Tom.
Abbey Stewart, Gary’s daughter, suggested the idea of creating a comic book, based on the life of Wallace. This will be discussed further.
Rothesay trip
We discussed booking a minibus for members going to Rothesay to commemorate the Battle of Falkirk with the Men of Bute, who come to Falkirk every year. We thought we should repay the compliment.
This will take place on 13th July, one week before the Battle of Falkirk Commemoration, held in Callendar Park at the cairn.
Thank you letters were received from Shawlands Primary School, for our recent attendance. One was also sent to us to pass on to David O’Hara.
Our next event will be Barmulloch Gala Day on 1st June.
Wallace Day
Different ideas were discussed for this year’s events, including a £1 coin roll, for nearest to the bottle of deluxe whisky. This was donated by Steve Murray.
The meeting ended at 9.30pm.
With special thanks to Lily for the refreshments and eats afterwards!
Next meeting will be on Tuesday 18th June 2013 at 7.45
All welcome. |
The Society of William Wallace
Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 16th April 2013 in Elderslie Village Hall. 8.00pm.
Duncan Fenton, Tom Chalmers, Irene Clarke, Lily Love, George Boyle, Jean Mi llar, Archie Millar, Isabelle Lavelle, Tom Lavelle, Neil Lochiel, Brian McCutcheon, Gordon Aitken, Mae Duggan, Charli Stewart, Abbey Stewart, Chris MacLeod
Bill Pollock, Val Pollock, Karen Owens, Jennifer Boyle, Michael Reid, Susan Coghill.
The meeting was opened by Society Convenor, Duncan Fenton, who outlined safety procedures in the hall. A special welcome was extended to Kim Hjelmgaard, a journalist from USA Today.
He then introduced the Office Bearers in turn and the following is a summary of their activities.
Treasurer’s Report
George reported on the End of Year Accounts of the income and expenditure of the Society, which are an increase on last month. The balance remains healthy.
Webmaster’s Report
The website is looking good and our Facebook page is nearing 8,000 hits.
Members present discussed appropriate use of language on Facebook by some contributers. The use of expletives and other bad language is not welcome, particularly as we encourage children to use the site for educational purposes.
The administrators have to be vigilant & be ready to remove any offensive comments.
George reminded everyone that he was happy to receive news and pictures related to the Society to share on the website.
Vice Convenor’s Report
The memorial to the Battle of the Bell o’ the Brae.
Duncan and Gary met with the designer & artist recently and are very happy with the idea so far. An interactive and innovat ive design. It is on a scale and style similar to that on Loudoun Hill. It also has the potential to have signatures of donors lasered on to the artwork, which may encourage interest from far and wide.
The convenor and vice convenor of the Society are continuing to keep a close watch on the plans for the return of artefacts belonging to King James IV.
Gary got a call from a newspaper reporter who was doing a story about Paulo di Canio, who had been appointed the new Sunderland manager. It seems his hero is Mussolini, & he had likened Mussolini to William Wallace in an interview.
Gary pointed out why they were so different people & set the record straight.
Press & Media Officer’s Report
Irene reminded everyone of the booking of The King Robert Hotel for the commemoration next year. The cost is £125.00 inclusive of dinner, bed and breakfast and entertainment from at least 3 top entertainers. Evening buffet is also included in the price.
We’ll start taking deposits soon to ensure your place in this one-off chance to be a part of history.
Irene highlighted an email from member Willie Douglas regarding the Battle of Flodden. The BBC had referred to King James IV as a British monarch!
National flag
A discussion was held on the recent press picture of men raising the saltire with a nazi emblem in the centre, which enraged many present that an iconic image should be parodied in such a way. This belittling attitude is becoming more prevalent in the mainstream press.
USA Fundraising Co-ordinator’s Report
Read by convener Duncan Fenton. Randy has begun selling raffle tickets for next year’s claymore draw. 10% have already been sold for the draw in January.
A new coin depicting Andrew De Moray will be going into production shortly.
Design from Andy Hillhouse has been approved.
There will possibly be a Douglas one and a Bruce one in time for 2014.
Randy has had colour story boards put onto canvas which can be unrolled at events in the SOWW tent. A great idea.
Tartan Day South brought in $300 through talks given by Randy. This will cover all expenses & go towards the cost of the cloth story boards.
Convenor’s Report
Radio Times
Braveheart…Radio Times interview with Dr.Fiona Watson. The editor had taken her comments out of context and put her words next to other parts of the report, which gave a totally different impression from what she intended. Duncan felt that this reflected badly on the integrity of the historian. Knowing Fiona was unhappy with this, Duncan wrote to the editor seeking a clarification & an apology to Dr. Watson.
At a recent trip to Bannockburn, Duncan had a chat with manager Scott McMaster. The work on the new visitor centre is ahead of schedule & will be ready in time for next year’s 700th anniversary. They also discussed archaeological digs around the area.
Before the meeting began, Duncan & Gary gave an interview, recorded by our guest, Kim Hjelmgaard, for USA Today.
Ardrossan Castle
We will be helping out at an event at ASDA, Ardrossan on 27th April, with Society members in full regalia! This has been organised by the Ardrossan Castle Heritage Society, who are highlighting to the public, the poor state of the castle, s o that more can be done to preserve it.
Our friend Petra will be visiting Scotland at this time & will join us. From there we will pay a visit to the Robert the Bruce Heritage Centre, to meet up with the Strathleven Artizans.
Duncan dropped in to the Tom Weir fundraiser in Gartocharn & donated a bottle for their raffle.
Minute Secretrary’s Report
Christine MacLeod reported to all present that she has designed the new Battle of Bannockburn tartan. She will weave the first piece in Weaver’s Cottage in Kilbarchan. Scarves will then be produced by Johnstons of Elgin for sale in the new Bannockburn Centre in time for the 2014 commemoration. Details of the sett, and the Wallace sett can be seen on the Scottish register of Tartans website.
Tom Weir event
It was reported that a great time was had by all at the recent Tom Weir night.
Trip to Bute
Michael Matheson, Rothesay MSP. & Cecil Meiklejohn, Falkirk Council leader are to confirm their presence on the day.
Commemoration to be held on the 18th of May
March for Independence
The 21st of September March for Independence in Edinburgh. It is anticipated that there will be so many there, the final destination and speeches have been moved to Calton Hill.
Duncan expressed his thanks to everyone in attendance for their continued support for the Society of William Wallace.
The meeting ended at 9.30pm
With special thanks to Lily for the refreshments and eats afterwards!
Next meeting will be on Tuesday 21st May 2013 at 7.45
All welcome. |
The Society of William Wallace
Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 19th March 2013 in Elderslie Village Hall. 8.00pm.
Duncan Fenton, Tom Chalmers, Irene Clarke, George Boyle, Richard Quinn, Jean Millar, Archie Millar, Isabelle Lavelle, Tom Lavelle, Brian McCutcheon, Gary Stewart, Steve Murray.
Chris MacLeod, Lily Love, Guillaume De Mari, William Ballantyne, Anne Gladwell, Susan Coghill, Nick Brand, Jim Singer, Andy Middleton.
The meeting was opened by Society Convenor, Duncan Fenton, who outlined safety procedures in the hall.
He then introduced the Office Bearers in turn and the following is a summary of their activities.
Treasurer’s Report
George reported that quite a bit of money has come in for the Wallace coins & to pay for the tartan. George handed over a cheque to the manufacturers for the second bolt of cloth. Quite a few memberships have been added recently, too.
The application form for help with funding for Wallace Day is about ready to be submitted.
Webmaster’s Report
The surge in membership may be a result of people looking at our Facebook page & registering interest.
Vice Convenor’s Report
Gary was contacted by member Jimmy Millar, who informs us that Ardrossan Castle is now is a perilous state. This is reported to be where Wallace stormed the castle & killed the whole garrison & threw them into the dungeon. This episode become known as “Wallace’s Larder”. Jimmy is trying to raise awareness & funding to consolidate the castle & will be hosting an event at ASDA on Sat, 27th April, starting at noon. Members agreed to come along to help.
Project to secure the loan of the King James IV artefacts from London is ongoing.
Various people have been contacted to help with this.
Wallace Coffin. Gary has spoken to Ken Thomson, who is Marketing Manager of Stirling District Tourism. He has informed us that they are currently developing plans for a complete refurbishment of the National Wallace Monument. It is hoped that we will be able to display the coffin there.
Bell o’ the Brae memorial.
Gary is arranging a meeting with Andy Hillhouse, who is finalising detailed plans of the design, & the sculptor, Charlie & his wife Helen.
We discussed the possibilities of getting schoolchildren involved through a poem competition or maybe installing a time capsule.
Gary spoke on the phone to an American journalist, based in London, who may be coming to next month’s meeting.
Gary has been contacted by Shawlands Primary School, who have asked us to attend the unveiling of a school project on William Wallace. The pupils have created banners dedicated to Scottish heroes. Gary & Duncan will attend, possibly George too.
Press & Media Officer’s Report
Irene has organised a visit by some committee members to see Katie at the King Robert Hotel, in Bannockburn. There we will hand over a cheque for a deposit for accommodation for members in 2014, for the 700th anniversary of the battle. We will be looking for deposits shortly for members to confirm their intention to use the hotel.
Irene informed members of the recent find of a medieval skeleton of a knight in Edinburgh, covered with a carved graveslab. This was on the site of the 13th Century Blackfriars Monastery.
USA Fundraising Co-ordinator’s Report
A further 50 Wallace coins were mailed and received by George.
We are awaiting the design of the new Andrew de Moray coin.
Our wood carver, Jim Calder, is in the process of making the Wallace Statue in wood. It will be a floor model and stand 3 – 4 feet high. Jim has agreed to attend festivals with us and will be providing wood carving demonstrations and lessons for kids and adults. We expect this will help with foot traffic to our tent. We have attached a couple pictures of his work.
(Randy sent photos of the carver’s work to Duncan, who showed them to members, who were impressed by the quality.)
We have added Tartan Day South to our list of festival to attend. This is the first weekend of April and Celtic Force helped us get in. All Gun shows conflict with festival dates until Sept.
After being denied access to Loch Norman Games last year, which was later blamed on a misunderstanding, Randy & his team have been asked to attend & give three presentations.
The history of Sir William Wallace.
The history of the bagpipes.
The history of Scottish sovereignty.
Convenor’s Report
Duncan reported that the annual Robroyston Fun Day has been cancelled, due to there not being enough staff available. However, our details had been passed on, & we have been asked to attend Barmulloch Gala Day on 1st June. Members have agreed to participate.
We have received the latest design for the Andrew de Moray coin from Andy Hillhouse, which is outstanding. Many thanks to Andy. Duncan showed a photo of the artwork to members. We agreed that this should be the final design & Duncan will forward this to Randy for submission to the manufacturers.
George handed Duncan a cheque for the purchase of the new saltire, which as usual, will be presented to the Andrew de Moray Project, when we attend the annual Flag Raising Ceremony on 18th May.
After being left messages, Duncan phoned journalists Neil Poorans & Mark Entwistle, who wanted input regarding the state of repair of the Kirk o’ the Forest, in Selkirk. This is where Wallace most probably was knighted & made Guardian of Scotland.
Subsequent articles appeared in the Deadline News & the Southern Reporter.
George Thom, of Fiery Jack, contacted Duncan to confirm that this year’s St. Andrew’s Day Rally & March will be held in Whitburn. He asked if a member of the SOWW would like to give a speech. Duncan agreed that one of our members would do so.
We discussed the proposals for the trip to Rothesay on the 13th July.
Duncan is in contact with member Marion MacMillan regarding this.
Duncan read from two magazine articles, brought in by Jean Miller. One was about the largest warship of its kind ever built in Scotland,in 1511, the “Great Michael”.
The other article was about the “Spirit of Scotland” sculpture of William Wallace, by Richard Price. Duncan spoke at the unveiling of this, back in 2004.
Richard Quinn attended the unveiling of a new painting of Wallace & Moray, by Greg Mitchell. This took place in the Radical Road pub in Edinburgh, owned by member, Martin Mitchell. Richard showed members photos of it.
Next meeting will be on Tuesday 16th April 2013 at 7.45
All welcome. |
The Society of William Wallace
Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 19th February 2012 in Elderslie Village Hall. 8.00pm.
Duncan Fenton, Tom Chalmers, Irene Clarke, Lily Love, George Boyle, Richard Quinn, Jean Millar, Archie Millar, Isabelle Lavelle, Tom Lavelle, Neil Lochiel, Chris MacLeod
Guillaume De Mari, James Wallace, William Ballantyne, Anne Gladwell, Susan Coghill.
The meeting was opened by Society Convenor, Duncan Fenton, who outlined safety procedures in the hall.
He then introduced the Office Bearers in turn and the following is a summary of their activities.
Treasurer’s Report
George reported on the End of Year Accounts of the income and expenditure of the Society, which are an increase on last month. The balance remains healthy.
The second bolt of tartan is now ready. The overseas orders will be processed by Ken at Houston Menswear. Many thanks to Ken for this.
Webmaster’s Report
George reported that there were a few technical problems with the web page, due to a new computer system, which will be rectified. Otherwise, all is well.
He reminded everyone that he was happy to receive news and pictures related to the Society to share on the website.
Vice Convenor’s Report
The Battle of the Bell o’ the Brae
Gary reported that he and Duncan had a meeting recently with Glasgow City Council.
They handed in several designs for the memorial, drawn by Andy Hillhouse. They also had a meeting with the sculptor & showed him Andy’s designs. They then discussed which ones we preferred.
Gary reminded all present of the closeness of the 500th commemoration of the Battle of Flodden on the 9th September this year.
Gary & Duncan had a meeting recently with the Scottish Government, to raise awareness of the event & to ask if they would request the return, on loan, of King James IV’s sword, dagger & turquoise ring, currently held in London. It is hoped that these items could be displayed in museums on both sides of the border.
Gary has discussed the Wallace Coffin with Kimberley, who wants it to be placed in the Wallace Monument in Stirling. The potential is there for a whole package of important items to be on show to the public. These will also include Davie’s plaid, sword & a copy of the Walk for Wallave DVD, to be shown in a continuous loop on a monitor.
Gary reported on how pleased he was to be interviewed by his daughter Charli on the return of the Wallace Letter for a project at school!
Gary has booked Ted Christopher for the Loudon Hill commemoration.
Press & Media Officer’s Report
Irene reminded everyone of the booking of The King Robert Hotel for the Bannockburn 700th commemoration next year.
Booked acts include Albannach, Ted Christopher & Fiery Jack. More to be confirmed. If a huge crowd seems to be arriving, which it looks like it will, other venues & other entertainers will be approached to play.
She highlighted the BBC History Magazine article on Edward I “Man of Principle or Grasping Opportunist” by Caroline Burke.
Tartan discovered on roman warrior 1,800 years ago, reported in press in January 2013 as Caledonian Warrior.
Irene also thanked all for their good wishes during her recent illness.
USA Fundraising Co-ordinator’s Report
Duncan read Randy Dedrickson’s report from the USA, which included….
A new supply of the Wallace coin has been mailed.
Designs for the next coin have been discussed. We have decided on Andrew de Moray. Duncan will ask Andy Hillhouse if he could design the coin for us.
Randy has requested that we promote Duncarron Fort in his tent in the US. The members present agreed.
The total number of cars for our Guinness Worldbook Record (GWR) event (“Most MINI Coopers in a Parade”) is now projected to be more than 2,500, which requires more area to conduct the parade, and therefore greatly restricts where we can financially & legally do it. Therefore, the event has been moved to March 2014.
Snow storms prevented us from attending (2) scheduled events. The next available event comes in April.
Festival events we plan to attend in the 2013 season
Loch Norman, North Carolina, April
Grand Father Mountain, North Carolina, July
Virginia Scottish Festival, Virginia, September
Scotland County Games, North Carolina, October
Central Virginia Games, Virginia, October
Jim Calder has agreed to make a one-off statuette of William Wallace This will stand 18- to 24-inches high. Jim has agreed to make one per year for SOWW. We will raffle them off to generate more funds for SOWW. He also offered points-of-contact to have smaller bonze models made; we will look into this as another source of funds for SOWW.
Convenor’s Report
Duncan thanked the membership for re-electing him as Society Convenor & pledged to continue to do his best for the Society.
Duncan led the discussion on the article on James IV in The Times. He has been in touch with Dr Tony Pollard regarding the matter, who has agreed to help with securing a loan of these items. The photograph which appeared in the paper is the only time that Duncan knows of that these photographs have been made public.
Until recently, the only images available online were one sketch & an engraving.
Duncan attended the commemoration of the second Battle of Falkirk, 1746.
Our German friend, Petra, got in touch to say that member Iain Turnbull had been admitted to hospital following a severe illness. Duncan sent a card on behalf of the Society, to wish him well on the road to recovery. We had a wee inprompu visit to Lachlan & Amber, to see Scotia, Murron Rose. Welcome to another wee patriot who will be brought up to help secure Scotland’s future.
Martin Mitchell, who owns The Radical Road Pub in Edinburgh had been in touch encouraging all to visit to see a commissioned painting of Wallace & Moray by Greg Mitchell. He has commissioned a further two paintings, one of the Scottish army & a Burns portrait.
Christine MacLeod was presented with a walking stick made by Tam for her part in the Wallace Centenary Memorial Tartan. This shows a photo of Christine with the tartan. She was delighted with it!
William Ballantyne sent his apologies but also sent suggestions for future events including a sponsored walk from The Wallace Memorial to Paisley Abbey.
He also raised the subject of making more Wallace merchandise, including leather wallets, embroidered patches, car stickers, etc.
Duncan reminded everyone that all ideas are welcome.
Society member Jean Millar had suggested contacting Councillor Andy Doig regarding funding for Wallace Day from council Common Good Fund.
Duncan has done this & received a form to fill in giving our details. This was handed to George at the meeting.
The annual Wallacewell School Fun Day has been cancelled.
On the 30th of March there will be a Tom Weir event at The Bungalow Bar in Paisley. Acts booked include Albanach, Fiery jack, The Pumpin jehosafatz, Ted Christopher, Contrast & more. Proceeds will go to raise funds for a statue to the legendary Tom Weir.
Well done to Leo MacKinnon for all her hard work on this.
Duncan expressed his thanks to everyone in attendance for their continued support for the Society of William Wallace.
Thanks to Lily for providing the tea, coffee & snacks after the meeting.
Next meeting will be on Tuesday 18th March 2013 at 7.45pm
All welcome.
The Annual General Meeting Of The Society of William Wallace
And the minutes of the meeting thereafter on Tuesday 15th January 2013
at Elderslie Village Hall at 8.00pm
Duncan Fenton, Tom Chalmers, Jean Millar, Archie Millar, Tom Lavelle, Isobel Lavelle, Chris MacLeod, Neil Lochiel, Richard Quinn, William Ballantyne, Anne Gladwell, Gordon Aitken, Lesley Matthews.
Bill Pollok, Val Pollok, Andy Middleton, , Karen Owens, Gary Stewart, Irene Clarke, Ziggy Wilson, Craig Wilson
The Convener of the Society, Duncan Fenton, welcomed everyone to the meeting and outlined the procedures to be taken in the event of fire alarm activation.
Duncan then stepped down as convenor and the meeting was chaired by the treasurer, George Boyle.
The following is a record of the election of Office Bearers for the year 2013
Convener. Duncan Fenton
Vice Convener. Gary Stewart
Treasurer George Boyle
Secretary. Andy Middleton
Minutes. Christine MacLeod
Webmaster. George Boyle
Press and Media Officer. Irene Clarke
Merchandise Officer. Ziggy Wilson
Assistant Merchandise Officer. Craig Wilson
Social Convener. Lily Love
US Fundraising Officer. Randy Dedrickson
Committee Members. Archie Millar, Gordon Aitken and William Ballantyne
The following is a record of the meeting thereafter
Convenor Duncan introduced the office bearers and each gave their reports in turn.
Treasurer’s Report
George reported on the End of Year Accounts of the income and expenditure of the Society, which, considering the amount achieved by the Society in the past year, remain healthy.
Webmaster’s Report
George reported that the website is up to date and is doing well. He reminded everyone that he was happy to receive news and pictures related to the Society to share on the website.
Vice Convenor’s Report
Gary was also unable to attend this meeting, Duncan read his report.
Duncan reported that he, Gary and George had another meeting with Glasgow City Council Planning Department regarding the memorial to the battle of The Bell o’the Brae. All are happy with the choice of site near the High Street and adjacent to Provand’s Lordship. Duncan and Gary met with the sculptor & discussed Andy Hillhouse’s designs for the memorial. Another meeting with the council was scheduled for February.
Press & Media Officer’s Report
Irene was unable to attend this meeting through illness and all present wished her a speed recovery.
Convenor’s Report
The Christmas night at Elderslie Bowling club, although small in numbers was a great success. The catering was good and Ted Christopher was brilliant as usual. Thanks was given to Jean and Archie Millar for organizing the venue & the buffet at such short notice.
Tribute was made to David Ross at Robroyston by members of The Society on the 3rd Anniversary of his death. Duncan thanked all those who were present on the day.
Duncan read out Randy’s report.
Thanks were expressed on behalf of the Society by Duncan, to Randy for all of his hard work over the past year.
USA Fundraising Co-ordinator’s Report
Randy has recently mailed a cheque, and was thanked by Duncan. Randy has purchased another sword and has begun a new raffle to be drawn in January 2014.
Non-profit status has now been achieved. This means that donations from the USA will be free of tax. It also means that Randy will be eligible for entry at future US events, where there have been minor problems in the past.
Randy has sold all of his supply of Wallace commemorative coins and has ordered another batch. Half of these will be sent to George for sale here.
A commissioned carving of the Wallace statue in Baltimore will be raffled this year.
Randy also sold some t-shirts and coins at recent events.
A massive event is to be held on the 27th of October on Virginia Beach. The largest number of Mini cooper cars together in a parade, which aims to be in the Guinness Book of Records. This will include 5 pipe and drum bands, Saor Patrol and some celebrities .The Society Of William Wallace logo will be in front on Randy’s car.
The Hogmanay party went very well. All present were shown photographs of the winner of the sword raffle, Max Janusz.
The Axe belonging to David Ross which is in the US will be reviewed by a metallurgist, as it may be a valuable antique, before a decision is made as to what next happens to it.
More tartan has been ordered to fulfill requests.
Wallace USA has now been wound up & will be re-branded & re-launched as “Scotland Aye”. Duncan wished them every success for the future.
Local councillor Andy Doig reported that there was some interest in setting up a Knights Templar Chapter in the West of Scotland. Anyone interested in pursuing this should get in touch with Duncan, who will give his contact details.
Duncan received confirmation from Rob Gibson, Convenor of the Andrew de Moray Project, of the date for the Annual Flag Raising Ceremony in Avoch. It will be 18th May this year.
Tom Chalmers offered to make custom-made walking sticks to raise funds for the Society. Other ideas for fund raising were also explored. One was to look into help from the local Common Good Fund.
Next meeting will be on Tuesday 19th February 2013 at 7.45
All welcome. |
The Society of William Wallace
Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 20th November 2012 in Elderslie Village Hall. 8.00pm.
Duncan Fenton, Tom Chalmers, Jean Millar, Archie Millar, Tom Lavelle, Isobel Lavelle, Chris MacLeod, Neil Lochiel, James McLeary, Richard Quinn, Lily Love.
Bill Pollok, Val Pollok, Andy Middleton, William Ballantyne, Anne Gladwell, Gordon Aitken, Karen Owens, Gary Stewart, Irene Clarke, Lesley Matthews, Eddie McNeill, Malcolm McNeill, Nick Brand, Ziggy & Craig Wilson.
The meeting was opened by Society Convenor, Duncan Fenton, who outlined safety procedures in the hall.
Due to a depleted attendance due to illness, it was suggested that the AGM be postponed until the January meeting, as there is no meeting in December. This was put to the vote & carried.
Duncan continued with the meeting as normal & introduced the Office Bearers in turn and the following is a summary of their activities.
Treasurer’s Report
George reported the bank balance as healthy, with still some money to come in for tartan orders.
Commemorative coins are now on sale and income is being received .
George continues to attend meetings, on behalf of the Society, of the Guardians Trust, the charitable organisation which has been set up to raise funds for the proposed Wallace & Moray statue in Stirling.
Webmaster’s Report
George has checked all links to new additions to the website & everything’s OK. He asks that if anyone spots any omissions or errors, to contact him. Also, if any member wishes something to be put on the site, to e-mail it in.
George commissioned a calendar, supplying photos of our members. They show the various events we were involved in over the past year. The original order is just for four calendars, but if members are interested, more can be ordered.
Vice Convenor’s Report
Gary couldn’t attend due to car trouble, but gave his report to Duncan on the phone.
Gary, Duncan & George attended another meeting with Glasgow City Council Planning Department. Although they don’t like the idea of a cairn, their reasoning being that it works in a rural setting like the Falkirk one in Callander Park, it would be out of place in a city. That said, they seemed to be keen on the idea of a memorial. We discussed designs & possible sites, with quite a few avenues being explored. We left feeling a bit more confident of the outcome than in all the previous meetings.
Gary suggested that the Society organise a trip to Bute next year, preferably just before the annual Falkirk commemoration in July.
A wreath could be laid at the Men of Bute memorial & a few speeches.
We could also meet up with the weavers who the new SOWW tartan.
USA Fundraising Co-ordinator’s Report
Randy has now sold 80% of the claymore raffle tickets.
Randy & the SOWW tent has been accepted for the Richmond Virginia & Raleigh December shows.
He has now sold all of the Wallace coins & a new batch has been ordered.
We will discuss what the next coin in the series should depict. Duncan suggested Andrew de Moray.
Received a letter from the IRS stating that they are processing our application.
Randy has met up with a wood carver, & would like to have a carving of Wallace made to raffle. He has asked for opinions on what image of Wallace to use.
Guinness World Book event has been set for next October.
Randy’s assistant, Tim MacLeod, is organising the second annual David R. Ross Hogmanay Memorial event in Richmond.
Convenor’s Report
Duncan also reported on the meeting for the Bell o’ the Brae memorial. The walled garden behind Provand’s Lordship was suggested as a possible site, so Duncan went along to have a look. It seems that access is restricted with the gates being locked while he was there, so it doesn’t look suitable. The area next to it, however, a paved concourse between Provand’s Lordship & the Barony Church, is available to the public at all times. There is a sundial there with the Glasgow coat of arms on it.
Duncan passed round photos of the area, including an aerial view.
Duncan met up with Malcolm MacNeill & handed back his Wallace claymore. He thanked him for the use of it all year during our events.
Malcolm handed Duncan a collecting tin containing £26, most welcome.
Duncan attended the book launch of Paul Hunter’s first foray into print, a book of childrens’ stories about “Wee Robert the Bruce”. Paul signed his copy & Duncan wished him every success with the book.
Christine informed members that Alan Steele will be giving a talk on Wallace in Paisley library on the evening of Wednesday, 28th November.
Free entry.
Archie informed the meeting that the plaques on the Wallace Monument in Elderslie are in need of attention. There are signs of wear & part of the sword has been missing for a while. This will be looked into.
Due to the closure of the Wallace Tavern, we have been looking for an alternative venue for our annual Xmas party. Jean & Archie have suggested the Bowling Club next door & will speak to them regarding this. Duncan asked if they could also find someone local to do a buffet for us.
Duncan thanked Lily for providing tea & coffee &refreshments, which were much appreciated.
As there will be no December meeting, the next meeting will be on Tuesday 15th January 2013 at 7.45
All welcome. |
The Society of William Wallace
Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 16th October 2012 in Elderslie Village Hall. 8.00pm.
Duncan Fenton, Irene Clarke, Lily Love, James Wallace, Tom Chalmers, Steve Murray, George Boyle, William Ballantyne, Anne Gladwell, Chris MacLeod.
Neil Locheil, Bill Pollok, Val Pollok, Harry MacAlistair, Diane MacAlistair, Susan Coghill, Gary Stewart, Eddie McNeill, Malcolm McNeill, Nick Brand
The meeting was opened by Society Convenor, Duncan Fenton, who outlined safety procedures in the hall.
He then introduced the Office Bearers in turn and the following is a summary of their activities.
Treasurer’s Report
George is happy with the bank balance of the Society following the expenditure, predominantly from Wallace Day and the purchase of tartan.
The Bar raised a substantial sum for the Society, over £700.00.
Also, Lachlan & Amber, with baby Scotia, raised £700 for the Society with their “Wheels for Wallace” campaign.
Sales of the Wallace Centenary Ale were good, with some still available for sale.
George was also pleased to announce that the Guardians of Scotland has now achieved charitable status and will receive a grant from Creative Scotland. As a result there will be an increase in the number of meetings that the Society of William Wallace should receive representation. George asked that another member of the Society could be nominated to share the commitment. Steve offered to assist if possible.
Webmaster’s Report
George has updated the website, adding photos & reports of all the things we got involved in this year.
Our Facebook Page is just short of 6,000 friends.
Tartan: The second bolt will be organised soon.
Meeting with American visitors: George and Chris recently met Donovan and a group of Americans doing a tour of Scotland. They met in Glasgow and had a good night sharing stories about the Society and tartan!
Vice Convenor’s Report
Due to a last-minute hitch, Gary was unable to attend the meeting. Another meeting is scheduled with Glasgow planning department about the Bell o’ the Brae memorial. Gary, Duncan & George will attend.
Press & Media Officer’s Report
A discussion arose within the group of the recent press coverage of the meeting between Alex Salmond and David Cameron on the Independence Question.
Irene and Chris visited Edinburgh Castle on the same day as the march for Independence. Irene was happy with the way that Historic Scotland had portrayed the kings and queens of Scotland on their information boards at the place where the Honours of Scotland, along with The Stone of Destiny, are to be seen.
It was also interesting to see that in the oldest part of the castle, St Margaret’s Chapel, a stained glass window is dedicated to Wallace, the other three being saints of Scotland.
March for Independence: Our Convener, Duncan, made a great speech at the rally in Edinburgh. He was one of 23 speakers. Thanks go to all those from the Society who attended and marched behind the Society of William Wallace Banner. A good evening was had too, with Ted Christopher, who also sung at the rally. A number of the speakers mentioned Wallace as their inspiration.
USA Fundraising Co-ordinator’s Report
News from Randy in America is that he has sold 70% of his raffle tickets.
Randy has asked if it would be possible to get a shield similar to the ones that Gerald made for us this year. He would like it to go on show at the SOWW tent at events.
Coins: Newly made and high quality commemorative Society of William Wallace coins are now available from the Society at the cost of £6. Randy has sent over half of the coins for sale here.They sold well at first sight!
Charles Randoph Bruce’s novel on the Robert the Bruce will possibly make it onto film. They are looking for potential backers & funding in the US. The SOWW have agreed to help advertise it on our webpage & Facebook page.
New Award: The Society members present agreed on a new award of International Member of the Year. All agreed that Randy Dedrickson is to receive this in 2012. This is in appreciation of all the work that Randy has put in on our behalf.
Convenor’s Report
John Mackay sent Duncan the latest Wallace 700 newsletter. This was passed around members.
Wallace Day 2013: We have asked one of our members from Germany, Petra, to speak on Wallace Day. Petra visited Scotland no less than 3 times this year to attend our events!
Malcolm will meet with Duncan to hand back his Wallace Sword, which has featured at all our events this year. A weapons maker has asked to see the sword to make copies of it. Malcolm has promised a copy to the Society. Lovely gesture.
Our artist friend, Andy Hillhouse, has written a book called “William Wallace, The Outlaw Years”. It may be available in Kindle form soon.
A discussion took place on the possibility of asking for a loan of King James IV’s sword, dagger & turquoise ring, to go on display next year in Scotland. This will coincide with the 500th anniversary of the Battle of Flodden, at which James & many of the great & the good of Scotland, lost their lives. These items are kept in the London College of Arms.
Gary & Duncan will look into this.
Christmas meal.
As the Wallace Tavern is now closed, we are looking at the possibility of hiring Elderslie Bowling Club with local caterers providing a buffet, with entertainment from Ted. Details are to be released soon. This was at Jean & Archie’s suggestion.
William suggested video taping one of our meetings to show members who can’t attend, to see what we get up to. Members thought this was a good idea, & it was decided to record our next meeting, the AGM.
George suggested having a special meeting next year to determine what we should do about the Bannockburn commemoration, in 2013 & 2014. Members agreed & we will release details soon.
We recorded a short video message to our Argentinian member, Mariana, to wish her a happy 40th birthday. The more tuneful of us sung Happy Birthday!
Duncan thanked lily for providing refreshments and eats, which were much appreciated.
Next meeting will be our Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 20th November 2012 at 7.45
All welcome.
The Society of William Wallace
Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 18th September 2012 in Elderslie Village Hall. 8.00pm.
Duncan Fenton, Tom Chalmers, Richard Quinn, Lesley Matthews, Irene Clarke, George Boyle, Harry McAlister, Diane McAlister, Andy Middleton, Steve Murray, Gary Stewart, Abbey Stewart, Charli Stewart, Bill Pollock, Val Pollock, James McCleary.
Neil Lochiel, Christine MacLeod, Lily Love, Tom Lavelle, Isobel Lavelle, Archie Millar, Jean Millar, Nick Brand, Malcolm & Eddie Susan Coghill, Goron Aitken, Karen Owens, Ziggy & Craig Wilson, William Ballantyne, Anne Gladwell.
The meeting was opened by Society Convenor, Duncan Fenton, who outlined safety procedures in the hall. Duncan welcomed former Convenor Harry McAlister & his wife Diane, over from Seattle.
He then introduced the Office Bearers in turn and the following is a summary of their activities.
Treasurer’s Report
Bank balance is quite healthy, considering the bolt of tartan has now been paid for, plus all the bands for Wallace Day. Lily made a decent profit, as did Paul & Irene at the bar & Ziggy with the merchandise. Lachlan Amber & Scotia donated £700 which they raised on their “Wheels for Wallace” trek from Falkirk to Elderslie. Well done to them & thank you. A second bolt of the Wallace tartan is due to be ordered, so if want a piece, please contact the webpage or our Facebook page. George will be put a notice up there about this soon.
Webmaster’s Report
George has scanned in the many photos from our latest events which will be on our website soon. Thanks to all who sent in photos.
Vice Convenor’s Report
Gary received an e-mail from Craig Mackay, on the progress of the Bell o’ the brae Cairn. Craig has reported that the Medieval Garden at the corner of George Street and High Street is owned by Scottish Enterprise. He has contacted them & their reply is surprising. They state that the garden may be only temporary. We are of the view that this is nonsense & they may yet be stalling. We will wait for feedback from Sandra White MSP, who was also at the last meeting with Gary & Duncan. Then we will figure out how to proceed.
The Society is considering how to go about asking for the loan of King James IV’s turquoise ring, sword & dirk to Scotland next year, to go on display, possibly at the National Museum of Scotland, in Edinburgh. 2013 will be the 500th anniversary of the Battle of Flodden, where King James met his end. These artefacts are currently housed in the London College of Arms, as spoils of war.
Gary has contacted some people to find out how to go about requesting the loan.
Andy Hillhouse has agreed to advertise his artwork on our website. He will send thumbnail images to George to post up.
Press & Media Officer’s Report
Irene thanked the bar staff & doormen for their hard work on Wallace Day.
She phoned the BBC about an item they broadcast referring to Richard III as “One of the greatest kings in British history”. The BBC continually do this & seem incapable of grasping the fact that Scotland had its own monarchy & parliament at the time of the events that they comment on.
Irene told the members how proud she was to be representing the Society at the Wallace Letters Exhibition at the Parliament.
USA Fundraising Co-ordinator’s Report
Randy has reported that he has now sold 60% of the raffle tickets for the Wallace Sword, which will be drawn next January, on the anniversary of the passing of Davie Ross.
Two of the cloth storyboards for the SOWW tent have been delivered. Four still to come.
Guinness World Record has now been registered. Randy is working out a date with Police dept, Chamber of Commerce & Dept. of Tourism.
Randy Bruce, author of three Robert the Bruce novels, is attracting sponsorship for a Hollywood movie to be made in Scotland. Randy is looking at the possibility of the SOWW becoming involved at some stage. The Clanranald Trust are also on board.
The Wallace coins are due to be delivered any day now.
Last month, Randy sent George $1000 from merchandise sales.
Convenor’s Report
Duncan commented on the events at Wallace Day, Stirling Bridge & the visits to the Scottish Parliament to see the Wallace Letters Exhibition.
Wallace Day was a huge success, with even the torrential rain failing to dampen the spirits of the attendees. He thanked Lachlan, Amber & Scotia for their marvellous sponsored walk & for their donation to the Society. He also thanked Petra for organising medals for those involved. A lovely touch.
Duncan reported that Fiona Hyslop, the Culture Secretary, marched with us at Stirling Bridge, & again mentioned the SOWW for their part in the return of the Wallace Letter.
Letters of thanks sent to Glengoyne Distillery & Kerr’s Bakery for donations of their products. Thanks to all who donated items for the raffle of the bar. Thanks to Allan Allison for donating many whisky miniatures, which were bundled up as prizes.
Thank you to Tracey McCracken Palmer, who also laid one of the wreaths, for donating her painting of the Wallace Monument for auction. Also to Tom Chalmers, who donated 2 framed prints.
Duncan thanked Tulliallan Pipe Band, Fiery Jack, Albannach & Skiltron for providing great entertainment throughout the day & evening.
Also thanked were Greenlaw Graphics, who did all the printing for the display boards supplied by Tom Chalmers.
Thanks to Iain Turnbull for our Centenary Beer & to George who designed the bottle label.
Letter of thanks sent to Miss Burton MBE, who donated the 1912 photo of the unveiling of the Elderslie Monument, presented to us last month by Cllr, Andy Doig & Cllr Stephen McGee. A photo appeared in the Paisley Daily Express. Letter also sent to the Express for their double page coverage of Wallace Day. Tom brought in several copies for distribution to members.
Thanks to Ken MacDonald from Houston Menswear, who helped us with the tartan. George visited him last week & he donated 5 swords to the Society. Much appreciated, Ken.
Duncan went to Cambuskenneth Abbey on Saturday 15th Sept, but the archaeological dig had just been completed. Photos taken & posted on Facebook.
The Society has been asked to attend the March for Independence in Edinburgh on Saturday 22nd. Duncan has been asked to speak.
As the Wallace Tavern is now closed down, Archie e-mailed Duncan to suggest an alternative venue for our annual Xmas dinner. Elderslie Bowling Club, next door, has a suitable hall for hire at competitive rates. This will be investigated further.
Next meeting will be on Tuesday 16th October 2012 at 7.45
All welcome.
Meeting of The Society of William Wallace on
Tuesday 21st August 2012
at Elderslie Village Hall at 8.00pm.
Duncan Fenton, Neil Lochiel, Tom Chalmers, Richard Quinn, John Paterson, Lesley Matthews, Irene Clarke, George Boyle, Councillor Stephen McGee, Councillor Andy Doig, Chris MacLeod, Lily Love
Karen Owens, Gary Stewart, Bill Pollock, Val Pollock, Tom Lavelle, Isobel Lavelle, Archie Millar, Jean Millar, Nick Brand, Malcolm & Eddie McNeill, Ziggy & craig Wilson, Andy Middleton.
Prior to the official start of the meeting…Chris MacLeod showed members and guests present a sample of the new tartan and told the story of the significance of the shades included cloth and the making in Bute Mill.
At a meeting at Chris’s house the previous week, the cloth was cut and distributed, in time for the celebration of the return of the letter of safe conduct to the Scottish Parliament.
The Convener of the Society, Duncan Fenton, welcoming everyone to the meeting , especially two local councillors Andy Doig (Johnstone, Kilbarchan and Lochwinnoch wards) and Stephen McGee (Elderslie and Johnstone).
Both presented The Society with an original press photograph of the unveiling of the Wallace Memorial in 1912. This had been given to councilor Doig by Miss M. H. Burton MBE, of Thornhill Drive, Elderslie. Photographs were taken of the event, which will appear in the local press.
Duncan then introduced the office bearers and each gave their reports in turn.
Treasurer’s Report
George reported on the income and expenditure of the Society.
Income included annual subscriptions. George reminded members that these are usually paid on Wallace Day.
The expenditure was significant due to the organization of Wallace Day and the cost of the bolt of tartan, however, all things considered, the balance is still healthy.
Webmaster’s Report
George reported on the recent updates on the website and facebook. Everyone is welcome to contribute articles directly to the webmaster for inclusion in the site.
Vice Convenor’s Report
Sent his apologies this month. Duncan reported that he continues to keep up to date with all maters related to the Society.
He is in touch with Sandra White regarding developments at Glasgow Cathedral precinct on a cairn to commemorate The Battle of the Bell o’ the Brae. It looks more promising. Gary & Duncan had another meeting with planners at Glasgow City Council, also attended by Craig Mackay & Sandra White. An alternative site was discussed & Gary & Duncan both agreed that this latest meeting was the most positive one to date.
Press & Media Officer’s Report
Irene commented on the recent fantastic trip to Edinburgh by members and friends in support of the return of the letter of safe conduct, the Lubeck letter and the exhibition surrounding them. It was great to have Albannach & Ted Christopher together again, along with all those who helped achieve the Letter’s return.
USA Fundraising Co-ordinator’s Report
The Wallace coin is now being made. Randy e-mailed designs for approval, which the committee agreed with.
The SOWW History Wall, including photos sent by George, is being made into cloth storyboards. These will adorn the walls of the tent at events, & will be easily rolled up & transported.
The Guinness World Book record attempt for the most Mini Coopers in a parade will take place next year, with the target set at 2500. Randy is dealing with logistics with police permission, insurance, permits, etc. George will create a Facebook page for the event.
Upcoming Festivals: Virginia Scottish Games Sept1 and 2, Scotland County Games in North Carolina October 6 and Richmond Games October 20 and 21.
Officials from Clan Wallace have visited Randy’s tent & have been impressed. It seems they want to have closer ties with the SOWW. Maybe a working relationship.
Convenor’s Report
Gary & Duncan were invited to the launch of “Special Delivery – the Wallace Letters” in the Scottish Parliament building on Friday 10th August. The new tartan was proudly displayed & attracted many positive comments. They were given a tour of the exhibition by George McKenzie, keeper of the records, & historian Alan Borthwick, who designed the layout.
The commemorative tartan for the Society centenary was worn again in Edinburgh at the formal reception held in the Parliament. 6 members of the Society were present.
The tartan was much commented upon and had the effect of showing a united group of people. Society members present also met Alison Diamond of the Scottish register of Tartans who was keen to help to register the tartan in time for Wallace Day.
It was an experience to be rubbing shoulders with academics, historians & politicians.
Duncan was able to personally thank the representatives from the museum of Lubeck for their support in enabling the letter to be on show to the people of Scotland alongside the letter of safe conduct. He told them he would try to get the NAS to loan the Wallace Letter to Lubeck when their letter next goes on display in Germany, as a thank you gesture.
Wallace Day Preparations
Duncan thanked Society member Tom Chalmers for his work in providing 3 free standing boards showing some of the activities of the Society. These are collapsible, easily transported and can be used at future promotional events.
Social convener, Lily, asked for donations of baking for use in the tea room.
Duncan will arrange that a wreath be laid on behalf of Wallace USA.
Society member Archie Millar is to lay a wreath at Wallace Day on behalf of the Society in recognition of the many years that he has cared for the condition of the Wallace Memorial.
The bar and tearoom will be open from 12.00 mid day, and the hall from 4.00pm.
The Paisley Daily Express will provide press coverage on Wallace Day.
The Tulliallan Pipes and Drums have agreed to lead the parade on Wallace Day.
A big thank you to all who contributed to the Wheels for Wallace fund raiser for the Society . In addition to Society members Lachlan, Amber and their wee daughter Scotia making an epic journey from Falkirk to Elderslie, there will be a naming ceremony for Scotia on Wallace Day. A big thanks goes to George for the promotional flyers , sponsor forms, all the website work.
Physical assistance was also offered by members present. Any other help would be most welcome. Thanks also to Bill and Val Pollock for their back up throughout.
Chris asked if she could condense the information from press cuttings of the past for ease of use on the website. This was approved by Duncan and all present.
George showed all members present a bound book of photographs and anecdotes on our former convenor, David. George had this done professionally & is a fantastic piece of work. He has gifted it to the Society.
Duncan expressed his thanks to everyone in attendance for their continued support for the Society of William Wallace.
The meeting ended at 9.30p.m
Next meeting will be on Tuesday 18th September 2012 at 7.45
All welcome.
The Society of William Wallace
Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 17th July 2012 in Elderslie Village Hall. 8.00pm
Duncan Fenton, Irene Clarke, Gordon Aitken, Tom Chalmers, Gary Stewart, Abbey & Charli Stewart, Archie Millar, Jean Millar, William Ballantyne, Anne Gladwell, Bill & Val Pollock, Steve Murray, John Patterson, Andy Middleton, Jim Adams, Lachan, Amber & Scotia McCann, George Boyle Betty Burns, Charlotte Wilson
Chris MacLeod, James Wallace, Richard Quinn, Ziggy Wilson, Craig Wilson, Eddie MacNeill, Malcolm MacNeill, Nick Brand, Karen Owens, Susan Coghill, Neil Lochiel, Isobell Lavelle, Tom Lavelle, Lily Love.
The meeting was opened by Society Convenor, Duncan Fenton, who outlined safety procedures in the hall.
He then introduced the Office Bearers in turn and the following is a summary of their activities.
As Christine enjoyed a well-deserved holiday, Duncan recorded the minutes.
Treasurer’s Report
George reported on the income and expenditure of the Society.
More new members have joined since last month.
The deposit has been paid on the new Centenary Tartan. The balance will be due on delivery.
Some members paid some or all of their cost of their new tartan.
Webmaster’s Report
We are now well over 5000 on our Facebook page.
Reports from the latest events have been added to the website.
Vice Convenor’s Report
The card that Andy Hillhouse has created to celebrate the homecoming of the Wallace letter, has been printed up by a friend of member Tom Chalmers. Gary thanked Tom for this.
The Battle of The Bell o’ the Brae Gary & Duncan have a meeting with the council on Friday 20th July.
Hopefully we can achieve a solution.
Permission has been granted from the police for our gathering out side the Parliament building on 11th August to welcome home the Wallace Letter. Gary has invited the head custodian of the National Wallace Monument in Stirling to Wallace Day.
Gary has contacted our friends at Authentic Grass, with a proposal for making a special plaque for the Society’s Centenary.
Gary thanked Tom Chalmers for highlighting the fact that we were told that traditional weapons were to be banned at the Bannockburn Commemoration.
When Tom spoke to the national press & they ran with the story, the ban was lifted.
Duncan thanked Tom & Gary, who phoned the police to assure them that there would be no trouble.
Press & Media Officer’s Report
Irene requested that donations for the bar for Wallace Day would be very welcome.
Dig out that bottle gathering dust in the display cabinet & bring it with you!
Duncan made a similar request of behalf of Lily for her tea room. Home baking or ready-made sandwiches would be most welcome.
USA Fundraising Co-ordinator’s Report
Randy sent Duncan his report which was read out.
Raffle ticket sales for the replica Wallace Sword were outstanding at Grandfather Mountain Highland Games. Half are now sold. Randy will arrange to transfer money to George to help offset the cost of the new tartan & Wallace Day.
Donovan Murray, of Celtic Force, ensured that the SOWW were accepted into the games, & was able to place the tent in a high visibility location.
George had sent Randy many photos of the Society & Wallace sites & monuments. Randy created a 3 part history wall, which proved a huge success.
After being excluded from the recent Loch Norman Games recently, theier General Manager stopped by our tent. He was very impressed & invited Randy to their games in 2013, & to give a history presentation on Wallace.
Clan Wallace USA were impressed with the tent & want to team up with us.
Plans are ongoing for the Guinness World record attempt for most Mini Coopers in a parade.
Design for Wallace coin still being discussed.
We have been formally accepted by the Virginia Scottish Games, Scotland Country Games in North Carolina & Richmond Games. Onward & upward!
Duncan thanked Donovan for ensuring that the SOWW tent was a huge success.
Secretary’s Report
Andy has arranged our insurance cover for the year. This is now compulsory.
Andy got a very good rate for the Society.
He handed in the paperwork at the meeting.
Convenor’s Report
Duncan gave a brief report on the Bannockburn Commemoration & thanked Christine for the strip of the late Davie Ross’s Walk for Wallace plaid, which was tied round the hilt of the replica Wallace Sword & was present on the field at Bannockburn, along with Gerald Thorpe’s shield. Gerald is making a new banner for the Society. Many thanks again, Gerald.
On the way to the meeting, Duncan picked up a box of the leaflets produced by Robroyston Community Council. Last year, Duncan liased with Ian McGhee of the Council, & the finished product has maps, photos supplied by the Society & our logo.
It deals with the history of Wallace’s Well & the Wallace Memorial Cross.
All 6000 of these were distributed among members to put into libraries, information centres, etc.
Duncan visited the archaeological dig at Stirling last month & met with head archaeologist, Murray Cook. Some photos of the dig in progress have been posted on our Facebook page. Murray showed Duncan several of the finds. He also had a good chat with the diggers.
Lachlan, Amber & baby Scotia informed the members of their intention to push Lachlan’s wheelchair from the cairn in Callander Park in Falkirk all the way to Elderslie to coincide with Wallace Day. Details of how to sponsor them or donate will be on the website shortly. They want to raise funds to help fund the Society’s ongoing projects. They will use canal towpaths as much as possible. They will set out at noon on Saturday 18th August. Some members will be there to see them off & take photos of the start of their journey.
Members wished them all the very best.
Next meeting will be on Tuesday 21st August 2012 at 7.45
All welcome. |
The Society of William Wallace
Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 19th June 2012 in Elderslie Village Hall. 8.00pm
Duncan Fenton, Lily Love, Irene Clarke, Lesley Matthews, Gordon Aitken, Tom Chalmers, Gary Stewart, Neil Lochiel, Archie Millar, Jean Millar, Isobell Lavelle, Tom Lavelle, William Ballantyne, Anne Gladwell, Chris MacLeod, George Boyle.
Andrew S Davenport, Brian McCutcheon, James Wallace, Richard Quinn, Steve Murray, Ziggy Wilson, Craig Wilson, Eddie MacNeill, Malcolm MacNeill, Nick Brand, Karen Owens, Susan Coghill
The meeting was opened by Society Convenor, Duncan Fenton, who outlined safety procedures in the hall.
He then introduced the Office Bearers in turn and the following is a summary of their activities.
Treasurer’s Report
George reported on the income and expenditure of the Society.
Income included the subscriptions of 3 new members.
The expenditure included the substantial deposit for the weaving of tartan in Bute Mill.
Webmaster’s Report
George reported that we were 11 hits away from 5000 on our Facebook page, which has also been updated.
Society member Lesley Matthews has offered her specially designed top quality
T- shirts from her company Proud Clothing to be put on the merchandise area of the website.
Vice Convenor’s Report
The return of the letter of Safe Conduct.
Gary has the agenda for 1.00 pm on Saturday the 11th of August finalized. Speakers and Albannach & Ted Christopher have been arranged and police have been notified. Mons Meg gun will be the signal for the start of the celebrations!
Andy Hillhouse has created a special card to mark the occasion, which will be available for those who attend.
The Battle of The Bell o’ the Brae.
Gary will be meeting the new Glasgow City Councillor, Michael Docherty to try to move the plans for a memorial forward.
Morrisions have declined to sponsor Wallace Day in Elderslie, but have offered a raffle prize.
Kings Park primary school would like to book members of The Society for their fund raising event in 2013, based on the good times had at Wallacewell Primary in the past few years.
Press & Media Officer’s Report
Irene commented on recent coverage over the usual football comments when England reached the quarterfinals of the European Cup.
The promotional of Stirling Castle, managed by Historic Scotland focuses so much on 16th Century, or Mary, Queen of Scots, that the major importance of the castle in Scottish history is played down or ignored. This led to a discussion on the new film Brave. Apparently this is the biggest film to promote Scotland as a country in the USA. This is a cartoon created by Pixar.
The attack on Saor Patrol band member Charlie at a function was finally reported in the press recently as recent news, although the event happened over 2 months ago.
USA Fundraising Co-ordinator’s Report
Randy reported that the SOWW & Wallace USA have been granted access to Grandfather Mountain Highland Games. This follows the uncertainty that we would not be allowed to take part. George sent Randy information about the Society & Randy will use this to create a History Wall in the tent at the games. There will be many other events that Randy will be able to attend, to represent the Society in America.
The Mini Cooper Dealership has agreed to corporately sponsor an attempt at the Guinness World Book Record. Randy will organise & run the event in the name of the Society. Several Pipe & Drum bands & other Scottish organisations have pledged support.
Randy sent a commemorative medal to Duncan to seek permission to make these with the Society logo. This was discussed later on in the meeting.
Duncan thanked Randy for his input.
Convenor’s Report
Duncan showed a commemorative medallion, sent to him & George, by Randy. Randy asked for approval to make one with the Society logo on one side & whatever we want on the other. It may be possible that these could be made for other leading Scottish heroes. All present thought that this was a very good idea.
The commemorative tartan for the Society centenary of The Wallace Memorial in Elderslie has been ordered and will be woven in the Mill on Wednesday the 11 of July. The personally designed double width 100% pure wool, Teflon coated cloth has been ordered as a 60 metre bolt, paid for and sold by the Society.
The cloth will be cut to whatever length is required and cost £46 per metre. With each piece a record of the symbolism within the cloth written by the designer, and member of The Society, will be given to pass the story on to those in the future.
It is hoped that the cloth will be worn on the 11th of August at The Scottish Parliament, but it will certainly be worn at Wallace Day Centenary. All interested in buying this unique piece of history, please contact any member of the committee.
The outlay for this cloth is substantial at a time when funds are needed for Wallace Day.
An idea was to have a piece with the story in Perspex done by Authentic Grass.
Duncan mentioned a suggestion by Kate that the eldest and youngest members of the group lay the Society’s wreath at Falkirk. This was supported by all members present.
Duncan will arrange that a wreath be laid on behalf of Wallace USA.
Society member Archie Millar will lay our wreath at Wallace Day on behalf of the Society in recognition of the many years that he has cared for the condition of the Wallace Memorial.
Gary & Duncan have been invited to the Scottish Parliament on the 10th August, during the day. Six members of the committee will represent the Society on the evening of Wednesday 15th August at a reception in the Parliament to visit the letter of safe conduct, where many Societies will be represented.
Duncan proposed that the Society sponsor a log for The Clanranald Trust to raise funds for their cause. They are building a medieval fort near Duncarron Reservoir. The members present agreed to do so, as did Wallace USA.
Duncan has contacted Tulliallan Pipes and Drums have again agreed to lead the parade on Wallace Day.
Minute Secretary
Christine informed members of a new book by Derek Alexander on Renfrewshire’s Hidden History. (Birlinn Press). Derek is lead archaeologist in The National Trust for Scotland and was involved in the excavation of the site in Elderslie. This is detailed in the book as is the excavations at Weaver’s Cottage in Kilbarchan.
Derek was also asked to speak by Duncan at Wallace Day; he was keen, but unfortunately will be out of the country on that day.
The search continues for relatives of the Spiers family & the Coates family, whose ancestors were present at the unveiling of the monument in 1912.
Christine brought in a strip of the tartan worn by the late Davie Ross on his epic walk for Wallace in 2005, which of course Christine wove herself. She gave it to Duncan to tie round the hilt of the Wallace Sword. This will be present at Bannockburn.
Donovan has confirmed that his group, Celtic Force, will be attending Bannockburn in 2014, a week later than originally planned.
Regarding Wallace Day in Elderslie Village Hall, George suggested that DVD’s, photos of the archaeological digs in 2001 and 2003 could be shown. Boards have kindly been loaned by Society member Tom Chalmers. The idea of local sponsorship was also suggested.
Later in the year these could be collated into a commemorative booklet of some kind.
The bar and tearoom will be open from 12.00 mid day, and the hall from 4.00pm.
The cost of funding the plaid was discussed. Due to the fact that all of the funds of the Society are required to ensure the success of Wallace Day Centenary Celebrations, it means that costs will have to be met up front. A deposit has already been paid.
Bannockburn. All present at the meeting agreed that changes should occur in the light of last year’s events. All members will meet at the Heritage Centre on the day to remember one of the greatest Scots victories and those who gave their lives for their country.
The importance of this centenary year for The Society and the recent victory of the return of the letter of safe conduct to Scotland will raise public awareness of Wallace. Those who want to see Scotland fail will be paying close attention. This is a great opportunity to show what can be done by a few committed and dedicated folk.
Lachlan informed members by e-mail that a 4-day archaeological dig is planned at the end of June at Stirling Bridge, near the rugby club.
Due to the huge amount of content in the meeting, the usual refreshments by Lily were rushed, but appreciated anyway Lily!
Duncan expressed his thanks to everyone in attendance for their continued support for the Society of William Wallace.
The meeting ended at 9.30pm
Next meeting will be on Tuesday 17th July 2012 at 7.45
All welcome.
The Society of William Wallace Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 15th May 2012 in Elderslie Village Hall at 8.00 p.m.
Irene Clarke, Lily Love, Tom Chalmers, Duncan Fenton, Jim Adams, Anne Gladwell, William Ballantyne, Archie Millar, Tom Lavelle, Isobelle Lavelle, Steve Murray, Neil Lochiel, Gary Stewart, Chris MacLeod, Richard Quinn, Betty Burns, Charlotte Wilson, George Boyle.
Jean Millar, Gordon Aitken, Karen Owens, Malcolm and Eddie McNeill, Ziggy and Craig Wilson, Bill and Val Pollok, Robbie Burns, James Wallace, Andy Middleton, Nick Brand, Susan Coghill.
The meeting was opened by Society Convenor, Duncan Fenton, who outlined safety procedures in the hall.
He then introduced the Office Bearers in turn and the following is a summary of their activities.
Treasurer’s Report
George reported on the income and expenditure of the Society, including the outgoing of money for the Loudoun Hill commemoration.
Webmaster’s Report
Webmaster, George, has updated the website again. Photographs of Loudoun Hill commemoration have been added, along with updated stories.
Facebook is continuing to do well with just under five thousand hits and is a good mechanism for attracting potential new members, particularly in the run up to Wallace Day in August, the peak time for membership subscriptions.
Vice Convenor’s Report
The Battle of The Bell o’ the Brae.
Glasgow City councillor, Craig MacKay, who was linked to the plans, was voted out in recent elections. Gary is waiting to see who the new council official will be to take this project on board.
Facebook is an excellent method of gauging opinion. Gary has framed a question asking whether anyone has any objections to the proposed cairn. Hopefully we can then show this as an indication of the support for the cairn.
Gary thanked the Society on behalf of his daughter, Charli, for being asked to lay the commemorative wreath recently, she was very happy to do so.
Loudoun Hill. Gary & Duncan had a chat with Nicola Sturgeon who was there on a photoshoot.
Fiona Watson and Ronnie Brown , present at the Wallace Commemoration in 2005, have been requested to attend the event planned for the Parliament in August. Both will be out of the country at the time. He is waiting on a reply from the First Minister. Gary also asked David’s daughter Kimberley, and Shona. Shona will say a few words with Kimberley by her side.
Asda store was contacted to enquire if they might sponsor one of the events organized by The Society. They declined to help. Same reply from Morrisons.
A suggestion was made regarding the possible link to a local brewery. Houston Ales, closest to Elderslie may be contacted with the idea of producing a Wallace Memorial Centenery ale.
Press & Media Officer’s Report
Irene reminded all present of the forthcoming Avoch commemoration in the Black Isle.
She has been in contact with Donovan Murray from the USA regarding accommodation arrangements for Bannockburn in 2014.
The 21st and 22nd of June is the date for the official opening of the events.
The Society will attend the commemoration on Saturday 23rd.
She intends to speak to Jim and Nick to co-ordinate plans for 2014.
So far Albannach, Ted Christopher and Fiery Jack are scheduled to play at the King Robert Hotel.
USA Fundraising Co-ordinator’s Report
Randy reported that the SOWW have been refused entry to the Loch Norman Highland Games. The organisers told him that only clans registered with the Court of the Lord Lyon in Scotland, would be afforded entry. Duncan has written to the Lord Lyon who responded with a letter clarifying the situation. Duncan has passed this on to Randy who can produce this as proof of the exact rules recommended by The Lord Lyon regarding educational groups attending USA highland events.
Randy has received the artwork for the T-shirts from our merchandise officer, Ziggy. This means that t-shirts can be sourced & made locally in the USA, rather than posting them over.
Randy’s raffle tickets for the replica Wallace Sword are selling well.
Convenor’s Report
Duncan passed over to Chris MacLeod to report on the plans for the weaving of a commemorative tartan for the Society centenary of The Wallace Memorial in Elderslie. All is going well. George has visited Ken MacDonald of Houston Menswear who has advised on the requirements. It is to be woven in Bute Mill, 100% pure wool, double width, Teflon coated. It has been ordered as a 60 metre bolt, paid for and sold by the Society. It is to be ready for July 2012.
Duncan has been in contact with Fiona Hyslop and the events co-ordinator at the Parliament, Douglas Millar, who asked for details about the Society. The return of the letter of safe conduct is a celebration and brings people together from all over. It is a continuation of the work of the events of 2005 and worthy of as much public awareness as possible.
All are invited to the event highlighting the public display of the Letter outside the Scottish Parliament building at 1.00pm on Saturday, 11th August. Albannach & Ted Christopher will play & a few speeches will be made.
The committee have been invited to a reception at the parliament on the Wednesday evening, the 15th August. Details are yet to be finalized.
Duncan thanked members William Ballantyne and Anne Gladwell, on behalf of the Society, for the organization and support of the evening at Loudoun Hill.
A wreath for Bannockburn is to be arranged.
The shield presented to the Society by Gerald Thorpe was shown to the Society. It has already been taken to the Loudoun Hill commemoration & the Andrew de Moray North Rising.
Amber, Lachlan and baby Scotia, who are intending to travel from Falkirk to Elderslie need permission from Waterways Scotland to complete the venture which has many obstacles. It is they who are responsible for canal towpaths in Scotland.
Help from Society members has been offered and George is to photograph the event.
Society member, Richard Quinn informed members of a new radio show by presenter Billy Kaye on radio 2 on Scottish Nationalism.
The meeting ended with refreshments provided by Lily Love.
Duncan expressed his thanks to everyone in attendance for their continued support for the Society of William Wallace.
Next meeting will be on Tuesday 19th June 2012 at 7.45
All welcome. |
The Society of William Wallace Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 21st March 2012 in Elderslie Village Hall at 8.00 p.m.
Duncan Fenton, Steve Murray, Tom Chalmers, Andy Middleton, Jim Adams, George Boyle, Archie Millar, Jean Millar, Isobel Lavelle, Gary Stewart, Neil Lochiel, Chris MacLeod, Charlotte Wilson, Betty Burns.
Bill Pollok, Val Pollok, William Ballantyne, Anne Gladwell, Irene Clarke, Ziggy Wilson, Craig Wilson, Eddie MacNeill, Malcolm MacNeill, Richard Quinn, Susan Coghill, Gordon Aitken, Karen Owens, Lily Love.
The meeting was opened by Society Convenor, Duncan Fenton, who outlined safety procedures in the hall. He welcomed new member Steve, and the return of members Charlotte and Betty.
He then introduced the Office Bearers in turn and the following is a summary of their activities.
Treasurer’s Report
This was outlined by George who was pleased to outline a profit from last month, largely due to the fundraising event at The King Robert Hotel.
He relayed a huge than you from Donovan Murray and all of the visitors from Wallace USA for the hospitality and kindness shown by members of the Society throughout their recent stay in Scotland.
Webmaster’s Report
The website has been updated with new and interesting information. The recent problems have been rectified. Facebook is doing well.
If anyone would like to contribute articles, please contact George.
Vice Convenor’s Report
Gary reported on the recent court case which affected a member of our Society. He has asked for the financial assistance of other groups there on the day as the incident, which involved the restriction of the right to march, could have happened to anyone present.
Gary will meet with representatives of the planning department of Glasgow City Council to discuss the current situation regarding the proposal to erect a memorial to those who fought at the battle of the Bell o’ the Brae. An objection was recently submitted despite previous efforts by the Society being passed.
Gary discussed the potential of approaching Asda who have stores close to both Robroyston and Elderslie as a possible sponsor of a community event. Gary and Duncan are to investigate this further.
Johnstone Museum, the first museum in Scotland to be situated in a supermarket, owned by Morrisons is another good link in terms of local history in the locality.
Secretary’s Report
Andy has written to Historic Scotland requesting written permission to continue to upgrade the site at the Wallace Memorial Cross at Robroyston. He has spoken to them on the phone prior to this, & they have no objections.
Press & Media Officer’s Report
Unfortunately Irene was not present at the meeting due to a recent bereavement.
USA Fundraising Co-ordinator’s Report
Duncan thanked Randy Dedrickson, who has purchased a replica Wallace Sword to be raffled in the USA. This follows on the success of the previous raffle, held on the anniversary of the late Davie Ross’s death, in January. This will help to significantly raise funds.
Convenor’s Report
William Ballantyne sent in a statement which Duncan read out on his behalf, thanking members of the SOWW for their support during the recent court case regarding the Bannockburn Commemoration last June.
A female driver drove right through the marchers, endangering everyone, & she had the nerve to claim that William committed a breach of the peace by standing in front of her car to protect the rest of the marchers.
When the case was finally heard, it was thrown out immediately.
William has also been busy organising entertainment for after the Loudoun Hill Commemoration in May. He has booked the Railway Inn in Darvel, & secured the services of Anne’s group, The Rusty Rims & re-enactors Swords of Dalriada for the day. A buffet is also arranged.
Duncan thanked Gerald Thorpe for his gift of a full-size Wallace shield, which he presented to us at the fundraiser at Bannockburn.
Andy has offered to make a small Wallace shield which could be raffled at Wallace Day.
Our friends at Authentic Grass have offered to make plaques with an image of the Wallace Safe Conduct letter inside to offer for sale to members & the public.
Duncan contacted the Paisley Daily Express to ask that they publish a request for any living relatives of the Spiers family, who once owned Elderslie, & the Coates family, one of whom unveiled the monument in 1912. It was thought this would be a nice touch on our centenary.
The new saltire to be presented to the Andrew de Moray Project in Avoch in May, has been purchased.
Neil informed members that the interview he did with members of the Society will be published in the April edition of SNP Independence Magazine.
Amber is planning to push Lachlan’s wheelchair with new baby daughter Scotia, from the Falkirk Cairn to Elderslie in time for the Wallace Day Commemoration. They want to do this to raise funds for the David R. Ross 2014 fund. Members have agreed to assist on different parts of their route.
Duncan spoke to a spokesman for the STV, who are going to make a series on Wallace’s life. He said he hoped in wouldn’t be a character assassination job, as happened in the recent Discovery programme on Wallace. He also spoke to a reporter from the Scotsman, who wanted to know how the Society felt about the proposed programme. A few quotes were printed in the next day’s edition.
Minute Secretary
Christine discussed the plans for a new tartan to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Society. Christine has designed it. All agreed that a bolt of cloth should be ordered and purchased by the Society in time for August 2012. This would be sold to members at an agreed price per yard. It is likely that this will be woven on the Isle of Bute.
Preparations for upcoming events at Loudoun Hill, Elderslie, etc, were discussed, with some good suggestions, which will be discussed further.
Tom brought in his display boards to show members. He has pledged that these will be available for the Society to use when needed. The Society thanked Tom for this.
On Saturday the 11th of August, all are encouraged to meet outside the Scottish Parliament and celebrate, on the public highway, for Sir William Wallace and David Ross, to raise the profile of the historic event of the Wallace Safe Conduct Letter, newly returned from London, which goes on public display for the first time in 700 years. We consider this to be on a par with the return of The Stone of Destiny.
Ted Christopher and Albanach will be present. It may be possible that Fiona Hyslop will say a few words.
We missed Lily!
Next meeting will be on Tuesday 17th April 2012 at 7.45
All welcome. |
The Society of William Wallace Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 15th February 2012 in Elderslie Village Hall at 8.00 p.m.
Duncan Fenton, Tom Chalmers, James Wallace, Irene Clarke, Andrew Middleton, George Boyle, Jim Adams, Neil Lochiel, Jean Millar, Archie Millar, Isabelle Lavelle, Richard Quinn, Mae Duggan, Gary Stewart, Chris MacLeod, Lesley Matthews, Gordon Aitken.
Bill Pollok, Val Pollok, Ziggy Wilson, Craig Wilson, Eddie MacNeill, Malcolm MacNeill, Lily Love, William Ballantyne, Anne Gladwell, Susan Coghill, Michael Reid, Jennifer Boyle, Karen Owens.
The Meeting was opened by Convenor Duncan Fenton who welcomed everyone and outlined the hall safety procedure.
He wished all our members a Happy New Year. He then introduced the office bearers in turn and the following is a summary of their activities.
Treasurers Report
These included a significant income of £487.00, thanks to our American friends, particularly Randy, who raised this amount through the raffle of a Wallace sword.
Expenditure was mainly as a result of the cost of the annual dinner subsidy and musicians.
A big thank you to everyone who donated prizes to the raffle! This raised £118.00 on the night.
Ted Christopher will soon have a new CD called Live in Lanark, a proportion of the costs will be donated to the Society, everyone was encouraged to support Ted with his new release.
An incident which occurred to one of our members in 2011 has gone to trial in Stirling on the 8th of February. All present agreed to carry the expenditure of the lawyers fees related to the case. The case in point may have happened to any member of any Society such as ours and all felt that it was the right and proper decision to make. Members of the Society intend to be present in support.
Vice convenor Gary Stewart intends to speak with representatives of the other groups & societies which were present to ask them to donate something toward the lawyer’s fee.
Webmasters Report
The website of the Society has had a “makeover” for the new year. All present agreed that it was much improved and Duncan thanked George on behalf of the Society for the great work done.
Face Book has crashed through the 4,000 barrier, meaning that an awareness of the work of the Society has interested 4,000 people from all over the world! We also have many regular contributors.
Society member Lesley Matthews has offered to sell our t-shirts along with her own designs….see proudclothing.com
The next job will be to get a complete stock list of our merchandise from Ziggy, & set up purchases from the site via PayPal.
As usual, please check website for current information.
Press and Media officer
Irene began by thanking everyone for their condolences on the recent death of Paul’s mother.
Media related issues which Irene observed and the group discussed included…
The recent programme on Wallace on Sky Discovery channel, and focussed on Wallace as an outlaw, was a disappointment and not far off an anti Wallace propaganda programme.
We thought we had done enough to dissuade the media from using these derogatory terms, but it seems we still have some work to do yet.
Irene reported that Celtic Force will be coming to Scotland in March. They will be holding an evening’s entertainment & buffet in the King Robert Hotel in Bannockburn on 10th March. Entertainment will be provided by Saor Patrol & Ted Christopher. Price is £15 per person.
Anyone who wishes to go, please contact Duncan. This will give us an idea of numbers.
Irene also praised the recent Christmas night out…good meal, company brilliant and staff great, again thanking everyone for their raffle donations.
Vice convenors report
Battle of the Bell o’ The Brae Monument, Gary is continuing discussions with Glasgow City Council Planning Dept. The next meeting is due soon. The King William statue in the vicinity is currently being cleaned, so work is obviously being carried out in the area.
The Wallace 2005 Coffin
Gary is to contact members and friends through Face book to ask their opinions on where they think where should be the permanent placement of the symbol of Wallace 700, along with David’s sword, plaid and DVD Suggestions were: The Wallace Monument, St Nicholas Church, Paisley Abbey, Dumbarton Castle. The original idea of Lanark is no longer feasible.
USA Fundraising Co-ordinator’s report
Duncan reported on Randy’s activities on his behalf.
Randy sent the money raised from the raffle for the claymore, drawn on the anniversary of Davie Ross’s death. It raised $700. Members agreed this was a fantastic achievement.
Randy was looking to purchase another sword to do another raffle on 2nd January next year, & when the company he contacted heard it was for the Wallace Society, they gave him a 50% discount! Well done, Randy.
Convenors Report
Duncan began by thanking one of our members present, Archie Millar, for his years of work in preparing the Wallace memorial in Elderslie for Wallace Day, looking after it throughout the year ,decorating it and cleaning it prior to events. All present joined Duncan in appreciation….thanks Archie!
Duncan outlined an email from member Harry McAlister in Seattle, who suggested that The Society be added to The White List Directory in America, which lists group web sites, contacts and events. All present approved this.
Duncan reported on an article which appeared on the BBC News website just before Christmas. Written by a “Joe Brown”, it stated that the Wallace Memorial in Elderslie was due to be relocated to Johnstone as part of a revamp of the town centre. It quoted a spokesperson from the council as saying that it was a great idea. When Duncan contacted the council about this, they replied that the article was “utter nonsense”.
They didn’t seem too happy that the BBC had included this spurious article without checking sources
Neil Lochiel conducted an interview with Duncan, George & Gary for SNP Independence magazine. This will be available next month. The Society has provided prizes for their competition, including,T-shirt, badge, keyring, book and a year’s membership.
Previous interviews Neil has done for the magazine were with two very good friends & members of the Society, Konstantina Ritsou & Sarah Crome.
Society members Neil & Duncan were present at Sarah Crome’s talk on here book, “Scotland’s First War of Independence”, in Balloch library. They congratulated her on a very professional performance.
Regarding the proposed statue in Stirling, George will represent the Society as a member of The Guardians of Scotland Trust, the campaign group established to achieve this goal.
Society member Gordon Aitken has agreed to maintain contact with Strathleven Artizans regarding forthcoming Robert the Bruce commemorations. Changes have occurred within the group and Frank Boyd is now in the role of Bruce. He may be asked to speak at the next Loudon Hill commemoration.
USA fund co-ordinator
Randy raised money in auctioning a claymore in honour of David Ross. 92 people were present. Will Philips in Williamsburgh donated the sword. Duncan sent thanks on behalf of the Society and a complimentary membership. A suggestion was made that a new sword be auctioned every year on the anniversary of David’s death. All agreed that the initial cost would be met. A certificated of authorisation with a facsimile of the convenors signature could be included.
Suggestions for the design of future certificates would be most welcome.
Duncan sent information on the Society to Electric Scotland, a massively popular site, which again increases awareness of Wallace and how his name lives on.
Society member Lesley Matthews has given her permission to send her t- shirt designs to America to be printed there, which is more practical than being printed here and then sent out.
Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 20th of March 2012
7.45pm Elderslie Village Hall
All welcome. |
The Society of William Wallace Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 17th January 2011 in Elderslie Village Hall at 8.00 p.m.
Duncan Fenton, Tom Chalmers, James Wallace, Irene Clarke, Andrew Middleton, George Boyle, Jim Adams, Neil Lochiel, Jean Millar, Archie Millar, Isabelle Lavelle, Richard Quinn, Mae Duggan, Gary Stewart, Chris MacLeod, Lesley Matthews, Gordon Aitken.
Bill Pollok, Val Pollok, Ziggy Wilson, Craig Wilson, Eddie MacNeill, Malcolm MacNeill, Lily Love, William Ballantyne, Anne Gladwell, Susan Coghill, Michael Reid, Jennifer Boyle, Karen Owens.
The Meeting was opened by Convenor Duncan Fenton who welcomed everyone and outlined the hall safety procedure.
He wished all our members a Happy New Year. He then introduced the office bearers in turn and the following is a summary of their activities.
Treasurers Report
These included a significant income of £487.00, thanks to our American friends, particularly Randy, who raised this amount through the raffle of a Wallace sword.
Expenditure was mainly as a result of the cost of the annual dinner subsidy and musicians.
A big thank you to everyone who donated prizes to the raffle! This raised £118.00 on the night.
Ted Christopher will soon have a new CD called Live in Lanark, a proportion of the costs will be donated to the Society, everyone was encouraged to support Ted with his new release.
An incident which occurred to one of our members in 2011 has gone to trial in Stirling on the 8th of February. All present agreed to carry the expenditure of the lawyers fees related to the case. The case in point may have happened to any member of any Society such as ours and all felt that it was the right and proper decision to make. Members of the Society intend to be present in support.
Vice convenor Gary Stewart intends to speak with representatives of the other groups & societies which were present to ask them to donate something toward the lawyer’s fee.
Webmasters Report
The website of the Society has had a “makeover” for the new year. All present agreed that it was much improved and Duncan thanked George on behalf of the Society for the great work done.
Face Book has crashed through the 4,000 barrier, meaning that an awareness of the work of the Society has interested 4,000 people from all over the world! We also have many regular contributors.
Society member Lesley Matthews has offered to sell our t-shirts along with her own designs….see proudclothing.com
The next job will be to get a complete stock list of our merchandise from Ziggy, & set up purchases from the site via PayPal.
As usual, please check website for current information.
Press and Media officer
Irene began by thanking everyone for their condolences on the recent death of Paul’s mother.
Media related issues which Irene observed and the group discussed included…
The recent programme on Wallace on Sky Discovery channel, and focussed on Wallace as an outlaw, was a disappointment and not far off an anti Wallace propaganda programme.
We thought we had done enough to dissuade the media from using these derogatory terms, but it seems we still have some work to do yet.
Irene reported that Celtic Force will be coming to Scotland in March. They will be holding an evening’s entertainment & buffet in the King Robert Hotel in Bannockburn on 10th March. Entertainment will be provided by Saor Patrol & Ted Christopher. Price is £15 per person.
Anyone who wishes to go, please contact Duncan. This will give us an idea of numbers.
Irene also praised the recent Christmas night out…good meal, company brilliant and staff great, again thanking everyone for their raffle donations.
Vice convenors report
Battle of the Bell o’ The Brae Monument, Gary is continuing discussions with Glasgow City Council Planning Dept. The next meeting is due soon. The King William statue in the vicinity is currently being cleaned, so work is obviously being carried out in the area.
The Wallace 2005 Coffin
Gary is to contact members and friends through Face book to ask their opinions on where they think where should be the permanent placement of the symbol of Wallace 700, along with David’s sword, plaid and DVD Suggestions were: The Wallace Monument, St Nicholas Church, Paisley Abbey, Dumbarton Castle. The original idea of Lanark is no longer feasible.
USA Fundraising Co-ordinator’s report
Duncan reported on Randy’s activities on his behalf.
Randy sent the money raised from the raffle for the claymore, drawn on the anniversary of Davie Ross’s death. It raised $700. Members agreed this was a fantastic achievement.
Randy was looking to purchase another sword to do another raffle on 2nd January next year, & when the company he contacted heard it was for the Wallace Society, they gave him a 50% discount! Well done, Randy.
Convenors Report
Duncan began by thanking one of our members present, Archie Millar, for his years of work in preparing the Wallace memorial in Elderslie for Wallace Day, looking after it throughout the year ,decorating it and cleaning it prior to events. All present joined Duncan in appreciation….thanks Archie!
Duncan outlined an email from member Harry McAlister in Seattle, who suggested that The Society be added to The White List Directory in America, which lists group web sites, contacts and events. All present approved this.
Duncan reported on an article which appeared on the BBC News website just before Christmas. Written by a “Joe Brown”, it stated that the Wallace Memorial in Elderslie was due to be relocated to Johnstone as part of a revamp of the town centre. It quoted a spokesperson from the council as saying that it was a great idea. When Duncan contacted the council about this, they replied that the article was “utter nonsense”.
They didn’t seem too happy that the BBC had included this spurious article without checking sources
Neil Lochiel conducted an interview with Duncan, George & Gary for SNP Independence magazine. This will be available next month. The Society has provided prizes for their competition, including,T-shirt, badge, keyring, book and a year’s membership.
Previous interviews Neil has done for the magazine were with two very good friends & members of the Society, Konstantina Ritsou & Sarah Crome.
Society members Neil & Duncan were present at Sarah Crome’s talk on here book, “Scotland’s First War of Independence”, in Balloch library. They congratulated her on a very professional performance.
Regarding the proposed statue in Stirling, George will represent the Society as a member of The Guardians of Scotland Trust, the campaign group established to achieve this goal.
Society member Gordon Aitken has agreed to maintain contact with Strathleven Artizans regarding forthcoming Robert the Bruce commemorations. Changes have occurred within the group and Frank Boyd is now in the role of Bruce. He may be asked to speak at the next Loudon Hill commemoration.
USA fund co-ordinator
Randy raised money in auctioning a claymore in honour of David Ross. 92 people were present. Will Philips in Williamsburgh donated the sword. Duncan sent thanks on behalf of the Society and a complimentary membership. A suggestion was made that a new sword be auctioned every year on the anniversary of David’s death. All agreed that the initial cost would be met. A certificated of authorisation with a facsimile of the convenors signature could be included.
Suggestions for the design of future certificates would be most welcome.
Duncan sent information on the Society to Electric Scotland, a massively popular site, which again increases awareness of Wallace and how his name lives on.
Society member Lesley Matthews has given her permission to send her t- shirt designs to America to be printed there, which is more practical than being printed here and then sent out.
Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 16th of February 2012
7.45pm Elderslie Village Hall
All welcome. |
The Society of William Wallace Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 15th November 2011 in Elderslie Village Hall at 8.00 p.m. Annual General Meeting.
Duncan Fenton, Irene Clarke, Brian McCutcheon, George Boyle, Neil Locheil, Jim Adams, Bill Pollok, Val Pollok, Gary Stewart, William Ballantyne, Anne Gladwell, Jacob Gladwell, Andy Middleton, Neil Gibson, Jean Millar, Archie Millar, Tom Lavelle, Isabel Lavelle, Lesley Matthews, Lily Love, Chris MacLeod.
Gini Craig, Peter Malcolm, Susan Coghill, Karen Owens, Gordon Aitken, Malcolm and Eddie MacNeill, Ziggy and Craig Wilson, Nick Brand.
The Convenor of the Society, Duncan, welcomed everyone present and outlined safety procedures for the hall.
All present had previously received copies of last month’s minutes and they were approved.
Duncan thanked all members for their contributions to help the Society in the past year. He then presented Lily, our Social Convenor, with a bouquet of flowers as a thank you from the Society for feeding & watering the hungry troops throughout the year.
All Office Bearers then stepped down, & George Boyle conducted the election of the new members.
The following were elected to the posts below.
Convenor |
Duncan Fenton |
Vice Convenor |
Gary Stewart |
Treasurer |
George Boyle |
Secretary |
Andy Middleton |
Minute Secretary |
Christine MacLeod |
Webmaster |
George Boyle |
Press & Media Officer |
Irene Clarke |
Merchandise Officer |
Ziggy Wilson |
Assistant Merchandise Officer |
Craig Wilson |
Social Convenor |
Lily Love |
Committee Member |
William Ballantyne |
Committee Member |
Gordon Aitken |
USA Fundraising Coodrinator |
Randy Dedrickson |
With nothing much new to report since last month, members discussed forthcoming plans for the year ahead, including the 700th Anniversary of Bannockburn & the Centenary Year for the Society.
Plans were made to hold a memorial service for the late Davie Ross, at Robroyston Wallace Monument, on 2nd January 2012, as we did last year.
Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 17th of January 2012
7.45pm Elderslie Village Hall
All welcome.
The Society of William Wallace Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 18th October 2011 in Elderslie Village Hall at 8.00 p.m.
Duncan Fenton, Irene Clarke, Brian McCutcheon, George Boyle, Jim Adams, Bill Pollok, Val Pollok, William Ballantyne, Anne Gladwell, Jacob Gladwell, James Wallace, Neil Gibson, Lesley Matthews, Lily Love.
Chris MacLeod, Gini Craig, Peter Malcolm, Susan Coghill, Karen Owens, Gordon Aitken, Gary Stewart, Andy Middleton, Jean Millar, Archie Millar, Tom Lavelle, Irene Lavelle, Malcolm and Eddie MacNeill, Ziggy and Craig Wilson, Nick Brand.
The Convenor of the Society, Duncan, welcomed everyone present and outlined safety procedures for the hall. He welcomed James Wallace to his first meeting.
He then introduced the office bearers in turn and the following is a summary of their activities.
All present had previously received copies of last month’s minutes and they were approved.
Treasurers Report
George reported on the balance and cash flow of the society. There have been no outgoings this month but subscription fees continue to come in.
The website & Facebook page continue to do well. George appealed for members to send in items for inclusion.
George has received the certificate for the tree which was planted in Davie Ross’s memory in The Whispering Wood in Comrie. This was an idea proposed by Stephanie Vaught, Vice President & Director of Society of William Wallace USA, one of Davie’s very good friends. She had already planted one for Davie. It is part of a project called Trees4Scotland. The dedication reads,
“To our dear friend, David R. Ross, who left us way too soon.
From everyone at the Society of William Wallace.”
Vice Convenor’s report
Gary sent Duncan his report as he was unable to attend the meeting.
Gary is still trying to find out why Glasgow City Council Planning Dept. are now opposed to the idea of a cairn to mark the Battle of the Bell o’ the Brae, outside Glasgow Cathedral. After 8 months & 4 meetings, at which they were in agreement with the idea, they now seem to have changed stance.
Gary is still waiting to hear when the date that the Wallace Safe Conduct Letter will be returning, to be put on display alongside the Lubeck Letter early next year. Members of the Society will want to be there to welcome it back in the same way as the Stone of Destiny was returned in 1996.
Duncan showed members a copy of the letter sent to Gary by Culture Secretary, Fiona Hyslop. A quote from it;
“I wanted to write to express my thanks to the Wallace Society for your unstinting work in bringing this important document to public attention and my admiration for your long campaign.”
“We will be marking the exhibition with a reception and I would like to extend an advance invitation to the office bearers of the Wallace Society.”
Press and Media Officer
IIrene reported that the press are becoming more accurate when printing articles of a historical nature. We would like to think that the constant corrections by Irene & other members are finally having an effect.
Celtic Force are organising a Scottish Tour in March next year. They will visit historical sites & are planning a banquet at which members of the Society are invited.
Irene has booked them in to the Rob Roy Hotel for the 6th-7th, and the King Robert Hotel from the 9th – 10th.
More details will be given nearer the time.
Convenor’s report
Speakers. At last month’s meeting, a request was made to all members for names of potential speakers who would be interested in representing the society at events such as Loudon Hill, Robroyston & Elderslie. Several names have been put forward & will be approached. Thanks to all who proposed names.
Randy Dedrickson, president of the Society of William Wallace USA, has been in touch with Duncan. Their society will be holding a raffle for a claymore, donated to them by a Knight Templar friend. Proceeds will be sent to our Society to help fund the various projects Davie Ross was working on. He also asked if there were any other ideas we had that needed help with funding.
Duncan thanked him for their initiative on behalf of the members & informed him of the proposed cairn to Wallace at Glasgow Cathedral, the statue at Stirling Brig, & the fund for Bannockburn 2014, which was set up in David’s name after his passing. He also mentioned the idea of allowing people to purchase a stone for the cairn, receiving a certificate of thanks, with an appropriate image on it.
Randy liked this idea, & said he will pass on details to their members as he gets them.
Duncan sent a thank you letter to Marion Connelly, with a photo of her laying the floral tribute at the Wallace Memorial in Elderslie, at this year’s Wallace Day. Thanks for the pic, George.
Johnstone Castle Archie & Jean sent Duncan a news clipping showing a photo of the newly-renovated Johnstone Castle, not far away from us. The new owner has restored it from a ruin. Jim Adams said he visited it during last month’s Doors Open Day project.
Annual subscriptions
Duncan thanked all those who have sent in their annual fees, & asked those have not done so yet to do so. He also thanked the many members who gave sizeable donations. This all helps to keep the spirit & the memory of Wallace in the forefront of the minds of the public.
Neil & Lesley told members of their latest venture of printing & selling T-shirts with a Scottish theme. They have approached the Andrew de Moray Project & our Society with a proposal to sell a specially designed T-shirt, some of the proceeds of which will go towards the fund for the statue of the two heroes at Stirling Bridge. Thanks to Duncan Brown, as he has given permission for his fantastic painting of the two warriors to be used as the design.
An accomplished artist & friend, examples of Duncan’s work can be seen at HERE
Lesley said that every T-shirt would be sent out with a leaflet advertising the SOWW, ADM Project, Handpict & their own company, Proud Clothing.
This proposal met with the approval of the members.
The meeting ended with the customary refreshments, thanks to Lily.
Date of Next Meeting, which will be the AGM
Tuesday 15th of November 2011 7.45pm Elderslie Village Hall
Serving Office Bearers will stand down & new ones will be elected.
Everyone welcome!!!
The Society of William Wallace Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 20th September 2011 in Elderslie Village Hall at 8.00 p.m.
Duncan Fenton, Irene Clarke, Brian McCutcheon, Gary Stewart, George Boyle, Andy Middleton, Jim Adams, Bill Pollok, Val Pollok, William Ballantyne, Anne Gladwell, , Gordon Aitken, Lily Love, Chris MacLeod.
Gini Craig, Peter Malcom, Susan Coghill, Karen Owens, Malcolm and Eddie MacNeill, Ziggy and Craig Wilson, Nick Brand.
The Convenor of the Society, Duncan, welcomed everyone present and outlined safety procedures for the hall.
He introduced the office bearers in turn and the following is a summary of their activities.
All present had previously received copies of last month’s minutes and they were approved.
Treasurers Report
George reported on the balance and cash flow of the society. Flowers, quaichs, hall hire, Crann Tara donation, the bar, 4 bands, including the pipe band, new badges, t-shirts, fee for joining The Renfrewshire Local History Forum, tree planting and update of website were all outgoings last month.
Considering the huge amount of outgoings, there was only a slight loss as some income was generated through Wallace Day afternoon and evening events.
All present agreed that the cost of the hall was very expensive, having doubled in cost of hire from last year. Gary will investigate, on behalf of the Society, whether the cost of hall hire is negotiable. Another alternative is to hire the hall from 5pm. Should it be retained at hiring from 12 noon, a suggestion was made that there could be an activity in the hall e.g. school performances.
Use of bar facilities are now no longer in direct council control but under a Leisure Trust. This means that there is a difference between a community rate (before 5pm) and a social rate (after 5pm).
Gary will also investigate the possibility of some sort of sponsored booklet for sale on Wallace Day.
All agreed that 3 bands were too much in the evening. This has an adverse effect on bar takings as people wanted to stay in the hall to listen to the music rather than go to the bar.
The charge of £15 was thought by some to be prohibitive, although this was accepted to be necessary to cover the cost of the extra entertainment.
Duncan thanked everyone present on the evening for their support and encouraged all to try out new ideas and learn from the experience. “Variation is the key”.
Members of The Society attended the Stirling Commemoration recently and the feedback was that it was a great day.
Website (George). All is well at present.
Vice Convenor’s report.
Gary expressed the feelings of all present on the good news reported in the press on the return of the Letter of Safe Conduct. He was in touch with Catherine from The National Archives of Scotland, but the date and location are not yet known.
MSP Christine Graham was in touch with Duncan and praised everyone involved. A possible meeting of Society members to turn up outside the Scottish Parliament building to welcome the letter back, was discussed.
The Lubeck Letter will also be discussed by Gary when in touch with The National Archives.
Duncan suggested that the Society let the local press know about us welcoming the letter back at the Parliament to get more awareness in the public eye.
Battle of the Bell o’ The Brae. Since there had been no objections plans to commemorate the battle, Duncan and George met recently with Andrew McConnell, Colin Tytler and Gerry Mimnagh from Glasgow City Council. They showed them a photograph of the cairn at Falkirk. The council officials were not very happy about the design which they thought was more akin to a rural setting, but did not offer any ideas. The representatives appeared to now be blocking something as the plans had sailed though until there was a possibility of it actually happening. Local MSP Sandra White has offered to help.
Mary Queen of Scots Plaque. The Society continues to wait until funding is available.
It was suggested that every committee member should have a copy of the march permission letter on their person on Wallace Day. This is to avoid any misunderstandings by the local police, as happened a few years ago.
Members are urged to consider plans for Bannockburn 2014 now, considering the amount of work taken to arrange the 2005 commemoration. It is possible that The Scottish Government will put something in place as they did for the Homecoming in 2009. Time to find out.
Press and Media Officer
Irene reported that Paula Murray of the Scottish Daily Express had spoken to Gary regarding the Safe Conduct Letter.
She also informed all present as to how fantastic the Stirling Bridge event was.
Convenor’s report
Duncan reported on the launch of Dina’s book, “The Boy and the Well of Memory”, at Stirling Smith Museum recently. This will be covered in the following newsletter.
Whilst at Dina’s book launch, Duncan asked Elspeth King, & her partner, Michael Donnelly, if they would like to speak at next year’s Wallace Day. Michael has agreed.
Duncan echoed Irene’s comments about the Stirling Brig Commeroration this year. A great day all round.
Duncan thanked Dina for her very generous donation to the Society.
Duncan also thanked everyone who has paid their annual dues & asked for those who haven’t to do so.
Duncan has sent a letter of thanks to John Newlands for his very informative talk on the Wallace Stone at the last meeting. Gary will contact Dr Fiona Watson regarding the stone discovered at Elderslie Estates for her opinion.
Members Andrew & Linda Howe are doing boxed canvasses on a Scottish theme. They also do wall plaques. Examples of their work can be seen HERE
Speakers. A request was made to all members for names of potential speakers who would be interested in representing the society at events such as Loudon Hill, Robroyston & Elderslie.
Congratulations. All present thanked Society member William Ballantyne for his great speech at Wallace Day. A transcript of the speech is available on the Society web page.
The Education Scotland website has indeed altered its wording relating to Wallace on their web page. This is in response to emails from various individuals, Gary included. Duncan sent a formal request that it be amended on behalf of the Society.
Stirling Bridge. To commemorate the foundation of the plaque at Stirling Bridge, Society member Gordon Aitken invited all to meet at the tree for 2pm. A small stone has been gathered from Abbey Craig, Elderslie, Robroyston and Loudon hill and will be included in the design. Duncan suggested taking in a visit to Cambuskenneth Abbey afterwards to lay a tribute on the “marker stones” there.
Tree for David. Stephanie from Wallace USA is to plant a commemorative tree in the Whispering Wood at Comrie in Perthshire. Another tree is to be planted close by on behalf of the Society. Duncan thanked Stephanie for her idea and sentiment.
Robroyston land. Following a phone conversation with a reporter friend of Duncan, who has been looking up land registry records, it is now known that the owners of the land on which the monument at Robroyston stands is Stuart Milne Homes.
Society member Marion MacMillan passed on information on the Lundie paper rolls. David Brown will be giving a talk at Hillhead Library on 15th October at 5pm at the cost of £1.
All members of the Society present voted unaminously to make a donation to Leo and Donald who are trying to raise funds for a wheelchair accessible cot for the baby of Lachlan and Amber. There are holding a sponsored motorbike wash dressed as the parents-to-be.
AOCB. Finally a short discussion was held on the size of plaids worn at events by members of The Society with a view to ordering a suitable length and width to be woven to the design of Chris MacLeod based on the centenary celebration of The Wallace Monument in Elderslie.
The meeting ended with the customary refreshments, thanks to Lily.
Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 18th of October 2011 7.45pm Elderslie Village Hall Everyone welcome!!!
The Society of William Wallace
Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 16th August in Elderslie Village Hall at 8.00 p.m.
Duncan Fenton, Irene Clarke, Lily Love, Gary Stewart, George Boyle, Neil Lochiel, Jean Millar, Archie Millar, Bill Pollok, Val Pollok, John Newlands, Mae Duggan, Peter Malcolm, William Ballantyne, Anne Gladwell, Chris MacLeod, Gordon Aitken, Richard Quinn.
Andy Middleton, Susan Coghill, Tom Lavelle, Irene Lavelle, Jennifer Boyle, Michael Reid.
The Convenor of the Society, Duncan, welcomed everyone present and outlined safety procedures for the hall.
He introduced the office bearers in turn and the following is a summary of their activities.
All present had previously received copies of last month’s minutes and they were approved.
Treasurers Report
George reported on the balance and cash flow of the society. With a roughly equal amount of income and expenditure. Income through memberships and donations, expenditure through the archival of the Walk for Wallace web site, wreaths, quaich and engraving of t-shirt screens.
Regarding Wallace Day, the bar and hall fees have been paid, the licence granted, and police contacted requesting, and assurance given, that they will be present throughout the event.
Webmasters Report
The website continues to be a good vehicle for information on the Society.
Press and Media officer
Irene drew the attention of members to the media coverage of the “British Riots”, when they were clearly not.
She also reminded all present on the law regarding the bar, alcohol at the
Hall, and smoking.
Vice Convenors Report
Gary told us that plans to return the letter of safe conduct continues to make quiet progress.
A representative from the National Wallace Monument in Stirling unfortunately cannot attend as a speaker for Wallace Day. A replacement is to be found.
The plans for the monument at Glasgow Cathedral area have had no objections and therefore the next steps are to be followed. When this is finalised, it was agreed that the Society request some kind of information board to be added and a padlock key to be given to the society to enable commemorative wreaths etc to be laid.
Gary was invited to attend a Piping Live event by councillor David Turner as a representative of the Society.
A short discussion was held including all present on a request that the Society support a possible commemoration of the Battle of Langside where Mary queen of Scots was present. It was agreed that the Society would find out more about the organisation before making a decision to support the plan.
Gary has initiated discussions with some radio stations to encourage them to support the release of Ted Christopher’s CD.
A caricaturist offered to attend Wallace Day. The Society had no objections to him turning up without a fee.
Gary has invited Peter Yeomen, head of Cultural Resources of Historic Scotland to Wallace Day.
Convenor’s Report
Update on the planning permission for the Bell o’ the Brae Cairn.
When the ground is opened at the area close to Glasgow Cathedral, The West of Scotland Archaeology Group insist that a member be present. It is unclear as yet if this is to be paid for. Duncan will contact Glasgow Archaeology Unit head, Dr Tony Pollard for advice. The area has been previously excavated and earth levels moved in the late 19th century. It is thought that the actual level is much lower than the current ground level.
Duncan received a phone call from journalist Mark Howarth, regarding land registration at the Robroyston site. There will be an article in the Scottish Daily Mail.
2014. Members are asked to let Duncan know of their intentions to book The King Robert Hotel at Bannockburn as soon as possible. A list of names will be compiled.
Wallace Day. Arrangements were finalised by all present on the hall, stalls, flags and PA system. Wreath layers (Marion Connelly and Anne Gladwell) from England and Ireland. Song sheets with the words of Scots Wha Hae will be distributed at the monument. Donation tins will also be circulated.
Dina’s book launch will occur on Friday 9th September at 2.00pm
The Annual Stirling Bridge march & commemoration will take place in the evening at 7.00pm.
Duncan reminded members of Doors Open Day, throughout September, times vary according to area. This is an excellent opportunity to access for free, listed places which may not usually be open to the public, or there is a fee. Check their website for details.
Sundial at Cumbernauld House. A new owner proposes to divide this listed building into flats. In answer to Duncan enquiry, the original Victorian garden is to be recreated, & the sundial re-sited to its original location.
Thanks to Jean and Archie Millar for donation of alcohol for the bar.
Duncan thanked Abbey Stewart on behalf of the Society for laying the wreath at the Robroyston commemoration.
Duncan then introduced the Society to John Newlands who provided very interesting insight into his research on a possible link to William Wallace.
Through his research he located a long lost stone which was known to have been in existence 200 years ago. The stone was inscribed and thought to have been part of the medieval house on the site of Wallace’s birthplace in Elderslie. The house was owned by the Spiers family, who made their fortune through the economic expansion in the early 18th century through tobacco, cotton and other lucrative commodities. Today their surviving assets are managed under the name Elderslie Estates. It was in one of their store houses that John found the missing stone.
The stone is unusually chiselled in lowland Scots “Christ is only my redeemer”, is clearly part of a much larger stone with some form of emblem in the background, possibly a welsh dragon, with a possible date including what looks like …24.
All present agreed that this was a very important find and required historians to research this more fully. John gave his permission for Gary to contact Dr Fiona Watson for her advice and asked that recognition be given to Elderslie Estates for their kind assistance and co-operation.
Duncan thanked John for sharing his research with all present.
The meeting ended with the customary refreshments, thanks to Lily.
Date of Next Meeting
Tuesday 20th of September 2011 7.45pm Elderslie Village Hall
Everyone welcome!!!
I’d like to take this opportunity to say a great big thank you to everyone who attended the Annual Wallace Day Commemoration.
For all the hard work put in by the many folk who were involved.
From dressing the monument & setting up the PA, working the door, the bar & tea room, selling the merchandise & all the many little details that added up to a great day & a truly memorable evening.
The performers were superb & there was a real buzz about the place. Everyone just got on with the business of having a terrific time.
On behalf of the Society of William Wallace, you have my heartfelt thanks, & hope to see you all again next year.
Members attended the launch of Dina Ritsou’s book, “The Boy and the Well of Memory” at Smith Art Gallery in Stirling.
Later that evening, we also attended the March & Commemoration of the Battle of Stirling Bridge, run by Ted Christopher.
There will reports of this & of Wallace Day on our website soon.
All in all, we have had a very busy year, & I have thoroughly enjoyed every moment of it. |
Duncan Fenton, Irene Clarke, Gary Stewart, Jim Adams, Dorothy Adams, Bill Pollok, Val Pollok, Jean Millar, Archie Millar, Lily Love, Lesley Matthews, William Ballantyne, Richard Quinn, Mae Duggan, George Boyle, Chris MacLeod.
Peter Malcolm, Eddie MacNeill, Malcolm MacNeill, Brian McCutcheon, Gini Craig, Ziggy Wilson, Craig Wilson, Alex Scullion, Fiona Douglas, Tom Lavelle, Isobel Lavelle, Anne Gladwell, Jennifer Boyle, Michael Reid, Susan Coghill.
The Convenor of the Society, Duncan, welcomed everyone present as usual and outlined safety procedures for the hall. He especially welcomed those who attended the meeting for the first time. He introduced the office bearers in turn and the following is a summary of their activities.
All present had previously received copies of last month’s minutes and they were approved.
Treasurers Report
George reported on the balance and cash flow of the society. Last month’s outgoings were mainly related to a drinks licence for Wallace Day, a tribute wreath and planning charges.
He also reminded all members that annual subscriptions are due soon.
The police will be contacted 2 weeks prior to Wallace day to ensure they will be present for traffic control on the day.
Webmasters Report
The website continues to do well and all members are encouraged to send items to the webmaster for possible inclusion.
Facebook is proving to be a great communication tool.
George also reported on the recent events at the Bannockburn commemoration which all present there enjoyed.
Wallace USA
The Group recently held their AGM at Grandfather Mountain, North Carolina. Eric and Stephanie are now the main link with Scotland. They have re launched the group as William Wallace USA.
Press and Media officer
Irene drew the attention of members to the change in phrasing of the notice in the newspaper’s TV section advertising the film Braveheart from that of “rebel” to “Scottish patriot who fought for his country’s freedom”.
She reported that the police will continue to be of assistance at the evening ceilidh in the village hall on Wallace Day. Members were reminded that no alcohol was to be consumed outside the village hall on Wallace Day.
Irene has asked all members to let the committee know of their intentions to book the King Robert Hotel for Bannockburn in 2014. The cost is £100.00 per night, bed and breakfast. The Rob Roy Hotel, 20 miles away, is also available. The King Robert will supply a free shuttle bus to & from the Rob Roy. Rooms will be offered firstly to members of the Society.
Falkirk Commemoration
This was a good day with a very good speech by Sarah Crome. The Society’s wreath was laid by Irene.
Vice Convenors Report
Gary reported that he had an email from a representative from The National Archives. There is still no definite date on the return of the Letter of Safe Conduct.
Regarding the monument to the battle of the Bell ‘o the Brae in Glasgow, the closing date for objections has now been reached. If there are none, the decision will be made by the Glasgow City Council planning officer.
New CD
Moves continue to be made by Gary and Duncan to promote the fundraising CD by Ted Christopher.
Wallace Monument 150 year celebration
At the recent anniversary of the laying of the foundation stone, several members attended & received a commemorative medal. Gary & Richard Quinn brought theirs in to show members. Gary continues to try to find ways in which the Society could be promoted at the site including the possibility that the 2005 coffin and other items could be displayed there. He has persuaded them to put our membership forms on display.
Lesley Matthews suggested approaching them about selling our Society T-shirts there as well.
Convenors Report
Education Scotland.gov website, used extensively by schools, were using misleading terms in a biased way in relation to Wallace and Bruce. Duncan raised his concerns and received a reply informing him that they intend to review the relevant parts.
Duncan informed members of the forthcoming Wallace 700 Commemoration at Aberdeen on 30th July.
Duncan showed members a printed screenshot from British Library Online. It showed a page from an old book, the Rochester Chronicles. It contained a report of the Battle of Falkirk in 1298 & had a drawing of the battle in the bottom margin of the page. You can find the link HERE
Members present were informed of an incident which occurred during the march at Bannockburn where a car was driven through the marchers. The police are looking into it. A number of Society members witnessed the incident and all agreed to supply statements.
The Wallace Day plans are going well. Tulliallan Pipe Band will be present and lead the procession from Johnstone. Speeches will follow at the monument. Thereafter all are encouraged to visit the village hall, where there will be a bar and tearoom, with a ceilidh in the evening. Due to the increasing cost of staging the event, the price of the ticket for the evening entertainment will be £15.00 per person.
Social convenor, Lily Love asked for donations of home baking, sandwiches etc on the day.
An appeal was also made for items to be used as raffle prizes. The money raised will help fund the day.
Member Mariana Boubee from the William Wallace School in Buenos Aires is encouraging a cultural interchange via email. Duncan will put her in touch with a few schools.
Society members present heard of a new business venture by Lesley Matthews & Neil Gibson, who design t-shirts: proudclothing.co.uk. They have offered to promote some other merchandise offered by the Society and are happy to have a books page including David’s.
Any donations to the site will go towards supplying history books for schools.
Duncan wished them well for the future.
The David R. Ross Memorial Quaich which was supplied by Irene & Paul in David’s memory went to Gary Stewart last year for his work on securing the return of the Wallace Letter from Kew.
It was decided that the Society purchase a smaller version, which could be kept as a keepsake, when the original is handed back each year. George has priced these at less than £40, including engraving, which all agreed was a good deal.
The upgrade of the site at Wallace’s Well was discussed. This has undergone a huge transformation in the last few months, with the council rebuilding the collapsed wall, cleaning all the stonework & digging out all the weeds which were choking the burn.
The adjacent site of the Wallace Memorial Cross is also looking great, thanks to the unstinting efforts of Andy Middleton, who has done a terrific job here. Just in time for the Robroyston Commemoration on 6th August.
William Ballantyne suggested the possibility of a tartan being designed to commemorate the Society’s centenary.
This could be then made up into plaids, kilts, skirts etc, for members to wear at the 100th anniversary in 2012. This will be discussed further.
As a weaver herself, Christine could advise on how to go about this, & designing it.
We met & recruited new member Paul Egan at Bannockburn. He also came to Falkirk & will attend Wallace Day. Welcome aboard!
The meeting ended with the customary jokes….and thanks to Lily for the tea afterwards!
Tuesday 16th August 2011 7.45pm Elderslie Village Hall, everyone welcome!!! |
Duncan Fenton, Irene Clarke, Brian McCutcheon, Gini Craig, Mae Duggan, Gary Stewart, Neil Lochiel, Chris MacLeod, Richard Quinn, Jean Millar, ArchieMillar, Tom Lavelle, Isabel Lavelle, George Boyle.
Nick Brand, Malcolm MacNeill, Eddie MacNeill, Ziggy Wilson, Craig Wilson, Gordon Aitken, Lily Love, Jennifer Boyle, Michael Reid, William Ballantyne, Anne Gladwell, Andy Middleton, Susan Coghill, Alex Scullion, Fiona Douglas.
The Convenor of the Society, Duncan, welcomed everyone present and outlined safety procedures for the hall. He introduced the office bearers in turn and the following is a summary of their activities.
All present had previously received copies of last month’s minutes and they were approved by all present.
He reminded members to please contact him if there is any alteration to contact details. Unfortunately a number of e newsletters have returned to him recently due to incorrect email addresses.
Treasurers Report
George Boyle, George reported on the balance and cash flow of the society. Little alteration was made to the Society funds this month. The largest amount paid out was the cost of the planning application for the proposed memorial in the vicinity of Glasgow Cathedral.
George also reported on the recent community Fun Day at Robroyston where he, Gary Stewart and Andy Middleton represented the Society and had much fun with weaponry! The event was very well attended including a police presence. No accident occurred and the blood-like stain on the floor was hair dye and the kids loved it!…see facebook page for pictures. Hopefully this will occur again next year.
Wallace memorial in Elderslie,
George recently visited Paisley Reference Library. There is a folder in Paisley there regarding the memorial. Also is a “Wallace Scrapbook” of early 20th century press cuttings which are well worth a look at.
Webmasters Report
George Boyle, All members are encouraged to regularly take a look at The Society’s website and Facebook page.
New information and pictures can be forwarded to George.
Vice Convenors Report
Gary Stewart, This year is the 150th anniversary of the laying of the foundation stone at The National Wallace Monument in Stirling. On the 24th of June 2011 medals were given to the first 150 who entered. Duncan showed members a photograph of the original medallion given to visitors in 1861. Thanks to Flora Strachan for lending this. Apparently 80,000 people were present at the laying of the stone at that time, a huge number considering the transportation and communication systems of the period. Society member Hugh Robertson has been asked to perform a re-enactment on the occasion.
The Battle of The Bell o’ The Brae Cairn,
Gary submitted a detailed technical drawing showing dimensions & materials, drawn up by Duncan, which meet the requirements of Glasgow City Council. A reply is expected within two months.
The Wallace Letter,
A date will be known by the end of the year as to the date of the return.
Mary Queen of Scots Plaque,
This plaque in Cathcart has been removed for the grafitti to be cleaned off. Gary has been in touch with the local MSP who will confirm when it will be reinstated.
South Side Fun Day (Glasgow)
Gary identified this as a possibility for future involvement.
The BBC website commented on the Prestonpans exhibition of Jacobite tapestries & other artefacts. This time they have called it an “uprising” rather than their usual”rebellion” It seems things are starting to change for the better.
Important CD
The Society will hear soon when Ted Christopher’s fundraising CD will be available. It was suggested that mid to late January be an optimum time for the release, being the best time to hit the charts.
Membership forms
It was thought that The National Wallace Monument in Stirling was considered to be an ideal place for membership forms to be placed. Gary will speak to the custodians to suggest this.
Press and Media officer
Irene informed members that Wallace documents are now available to read online via The British Library.
Irene, Duncan and partners represented the Society at the commemoration in Avoch. Irene laid roses on the Society’s behalf. Duncan presented the new the flag on behalf of the Society.
At their AGM, the society discussed ways in which they could assist promoting the membership of the Andrew De Moray Project which has done so much to raise the awareness of the important link with Avoch in terms of Scottish history.
Thanks to Irene, The King Robert Hotel and The Rob Roy has been booked for the commemoration, members are reminded that this is not too far off!
Condorrat Memorial, Duncan attended the recent unveiling of a new memorial in Condorrat. Members present were shown a new plaque commemorating 3 events in the area. The 1820 Radicals Rising, the Auchengeoch Mining Disaster and The Great Wars. A great job was done by local craftsmen. All are encouraged to visit it.
Duncan spoke about a notice he recently received from someone searching their family tree. They have suggested that the Sheriff of Lanark that Wallace killed, may not have been Heselrig, but Andrew de Livingstone. According to this man’s research, there are records of a Livingstone being sheriff up to 1297, & after that his name disappears from the records. It has been stated that the only writer who actually put a name to the sheriff of Lanark was Blind Harry. Duncan will look into this further.
Member Colin McKenzie contacted Duncan who told him that he had just attended a concert in London by John Parr, of St. Elmo’s Fire fame. He has released a new album & one of the songs he has written is called “At the Cathedral”, in which he mentions William Wallace & Robert the Bruce. Colin will try to arrange a copy for the Society.
Member Debbie Bardo sent Duncan an old book called “The Days of Bruce” by Grace Aguilar. Debbie had met the late Davie Ross a few years ago & promised him the book but never got the chance to give him it. Duncan thanked her on behalf of the Society.
Wallace’s Well,
An amazing amount of work has recently been completed. The whole wall has been underpinned & rebuilt, stonework has been cleaned & repointed & all the weeds from the burn have been removed, deepening the channel & allowing the water to flow faster, which will prevent future stagnation. Duncan showed photos of this amazing transformation to members.
New Painting, Society members were shown a copy of a picture of David Ross produced by Andy Hillhouse. All present were very impressed by it. It was envisaged that the original could be placed with the coffin, plaid and sword and copies in card form could be used appropriately and with respect, to promote the society.
CD’s and future fundraising
There was some discussion regarding the prioritisation of funds before the release of the CD. Rather than supporting many causes, perhaps the identification of one at a time may be the best way forward. The discussion will continue.
Forthcoming events
The Bannockburn Commemoration will be held on 25th June. Duncan has been asked to speak.
The Commemoration of the Battle of Falkirk will be held on16th July
All members were encouraged to attend & support these events. Details can be found on the website.
Wallace Yew
Society members Jean and Archie reported that a sapling grown from the original Wallace Yew was planted close to its parent in Elderslie, within the railed area. Children from the local school participated. There was press coverage from the local newspapers.
Date of Next Meeting Tuesday 19th July 2011, 7.45pm
Elderslie Village Hall
Present Duncan Fenton, Gary Stewart, Andrew Ballantyne, Irene Clarke, Andy Middleton, Gordon Aitken, Jim Adams, Richard Quinn, Kimberley Ross, Jean Millar, Archie Millar, Tom Lavelle, Isabel Lavelle, Anne Gladwell, George Boyle, Chris MacLeod, Lesley Matthews, Neil Gibson.
Apologies Neil Lochiel, Nick Brand, Eddie and Malcolm MacNeill, Ziggy & Craig Wilson, Lily Love, Karen Owens, Susan Coghill.
The Convenor of the Society, Duncan, welcomed everyone present and outlined safety procedures for the hall. He introduced the office bearers in turn and the following is a summary of their activities.
All present had previously received copies of the minutes of the previous month.
Treasurers Report George reported on the balance and cash flow of the society. Income and expenditure remains much as it had been in the previous month, with some expenditure on wreaths and planning permission.
The Wallace Cairn, George mentioned the work of Ron Henderson, whose stone sculpture we are hoping to use as a template for us to make a replica for inclusion in the proposed Bell o’ the Brae Cairn.
The materials used were discussed. If a mould was made in resin another could be made in the future. Fibreglass replicas such as the footprint at Dunadd hillfort are used extensively to preserve originals. A suggestion was made regarding the missing sword at The Wallace Memorial in Elderslie that the Clan Wallace could be contacted regarding possibly funding a replacement, made in a similar manner.
Final details were made for visit to Wallacewell School Fun Day at Robroyston. George, Gary & Andy Middleton will attend.
George reported on our recent Loudoun Hill Commemoration, in conjunction with the Strathleven Artisans. All agreed it went well for a first time event, with a turnout of around 70 people.
George has been in contact with Paisley Library. He has arranged to meet David Weir, Heritage Officer at Renfrewshire Libraries which holds scrapbook archives, including information on the campaign to get the Elderslie monument built. He also may be able to offer help with locating boards that were used for display purposes in Paisley Museum in the 2005 period, which may be of use to the Society.
They will look for anything relating to Wallace in the area, old photos, documents, etc.
Press and Media Officer Irene drew the attention of the Society to a number of historical inaccuracies this month including the BBC coverage of the queen’s visit to Dublin and the “800 years of British monarchy”.
Irene also highlighted the press coverage of a historian who has studied the pipe rolls in Kew. He suggested that Wallace had “falsely saught to call himself king of Scotland”.
The members agreed this was errant nonsense. All historians agree that Wallace fought consistently in the name of his King, John Balliol.
Andy Hillhouse has been asked to do a picture of David. Copies of which could be used for fundraising purposes. Prints could be used to be included within David’s book with Kimberley’s signature on. The original could be placed on display with the Wallace coffin, sword and plaid. Approval was given by Kimberley.
A list of David’s books have been collated and are now on a word document for use by the society, as are photographs of available t-shirts.
Vice Convenor’s Report Gary mentioned that the minutes of meeting of 7th March re Wallace Letter are now published on NAS website.
Planning application now lodged with Glasgow City Council for BOTB cairn.
Liam Doris, the schoolboy who impressed Gary with his knowledge of Wallace during Gary’s recent visit to St. Mary’s Primary School in Caldercruix, was awarded an honorary membership of the Society for his efforts. The local newspaper covered the story & the news cutting is now on our website.
Campaign to get a song to Number 1 in the charts Members are encouraged to support Ted Christopher’s song “I’m Coming Home” which will raise awareness and funds for Bannockburn 2014. Scottish charts, Celtic Radio, Celtic Force and Facebook were suggested as possible places which could support the campaign.
Convenors report Duncan represented the Society at the first anniversary of the opening of the Robert the Bruce Heritage Centre in Renton, run by the Strathleven Artizans.
Loudon Hill A great day was had at the recent commemoration, with photographs on the Society’s website. This was the first of a joint venture between the Strathleven Artizans & the SOWW. Thanks were expressed by Duncan to all those who helped get things going the right way!
Society member Neil Locheil sent in some ideas, one of which was: a way of remembering David Ross in some more permanent way. He suggested that David’s name remained on the Society membership as “perpetuent moris mori”….perpetual despite death.
Final details were made for Andrew de Moray Flag Raising Ceremony in Avoch. Duncan & Irene will attend.
Duncan visited Cambuskenneth Abbey to see the repaired graveslab of King James III. Historic Scotland had contacted Irene to inform us of its return. Duncan took photos of all stones in the belltower, but none seem to fit their description, which describes it as “blue Tournai marble”.
Duncan e-mailed them to ask for a photo of the stone, which they duly sent. Duncan passed round their photo & his own photos of the stones in the tower. Their photo doesn’t seem to match anything there. Duncan has sent them another e-mail for clarification.
Duncan thanked Archie & Jean for copy of Paisley Daily Express, whose front cover carried a story of the proposed Wallace monument, by Sandy Stoddart, for Saucel Hill, in Paisley. The story stated that this would cost £3 million & planning application was made by the “William Wallace Group”.
Duncan wrote to the paper asking who this group was, because it could be inferred from the article that it was our society. He also wanted to know where the figure of £3 million came from, as the Daily Mail also reported on this, quoting a figure of £2 million.
Duncan pointed out that as we are trying to raise funds for the Bell o’ the Brae Cairn, this article might put people off donating in these tough economic times.
Archie also brought in a magazine article on the Cadger’s Brig, in Biggar, which has a Wallace connection. As Gordon knows the area well, Duncan asked him to read out the article.
A plaque at The Cross Keys Inn tells the story.
Greenhills Covenanters Museum was also a recommended site to visit.
It was suggested that a tour of Wallace related sites such as the above would be possible. All present thought that this would be a good idea.
Robroyston Duncan received an e-mail from Gordon Blackwood. He had written to local councillors & MSP’s to highlight the problems surrounding the wall at Wallace’s Well. He had received assurances that there will be road safety measures put in place. These included road markings and chevrons, & a larger “Give Way” sign, but as yet, are not in place. Since he last visited, all that has been done is the repainting of the ‘Slow’ marking on the road.
Duncan thanked him & will investigate further. A discussion ensued on how best to take this forward. Gary suggested speaking to Wallacewell School to inquire if we could involve them in a road safety campaign to highlight the dangers to pedestrians at this site.
Stamps and Postcards Duncan has sent the producer of the stamps and postcards an honorary membership on behalf of the Society.
Mar’s Wark, Stirling Members present were shown photographs of a statue of a woman in a winding sheet, on the wall of Mar’s Wark. A ceramic equivalent showed more detail. This is kept in the Stirling Smith Museum. It is thought that this is Joan of Arc at the stake, bound before being burned at the stake at Rouen. Locals are known to refer to this statue as Jeannie Dark, which makes sense when the story is explained! Duncan thanked Dr. Elspeth King, who supplied some information when he was researching this some years ago.
AOCB Duncan thanked Jean Laidlaw for the information that G.A. Henty’s book, “In Freedom’s Cause” is now available free to download from HERE
Photographs were shown to members of the Wallace House in Elderslie, along with the original drawing of the monument. Thanks to Andrew Ballantyne.
The meeting ended with no tea, but customary good humour, including 2 new positions available to society members…1. a navigator and 2. someone to make sure the banner is the correct way round (all those present at Loudon Hill will understand completely!)
Next Meeting Tuesday 21st June, 2011 Elderslie Village Hall 7.45 pm. Everyone Welcome! |
Duncan Fenton, Lily Love, Irene Clarke, Brian McCuthcheon, Gini Graig, Neil Lochiel, Peter Malcolm, Archie Millar, Jean Millar, Isabel Lavelle, Tom Lavelle, Gary Stewart, George Boyle, Chris MacLeod, Andrew Ballantyne.
Gordon Aitken, Karen Owens, Ziggy Wilson, Craig Wilson, William Ballantyne, Anne Gladwell, Susan Coghill, Nick Brand, Eddie & Malcolm MacNeill.
The Convenor of the Society, Duncan, welcomed everyone present and outlined safety procedures for the hall. He introduced the office bearers in turn and the following is a summary of their activities.
All present had previously received copies of last month’s minutes and they were approved.
Treasurers Report
George reported on the balance and cash flow of the society which remains healthy, including those from the PayPal account.
As badges have sold well, he has ordered a re-run on behalf of The Society.
A wreath of flowers was laid by Gary Stewart on behalf of the Society, at the memorial to Wallace at Smithfield in London. Some members were in London for the Scotland v Brazil match. This was paid for by the Society.
Also included was the annual purchase of a Saltire which will be raised at Avoch in The Black Isle, showing solidarity with the memory of Andrew De Moray. The previous year’s saltire is removed and gifted to the person given the honour of initially raising the flag.
Group members were interested to note that the flag that Duncan received in 2004 is now interred in the time capsule in the cairn to Wallace at Falkirk.
Webmasters Report
George reported that Facebook communication is doing well.
Members are requested to continue to check the website for the latest information.
Vice Convenors Report
The Wallace letter, all present were more than pleased to hear of the very positive steps forward regarding the return of the Letter of Safe Conduct. Thanks to the perseverance and determination of a very committed team. Expect to hear more regarding this following the Scottish elections.
The Visit to London,
Gary reported on the visit to the site of the execution of Wallace. Many attended, including a number of members of the Tartan Army. Thanks were expressed by Gary on behalf of the Society to everyone who came along to pay their respects.
A young boy was chosen to lay the wreath. His proud father and grandfather were also in attendance at this very emotional moment.
Pictures of the event are available on Facebook.
The annual commemoration, hosted by the Inverness Gaelic Society, went very well. It included a group from the T.A. who had marched from Nairn.
Photographs are also available on Facebook.
Channel 5 interview,
Gary has been contacted by a member of the team who intend to make a programme on Wallace. More information is to follow.
Gary also reported that he Annual commemoration at the Abbey went well, with a good attendance. Duncan was asked to speak at this event.
Press and Media officer
Irene had very little to report in terms of press coverage this month. This is unusual, but may be due to the increasing coverage of other issues prior to the election, but could also be due to the press getting better at researching their history!
Sales continue at a steady pace, with online sales including David’s book. For Freedom is currently out of stock. More are currently being ordered.
Desire Lines is also now available again.
Please check out the website for current stock.
Photographs of t-shirts may soon be made, which may increase sales.
Convenor’s Report
Robroyston, Duncan reported that the wall near the site of the monument is in a pitiful state, having virtually collapsed into the nearby burn. Duncan will voice his concerns on behalf of the Society again. The council stated that “the road will be straightened out”. The situation will continue to be monitored while other planning related issues are being tackled.
Duncan also made inquiries regarding the whereabouts of the sundial at Robroyston. An inventory check was made by Glasgow Museums, who confirmed they have it in storage in their purpose built facility in Nitshill. It is still packed up following its move from the Kelvin Hall. Duncan received an e-mail, stating that they will contact him when it is unpacked, & will make an appointment to view it & take photographs. In the meantime, they sent Duncan a photo of it before it was crated. Duncan showed this to members alongside a sketch of it from the 1700’s.
Australian Cairn,
Rabbie Dudgeon, who has obtained planning permission for a memorial to Wallace in Victoria, Australia, was very pleased with the approval of the use of a quote from David to be carved on the cairn. He plans to document and video the project. He was also very happy to hear the news of the Wallace letter.
John A MacKay, who was involved in Wallace 700 in Lanark has included the story of Wallace letter in his newsletter. A copy was sent to Duncan.
Stirling Statue,
A committee of 5 trustees has been formed for the purpose of fundraising for a statue of Wallace and De Moray at Stirling Bridge. This has potential to be an iconic focal point for the town. The group has put forward a motion for the council to begin the process through allocating £10,000. Ted Christopher has suggested many fundraising ideas which the Society will hear more of in future.
Cambuskenneth Abbey,
This Historic Scotland property has opened to the public in March.
The organisation has told us that the repaired graveslab of King James III has been reinstated in the belltower. Duncan will visit to take photos.
Previous suggestions of envelopes made with an amazing drawing of Wallace on, produced by John Mackay, are not viable at present. However, large stamps can be printed which can be attached to any envelope. This was thought to be an equally good idea.
Origins of The Society,
There was some debate as to when the Society was actually formed. Paisley Museum may be able to help with this. Knowing that the monument was unveiled in 1912, next year should be a special commemoration for the Society. It was agreed by all present that T- shirts be printed.
Loudon Hill Saturday 7th May,
Duncan, George and William met with councillors within the Darvel area finalising the details of the event prior to the commemoration. Darvel Music Festival will also be held on that day with an evening event planned.
Duncan represented the Society and made a speech at the commemoration of the signing of the declaration of Arbroath.
Press and Media Officer, Irene, along with Duncan, will represent the Society at this commemoration.
Robroyston Fun Day,
Vice convenor Gary and Treasurer George will represent the Society at this event.
Society member Muriel Roebuck sent information to the Society relating to the origins of Dundee Castle. The original wall of the castle is part of the basement of a record shop!
Tartan day USA,
There was some debate by the Society regarding the recipients of the William Wallace award. Sean Connery was the first recipient in 2000.
Duncan read out from correspondence that he & Davie Ross had sent to the organisers, following the leaked news that Tony Blair was the intended recipient. They had voiced their concerns that a man who was no friend of Scotland should not be given this award, & that it would demean the name of Wallace. Duncan received a reply, stating that, in view of the letters they had received, they had decided not to award it that year.
New small paper saltires which we had ordered, have arrived.
Wallace Monument,
Those present discussed the monument in Elderslie which was raised through fundraising organised by The London Scottish Society in 1912. Various alterations to the monument which was constructed by architects, Murray and Minty, have taken place including:
Plaster Moulds in 1917
The Smithfield Plaque in 1956
Bronze colouring by The Clan Wallace in 1970
It is thought that the 6 sided monument should have 6 depictions of Wallace. If that is the case then two are missing. Society member Archie Millar has made enquiries into this in Paisley Museum who have no knowledge of this at present. If anyone has any information on this please contact the Society. Other members agreed to look into this as well.
The meeting ended with the customary jokes….and thanks to Lily for the tea afterwards!
Next Meeting Tuesday 15th June, 2011 Elderslie Village Hall 7.45 pm. Everyone Welcome! |
Present: Duncan Fenton, Brian McCutcheon, Gary Stewart, Gordon Aitken, Andrew Ballantyne, Archie Millar, Neil Locheil, George Boyle, William Ballantyne, Anne Gladwell, Irene Clarke, Kimberley Ross, Karen Wilson, Chris MacLeod
Apologies: Jean Millar, T. Lavelle, I. Lavelle, Alex Scullion, Fiona Douglas, Ziggy Wilson, Craig Wilson, Karen Owens, Susan Coghill, Andy Middleton, Lily Love.
The Convenor of the Society, Duncan, welcomed everyone present and outlined safety procedures for the hall. He introduced the office bearers in turn and the following is a summary of their activities.
Treasurers Report: George reported on the balance and cash flow of the society which remains healthy, including those from the PayPal account.
David’s book is available and is selling well. It was suggested that a facsimile signature be added in some form to those books sold through the society. This would be considered carefully.
The First Minister, Alex Salmond, has requested a copy.
Webmasters Report: George reported that the number of hits were increasing and Facebook communication is doing well.
George is currently updating the website. Members are requested to continue to check the website for the latest information.
The Society is now part of the membership of The Renfrewshire Local History Forum. Check out their website for details.
Press and Media officer: Media related issues which Irene observed and the group discussed included …The Clans. The BBC production. A half hour documentary covered the Clan Stewart!
Culloden, check out the future plans for a commemorative walk by the T.A. on the BBC's website.
The Co-operative. This week marked the 250th anniversary of the foundation of the Weaver’s Society in Fenwick in 1761. This is said to be the first co-op, years older than that formed by The Rochdale Pioneers in England. Check out The Co-Operative website and see a short film.
Merchandise Officer: Ziggy sent his apologies. Sales continue at a steady pace, with online sales including David’s book. Check out the website for current stock.
Vice Convenor's report: The Wallace letter, due to the sensitive nature of the important and serious discussions involved with the plans to return the letter to Scotland, Gary was unable to elaborate on recent events. Society members should check the website and press for up to date information.
The Battle of The Bell o’ The Brae, Gary and George met with a representative from Glasgow City Council Planning Department. They had no problem with the Society’s plan to locate a memorial at a specific spot in the vicinity of Glasgow Cathedral.
Duncan has downloaded the application form and brought it in to the meeting. The forms will now go forward to the next stage where the request will be put to the community via the press. The Society will now have to fund the planning application to take it further. One of the members of the Society present at the meeting gave some good advice on the practicalities of dealing with the official procedures involved.
Visit to London, Gary will be attending the Scotland v Brazil game in London(!) soon. He will also visit Smithfield. He suggested that he take a wreath to the site of the memorial to Wallace on behalf of the Society. Everyone present agreed to this. It will be funded by the Society.
The Tomb of Bishop Wishart, a plaque should soon be in place in Glasgow Cathedral. Discussions continue regarding the exact size and location. The inclusion of a saltire, in whatever form, is still refused, and the Union flag still remains.
Radio show, the Society will feature on Greek radio on the 25th of March, Greek Independence Day, where society members will link up with Dina in Athens for a short talk.
Other items related to Wallace were discussed including Glasgow Museums.
We are also trying to locate the leather sign for the pub named after the Battle of The Bell o’ The Brae.
Convenor’s Report: Loudon Hill. Following a suggestion by William Ballantyne that the Society should commemorate Wallace’s victory at Loudoun Hill, Duncan has had talks with Duncan Thomson, chairman of the Strathleven Artizans, with a view to holding a joint Bruce/Wallace commemoration.
Author Sarah Crome, writer of Scotland’s First War of Independence, will be the main speaker this year. A member of both Societies involved will speak about their respective heroes. A local councillor will also be invited to speak.
William has been to see the proprietors of the Loudon Hill Inn as a suitable venue for refreshments following the commemoration.
William showed members present a miniature stained glass window, based on that of Wallace in Paisley Abbey, which is available in the shop at the Inn.
Duncan has asked Irvine Valley Regeneration Partnership if they would like to send a representative. They were instrumental in planning the Spirit of Scotland Monument at Loudon Hill.
Wallace Day, Sarah Crome has also volunteered to be a speaker at Wallace Day 2011, as has Society member William Ballantyne.
Robroyston, Society Vice Convenor, Gary Stewart will speak at the commemoration there.
Falkirk, Duncan passed round photo’s sent by society member, Marion MacMillan, showing the impressive restoration work at the tomb of John De Graham and the grave marker of Sir John Stewart of Bonkle.
Duncan was sent photos of a pub in Edinburgh named The Radical Road, after the road which was the site of events in 1820. This is owned by member Martin Mitchell. These were also passed round.
Check out the 1820 Society website for more information on yet another piece of history not taught in schools.
Arbroath, check out website for details of commemoration on the 2nd of April.
Stirling Bridge monument, Society members, Ted Christopher and others are working to raise sufficient funds to provide a monument to Wallace and Andrew De Moray, near the bridge. They are in the process of forming a charity for this purpose.
Duncan read correspondence from a variety of different sources and locations including Britanny and Argentina, where there is a school named after Wallace.
Duncan showed members a colour supplement from the Sunday Mail, published in 1998. The first edition of a series called Scotland’s Story. Davie Ross had the inside back page every month documenting his travels all over Scotland as the “Biker Historian”. Seems like just yesterday. Thanks to Flora Strachan for sending this in.
Origins of The Society, There was some debate as to when the Society was actually formed. As far as we aware, a committee was formed to commemorate the unveiling of the Wallace monument in Elderslie, in 1912.
So next year should be a special commemoration for the Society. It was agreed by all present that commemorative T- shirts be printed.
If anyone has any more information on the history of the Society, please get in touch.
David’s Official Book launch, This was held in The Abbot House in Dunfermline with both afternoon and evening events, and was a great success. Dr. Elspeth King & Dr. Fiona Watson were present to speak at the launch. Members of the Society were also there, & were asked to speak in turn.
Kimberley showed members present an article from the local press confirming the very positive response from organisers and readers.
Kimberley reported on a phone call from Donovan Murray from America. He outlined a proposal from The Clan Ranald Trust to house the Wallace coffin in a new development that they are currently constructing. It was suggested that the contents of the coffin and David’s plaid be on display there.
Permission was granted to Australian member, Rabbie Dudgeon, who is involved with the proposal of a new monument to Wallace, to inscribe a quotation from one of David’s books.
A proposal was made by Society member, Hugh Robertson, of Fire and Sword, that Kimberley be made the official Armour Bearer of the Society of William Wallace. All present at the meeting were in favour of this new honour. The Society will purchase some of Davie Ross’s weaponry so it can be carried at future marches & commemorations.
The meeting ended with the customary jokes….we all missed Lily’s tea and refreshments!
Next Meeting Tuesday 19th April, 2011 Elderslie Village Hall 7.45 pm. Everyone Welcome! |
Duncan Fenton, Irene Clarke, Mae Duggan, William Ballantyne, Anne Gladwell, Jean Millar, Archie Millar, Isobel Lavelle, Tom Lavelle, Gary Stewart, George Boyle, Richard Quinn, Brian McCutcheon, Jim Adams, Alex Scullion, Peter Malcolm.
Ziggy Wilson, Craig Wilson, Lily Love, Chris MacLeod, Jennifer Boyle, Michael Reid, , Andy Ballantyne, Susan Coghill, Andy Middleton, Neil Lochiel, Fiona Douglas, Gordon Aitken, Karen Owens.
Treasurers Report: George reported a healthy bank balance, with new members joining all the time. One of our latest additions is from Mariana Boubee, who runs an English language school in Argentina. Her school is named after Sir William Wallace.
George said he will contact Ziggy, our Merchandise Officer, for a stock report, to see if any new merchandise has to be ordered.
The 300 lapel badges we got last January have now all gone. More will be ordered. It was suggested we could sell Davie Ross’s books using E-Bay. George mentioned that the wee paper saltires that we ordered last year have still not been delivered. Duncan will chase up the order.
Webmasters Report: George reported that the Society website continues to do well. With Facebook link, over 3,000 members get notified of events.
Press and Media officer: Irene spoke on the article which appeared recently in the Sunday Express concerning the launch of David's last book. Irene had contacted the reporter to request the article.
Irene mentioned the recent TV programme, “Fighting Scots”, which featured Wallace & Bruce.
Campaigners are trying to raise £5 million for a new visitor centre at Prestonpans, reported on the BBC’s news website.
Irene has contacted the First Minister, Alex Salmond, to ask if he is available to attend Davie’s book launch at Dunfermline, or this year’s Wallace Day.
Irene continues to badger the media when they get our history wrong, whether by accident or design.
Vice Convenor's report: The Wallace Safe Conduct Letter. Gary told members that efforts continue behind the scenes to secure the return of this document. A further meeting between Scottish & English academics is planned for March. It is hoped Professor Barrow will be able to attend.
Dundee, further to last month’s discussion regarding the possibility of a plaque being installed to Wallace, Gary has spoken to two of our members who stay in Dundee. They will look into this.
The Battle of The Bell O' the Brae, George and Gary had a further meeting with the planning department at Glasgow City Council in the City Chambers. Several sites have been identified as suitable, one of which is in the centre of the Cathedral precinct where the paths intersect.
Everything seems optimistic about this venture.
Gary told the meeting that Albannach & Ted Christopher have now confirmed they will play at Wallace Day.
School visit: Gary was asked to give a talk to a class of 7-8 year-old in an Airdrie school. He took along a variety of weapons & spoke about life during Wallace’s time. He was impressed by the children’s knowledge.
One young lad in particular, Liam Doris, seemed to be well up on the subject. After further discussions with his teacher, Gary suggested the Society make him an honourary member. Duncan agreed & printed up a membership certificate with his name on it, framed. Gary will present this at his next visit. Getting children interested in history at an early age is invaluable. Well done, Gary!
Convenor’s Report: Duncan has been in contact with the band Scocha to ask if they will play at Wallace Day. They have agreed. Duncan will contact them to sort out final details.
The terrific Tulliallan Pipe Band who played for us last year, have also been booked. Members agreed it is good to have most of our plans in place well before Wallace Day.
Sarah Crome, author of “Scotland’s First War of Independence”, has agreed to speak at Wallace Day.
At last month’s meeting, William Ballantyne suggested we should hold a commemoration at Loudon Hill, scene of victories for both Wallace & Bruce. With this in mind, Duncan got in touch with Duncan Thomson, Chairman of the Strathleven Artizans, to suggest a joint venture. They have agreed on the date of 7th May, which is the nearest Saturday to the 10th, the day of Bruce’s victory.
The plan is to gather at the car park & march to the Wallace sculpture, by Richard Price, for speeches. Hopefully, this will be an addition to our annual events calendar. Further details will be given nearer the time.
Duncan showed photos of information plaques in Stirling, regarding the 1820 martyrs, Baird, Hardie & Wilson. Wallace is also mentioned as the martys suffered the same fate as Wallace.
Duncan thanked Richard Quinn for sending him these.
Duncan suggested our members could attend more commemorations by other groups, such as the 1820 Society. George suggested putting a link from our website to theirs, & suggested that Richard set up a Facebook page as we have done.
One of our members in Australia, Rabbie Dudgeon, has obtained permission to build a memorial to the late Davie Ross, either at Lake Wallace or Mount Wallace. A final decision has still to be taken. Rabbie will send Duncan photos of the sites for consideration.
Duncan has e-mailed Davie’s daughter, Kimberley to ask her permission for the go ahead. Rabbie wants to use one of Davie’s quotes on the memorial.
A.O.C.B. George spoke of a phone call from member Andy Middleton, who outlined further plans to upgrade the Wallace site at Robroyston. Andy, with fellow member, Brian Young, intends to clear out all the weeds from the Gad Burn, running past Wallace’s Well. He also intends to buy a further two benches to place beside the monument.
Members agreed the site is a massive improvement, thanks to these guys’ involvement.
Members discussed reimbursing the guys for their financial outlay.
Next Meeting Tuesday 15th March, 2011 Elderslie Village Hall 7.45 pm. Everyone Welcome! |
Present: Duncan Fenton, Irene Clarke, Lily Love, Mae Duggan, Jim Adams, William Ballantyne, Jean Millar, Archie Millar, Isobel Lavelle, Tom Lavelle, Gary Stewart, George Boyle, Chris MacLeod.
Apologies: Laird MacAndrews, Joane MacAndrews, Ziggy Wilson, Craig Wilson, Jennifer Boyle, Michael Reid, Anne Gladwell, Andy Ballantyne, Susan Coghill, Andy Middleton, Neil Lochiel.
Treasurers Report:George reported that the Paypal system of payment of membership and donations is now the method that most society members use.
Expenditure recently included Renfrew District Council annual hall rent, the fee for the band and refreshments at the Christmas party, which constituted a significant amount.
Webmasters Report: George also reported that The Society website continues to do well. With Facebook link, over 3,000 members get notified of events.
Vice Convenor's report: Gary is continuing to ensure that The Wallace letter continues to receive publicity. He has arranged a meeting regarding a press release with national newspapers.
He will maintain contact with respected historian Dr Fiona Watson who has the professional background and expertise to equal the critics of Professor Barrow who stand in the way of the return of the letter.
The Secretary for Culture, Fiona Hyslop has also indicated support.
Bishop Robert Wishart: Gary has been in touch with Lydia Reid who will meet with Historic Scotland to discuss the placing of a saltire beside the tomb of the bishop in Glasgow Cathedral. It is already known that Historic Scotland are not in favour of this.
Other Memorials: Recently there have been suggestions by email to the society of other possible memorial sites related to Wallace e.g. a plaque near Dundee Castle. These show how much Wallace continues to live on in the hearts of many today.
Scotland's forgotten recent history: Gary informed the group to look out for a new Oscar nominated film, Oranges and Sunshine, regarding child migrants pre and post WW2, showing yet another aspect of our history which is not taught in schools.
Singing for Scotland: All members present were delighted to hear of the recent media report relating to forthcoming athletic games that it was great to see Scots kids were singing Scots songs all of whom were of different ethnic backgrounds....a fine example of "one culture, many colours".
The Battle of The Bell O' the Brae: George and Gary continue to be in contact with Glasgow City Council officials regarding the proposal to have some sort of memorial in the vicinity of Glasgow Cathedral. There is optimism that the spot will be a prime site!
Press and Media officer: Irene will be in touch with the Daily Express who intend to do a weekend article on David's book which is now on general release.
Irene thanked George on behalf of the Society for the organisation of the Christmas event held at The Wallace Tavern. The meal and entertainment were excellent and very good value for money. The lack of heat was an issue, which should be resolved for next year!
Irene also informed members of an informal meeting on the 2nd of January at Robroyston to remember our dear friend, patriot and convenor, David on the anniversary of his death. Members said a few words & shared a wee dram in David’s memory.
Irene then returned to the current media related issues observed including the James the 1st and 6th continually in use.
David Cameron was also a topic of discussion with his constant use of "this country", meaning his country.
Merchandise Officer: Sales of merchandise through the website continue. David's new book will also be available.
Convenor’s Report: Duncan commented on an article written by David Campbell of The Sunday Post relating to Historic Scotland who are compiling a list of battlefields. it was noted that many of these revered sites are now covered in houses.
The campaign for a second flagpole to fly the saltire at Edinburgh Castle had been blocked by "some law rubbish"! But Now Historic Scotland have done a U-turn, & the work will go ahead. Duncan thanked Jean & Archie for sending him these news cuttings.
The Saint Andrew's Day Rally last year went very well. Many society members were present. A cheque was presented to Kimberley for the money raised at the David R. Ross held in Edinburgh. This will go to the Bannockburn 2014 Fund.
Fiery Jack & Ted Christopher provided the excellent evening entertainment.
David's Book: Duncan informed members that there will be a formal book launch at The Abbots House in Dunfermline on 25th February. There will be two events.
Between 2 - 4 pm, Elspeth King will be present (tbc)
7 - 9pm, Dr Fiona Watson.
All welcome. Dress code: "all kilted up".....weaponry optional!
David's book is available to purchase now online, from the Society and in bookshops.
Sundials: Duncan has been in communication with the editors of The British Sundial Society, who produce a quarterly journal. They are intrigued by the carved piece given to David at a recent Wallace Day by an Elderslie resident. The possibility that it may be the work of John Mylne, James the Fourth's personal stonemason will be researched further. Duncan sent them his own pictures of sundials across Scotland, and they have asked permission to use them in their publication. This was granted.
Duncan on Greek Radio! Konstantina, who spoke at Wallace Day, got him involved, along with a few others on Voice of Greece Radio show. Also featured were Eddie MacNeill (Faither), young Glen Wood & Adam MacLeod.
Duncan promoted the Wallace commemorations and other related events.
Duncan was very impressed by The band Scotia who he heard in Stirling recently. All present approved his suggestion that he contact them to ask if they would play at Wallace Day.
Duncan received an e-mail from member, Richard Quinn, who suggested that the Society join the Renfrewshire Local History Forum. The fee is £ 8.00 per Society. This will be looked into.
Duncan handed out copies of a picture of a copy of a print of Blind Harry’s “Wallace”. This is not the Hamilton & Gilbertfield edition that we know of, but is by David Stewart Erskine Buchan, printed by R. Morison Junior, in 1790. It shows an engraving of Wallace being led to his execution that he hadn’t seen before.
It can be downloaded free HERE
Lily showed members present some fantastic Envelopes with the image of the face of Wallace produced by The Lanark 700 Trust. Selling at 10p each, orders were taken right away! The possibility of matching paper is to be researched. These envelopes, with saltire stamps would look great together...(demand your saltire, and lion rampant, stamps at the post office)!
Duncan has maintained contact with our American friends who will be visiting Scotland from 31st July to the 9th August. This will co-incide with Robroyston commemorations. Duncan suggested, and all present were in favour of having a get together. Possibly Saturday 6th August in Elderslie Village Hall or the Wallace Tavern. A non-profit making, fund raising night, possibly including an auction is being planned.
We will keep ye posted!
A big thank you from all members to Lily for refreshments following the meeting.
Next Meeting Tuesday 15th February, 2011 Elderslie Village Hall 7.45 pm. Everyone Welcome!
Present: Duncan Fenton, Irene Clarke, Jean Thomson, Lily Love, Chris MacLeod, Gordon Aitken, Andy Middleton, Andrew Ballantyne, Margaret Fraser, Donald Fraser, Jean Millar, Isobel Lavelle, Gary Stewart, Kimberley Ross, James Conner, Neil Gibson.
Apologies: George Boyle, Susan Coghill, Ziggy Wilson, Karen Owens, Grant Williamson, Archie Millar, Kirsty Matthews.
The Convenor: Duncan, welcomed all and outlined fire procedure in accordance with the guidelines of Renfrewshire Council.
Prior to the election of office bearers, Duncan introduced a special presentation to members.
Members Irene and Paul Clarke have kindly donated a silver quaich inscribed with the Wallace Society crest and motto. This is to be known as The David Ross Memorial Quaich. The Quaich also contained threads from David’s plaid.
It will be presented each year to the member of the group who has made a significant contribution to the Society throughout the previous year.
Gary Stewart is this year’s recipient for all the work that he has done on the Letter of Safe Conduct.
The quaich was presented by Irene, Duncan said that “He may have the Build of a whippet…but has the tenacity of bull terrier”!
Whisky and lemonade, David’s drink was also given by the Society to toast the big man!
Kimberley Ross also presented a fantastic canvas photograph of her father “Following in Footsteps of Heroes” to Willie Ballantyne for all his work in sourcing and producing David’s banner in time for Wallace Day.
Duncan presented Lily Love with a bouquet of flowers as a thank you from the Society for feeding & watering the hujgry troops all year.
Thereafter the 2009/2010 committee stood down and the following is the result of the Annual Election of Office Bearers, seconded by various members present at the meeting.
Election of Office Bearers for the year 2010/2011
Convenor: Duncan Fenton
Vice Convenor: Gary Stewart
Treasurer: George Boyle
Press and Media Officer: Irene Clarke
Minute Secretary: Christine MacLeod
Webmaster: George Boyle
Merchandise Officer: Ziggy Wilson
Assistant Merchandise Officer: Craig Wilson
Social Convenor: Lily Love
Additional Seconded Committee members: Andy Middleton William Ballantyne, Gordon Aitken.
The newly re-elected convenor, Duncan resumed the meeting.
Treasurer and Web master’s report: Duncan reported on behalf of George, who was on holiday. He thanked him for his work over the year, including his help with our American friends, the quaich, the banner and Wallace Day.
The web page is great and Facebook numbers have reached 2700, the most ever.
Press and Media Report: Irene reported on James The Third’s stone. She is in contact with Historic Scotland and will let the Society know of the date for it’s return to Cambuskenneth Abbey.
The King Robert Hotel in Bannockburn has been booked for the 700th Anniversary in 2014.
Merchandise Report: Sales are continuing. Members are encouraged to check the online shop on the society website
Convenors Report: A DVD has been produced by Fife Council on the Coronation of Robert The Bruce, by Jock Ferguson. It is hoped that this be available to every school in Scotland. The full text could be downloaded for educational purposes. More on this to follow.
The Battle o’ the Bell o’ the Brae: Duncan, George and Gary met with Glasgow Council officials regarding the erection of a monument. The idea is that it would be in the vicinity of Glasgow Cathedral. Previous objections by the council that the statue be a hazard seems to have been dismissed and therefore discussions will continue. Ron Henderson has already sculpted the “Pro Libertate” memorial was suggested as a designer. The idea of a cobbled surround similar to that at Gordon’s cairn in Falkirk was thought to be an excellent one.
The whole organisation of the cairn at Falkirk was discussed as an achievable way of getting things done by the society within budget and involving all members who would like to contribute their time.
Funding and support for this may come from other sources e.g. The Common Good Fund. Schools may also be involved e.g. the inclusion of a time capsule.
If this is successful, the group will have been involved in the erection of more commemorative statues to Wallace’s campaigns than the Victorians!
The Andrew De Moray Project has a committee campaigning for a new 20 foot statue at Stirling bridge. An artist’s impression has already been made and looks very impressive.
The Tom Church Statue of Wallace at the Monument in Stirling has been removed.
Iain McGhee from Robroyston Community Council is producing an information leaflet on the area of the monument. Duncan had a meeting with him & supplied photographs. He asked for permission for the use of the Society’s logo. Duncan sent this on to him.
Duncan informed all present that member, Muiriel Roebuck, was interviewed by The Stirling Observer regarding the protest about the plans for pylons to be placed in Sherrifmuir battlefield site.
Letter of Safe Conduct: Gary continues to make progress and is in communication with Dr Fiona Watson by email. It is felt that we are a lot closer to achieving a positive outcome and getting the letter home!
St Andrews Day Rally: 27th November. Castle Esplanade. 4.30. George Boyle, Ted Christopher and Duncan Fenton.
Entertainment in Lodge Trafalgar with Albannach, Fiery Jack and Ted Christopher.
Subscriptions: Duncan thanked everyone who had already contributed. New members are always welcome.
AOCB: Wallace Day 2011. All present were thanked for the support for and smooth running of the evening event in 2010. Next year we hope for the same. Adherence and respect for the law on alcohol and smoking in particular will help tremendously to ensure that everyone has a great time.
David’s Book, Kimberley reported that her dad’s book is now complete. The publishers have yet to make contact with her regarding a release date. Kimberley will liaise with Ziggy.
Loudon Hill, the possibility of a wreath laying ceremony was suggested by members. A suggestion was made that the Society could join forces with other groups, such as the Strathleven Artisans, to hold a joint Wallace & Bruce commemoration there, as both fought battles in the vicinity.
The meeting was concluded by Duncan who thanked everyone for their continued support and attendance.
Duncan thanked Lily for providing the refreshments and great food that she provided following the meeting.
Date of next meeting? There will be No Meeting in December, however here are the details of the Annual Dinner!
The Wallace Tavern 17th December 20.00 All welcome Entertainment by Fiery Jack.
Next Meeting Tuesday 18th January, 2011 Elderslie Village Hall 7.45 pm. Everyone Welcome!
Nolaig chridheil agus bliadhna mhath ur! Have a guid new year!
Present: Irene Clarke, Duncan Fenton, George Boyle, William Ballantyne, Donald Fraser, Margaret Fraser, Andrew Ballantyne, Neil Lochiel, Gordon Aitken, Gary Stewart, Lily Love, Jim Adams, Peter Malcolm.
Apologies: Karen Owens, Grant Williamson, Andy Middleton, Archie Millar, Jean Millar, Isobel Lavelle, Tom Lavelle, Susan Coghill, Anne Gladwell, Eddie & Malcolm MacNeill, Ziggy Wilson.
A warm welcome was made to all by Duncan.
Treasurers report…George: More subscription money was handed in, including a Paypal payment from SOWW USA, who give our Society a percentage of each membership payment they receive. This is very welcome. Members were thanked for their continued support. Even with the expenditure this year on one-off items that the Society needed, including the Davie Ross banner, our new set of banner poles, PA system, fridge, the hand stamp, & a lot of new merchandise, our bank balance is in a healthy state.
Webmaster’s Report…George: The Facebook Page gains more members every day. We now have 2412 Friends.
Press and Media Officer…Irene: Irene wrote a letter of thanks to the local police station thanking their officers for their help on Wallace Day, & received a nice letter of thanks.
Irene mentioned the fact that we have to enforce the “no drinking outwith the premises” rule more stringently. In the ensuing discussion, it was decided that once everyone is in the hall for the evening’s entertainment, the front door will be locked, but will continue to be manned by the door staff, who will let folk leave that way at the end of the evening. Smokers will be able to use the two fire exits to have a cigarette outside.
Also mentioned was the fact that we had a few teenagers trying to disrupt proceedings during the speeches. Duncan said he will ask the police to have a couple of officers stay throughout the ceremony.
Vice Convenors Report…Duncan: Duncan thanked Jean & Archie Millar for posting him a newspaper article, showing a model of the new proposed statue of William Wallace & Andrew de Moray, which is intended for Paisley. This by renowned sculptor, Sandy Stoddart. The display is currently on at Paisley Museum.
Duncan had a meeting with Ian McGhee, from Robroyston Community Council. They have been asked to produce a leaflet on the Robroyston area, & the Society were asked to provide historical input. Duncan supplied copies of old photos of the Memorial Cross & Wallace’s Well, & his correspondence with Historic Scotland over the de-listing of the well.
Duncan passed round photos of the area surrounding Wallace’s Well, which is undergoing an upgrade. The old concrete in front of the well has been removed & replaced with Caithness slabs. It makes such a difference.
It’s a pity that work on the retaining wall seems to have stalled. Duncan will contact the council again to hurry them on a bit.
Duncan wrote to the National Trust for Scotland to enquire why they have spent £5 million on two abandoned B&Q warehouses - in England!
He wanted to know why, in the wake of closure of many of their properties, & laying off of staff, that they should be taking money raisied in Scotland & spending it in England.
Their reply states that “these buildings have purchased by our investments team for creating a return for specific reserves & pension funds. They are managed by an outside firm”.
So basically, they are playing with their members’ money. If you are a card holder, please make your objections known by contacting them.
Letter of Safe Conduct: Gary gave members an update on the progress of the campaign to secure the return of a possession of Wallace’s. The recent meeting of historians has ended with a enlightening conclusion. They have unamimously agreed that the letter is, indeed the French original from 1300, & not an English copy, which was what Kew continually told us. Make no mistake, this is a massive step forward in this campaign.
Gary supplied details of the forthcoming St. Andrews Day march in Edinburgh, as follows.
Saturday 27th November. March will assemble on the Castle Esplanade at 4pm, march off 4:30 down the Mile led by the Stockbridge Pipe Band Speakers – Duncan Fenton, George Boyle, Ted Christopher, outside the Parliament building.
Night-time entertainment is in Lodge Trafalgar, 1 St Anthony Street Leith.
Entertainment will be Albannach, Fiery Jack & Ted Christopher.
AOCB: George mentioned the forthcoming launch of the “Coronation” DVD, to be made available to all schools in Scotland. It was made by Jock Ferguson of Herald Events. This will take place in Tryst Centre, Dunfermline, on Sat. 23rd October, from 1.00 pm to 3.00pm.
George mentioned that schools in the Renfrewshire area are among the first to declare a holiday for St. Andrew’s Day. Hopefully, this will become the norm.
The meeting ended with a new song from the talented Gordon Aitken. Kate Smith suggested using the words from the back of the “Tir na Nog” t-shirt.
Gordon duly did this & added a middle eight of his own.
The audience were very appreciative.
Thanks to all in attendance.
Next meeting , to be held in Elderslie Village Hall on
Date of next meeting will be the AGM: Tuesday 16th November at 7.45pm 2010 Elderslie Village Hall 7.45 pm
Everyone Welcome! |
Present: Irene Clarke, Duncan Fenton, George Boyle, Susan Coghill ,Andrew Ballantyne, Gordon Aitken, Gary Stewart, Peter Malcolm, Lily Love, Lesley Matthews, Neil Gibson.
Apologies: Neil Lochiel, Karen Owens, Grant Williamson, Andy Middleton, Archie Millar, Jean Millar, Isobel Lavelle, Tom Lavelle, Eddie & Malcolm MacNeill, Ziggy Wilson.
A warm welcome was made to all by Duncan.
Treasurers report: George,
Income was well up due to a fantastic turnout on Wallace Day. The bar made a larger profit than usual, as did Lily’s tea room. The idea of selling hot dogs was a winner.
A lot of subscription money was also handed in. Members were thanked for their continued support.
Webmaster’s Report: George has performed a huge re-vamp of the website. All present agreed it is looking great now. The Facebook Page gains more members every day.
Press and Media Officer: Irene submitted the accounts of the bar takings from Paul.
She thanked all who helped behind the bar & clearing tables, etc.
As the canvas of Davie Ross wasn’t ready in time for Wallace Day, it was decided to hold on to it to be auctioned at next year’s event.
Vice Convenors Report: Duncan showed members the coverage of Wallace Day in the Paisley Daily Express. Once again, they did us justice with a 2 -page centre section of the newspaper.
Duncan did the interview over the phone with their reporter.
Duncan thanked Jean & Archie Millar for posting him the newspaper, & also for putting up the advertising posters around Elderslie before Wallace Day.
Duncan read out a letter from member Neil Lochiel in which he congratulated the Society’s committee on the outstanding success of Wallace Day & Stirling Bridge events.
Duncan received an e-mail from Robroyston resident, Gordon Blackwood, who has joined the fight to save Wallace’s Well. He forwarded e-mails he has sent to MSP’s & the First Minister regarding his concerns.
Duncan read out Alex Salmond’s reply, who has been in contact with Historic Scotland to see if they can liase with the local authority to come up with a solution. It seems that Glasgow City Council have run out of money for this project, but cash always seems to be available for “modern art” projects.
Duncan showed members a book which was recently given to him on Wallace, by Craufurd C. Loudon. This was first published in 1999, & Convenor Davie Ross brought in a copy at the time.
Duncan had to re-iterate just how misleading most of the information contained in this book is. From the very first page, where he gets Wallace’s execution date wrong, it continues with half-truths & fabrications.
The pity is, many people read this nonsense & consider it fact, just because it is in print.
Merchandise Officer: Ziggy phoned Duncan prior to the meeting with the news that our merchandise sold really well this year, again showing a larger profit than usual. A report has been e-mailed to our treasurer.
Letter of Safe Conduct: Gary gave members an update on the progress of the campaign to secure the return of a possession of Wallace’s. A meeting of historians has already taken place, but we are not yet privy to the outcome. A further meeting is planned for the new year. Just because things are not being reported in the public domain, doesn’t mean nothing is happening. Gary urged all to be patient. We have to do this legally & diplomatically.
Gary suggested we should look at the possibility of securing sponsors for next year’s Wallace Day commemoration. Local businesses & breweries were put forward as potential sponsors.
Neil & Lesley brought in two statues for members to have a look at.
One of Wallace & one of Bruce, they stood around 18” high & were crafted by an artist known to them. They suggested talking to him about the possibility of selling copies of these through the Society’s website, with a commission going to the Society. We agreed this could be a good venture.
Meeting ended with customary good humour!
Thanks to all in attendance.
Date of next meeting: Tuesday 19th October at 2010 Elderslie Village Hall 7.45 pm
Everyone Welcome! |
Present: Jim Adams, Gary Stewart, Irene Clarke, Duncan Fenton, George Boyle, Andrew Ballantyne, William Ballantyne, R Todd (EARS), J Weir (EARS), Jean Millar, Archie Millar, T. Lavelle, I. Lavelle, Neil Gibson, Lesley Matthews, Peter Malcolm, Chris MacLeod, Lily Love, J Paterson.
Apologies: Susan Coghill, Andy Middleton, Anne Gladwell, Malcolm & Eddie MacNeill, Ziggy Wilson
Society Convenor: Duncan welcomed all and outlined fire procedure in accordance with the guidelines of Renfrewshire Council.
Officers Reports: Treasurer, George, reported on the increase in expenditure last month due to the run up to Wallace Day. All expenditure was deemed essential. By purchasing items required which were previously borrowed through goodwill, enables the Society to be much more self sufficient, cuts down time and benefits the Society in the long term. All members present agreed that it was essential that the Society assist in enabling David’s flag purchased in full prior to Wallace Day.
The rent of the room in Elderslie Village Hall was paid, the cost of which has dramatically increased. It has also been booked for the next three years.
ID hand stamps on arrival at events will assist in ensuring income at the door.
A fridge for the bar will be appreciated by all wishing cold beer!
Income continues through memberships and donations.
Radio Coverage of Wallace Day: Two representatives from local radio station , EARS, which transmits from Elderslie Village Hall, were in attendance for the early part of the meeting to outline their support on Wallace Day.
Society members have already informed Radio Clyde, Rock FM and Celtic Music Radio.
Web master’s report: George commented that the website continues to grow from strength to strength and our Facebook presence is larger than ever!!
Press and Media Report: Irene reported on the continuing quest for the return of a stone slab at Cambuskenneth Abbey related to Wallace at the tomb of James the Third. A Historic Scotland representative stated that it had gone for repair and will inform the Society when it is returned. This stone has not been seen for some time.
Duncan and George thanked Irene for the work done in ensuring that arrangements for the hall and bar are in place for Wallace Day. Including the purchase of a fridge and the hire of glasses for the evening event.
The Return of the Letter of Safe Conduct: Gary continues to ensure that this subject remains in the media.The petition has been added to Facebook.
Professor Barrow’s interview is now available to see online. The results confirmed David’s thoughts on the matter.
Merchandise Report: Ziggy continues to do well with merchandise and is well prepared for Wallace Day. A Society stall will be present throughout the event.
Convenors Report: Society attendance at events, Duncan thanked all those assisting in the attendance and success of the commemorations at Falkirk and Robroyston (with the largest ever attendance).
Equipment: Duncan thanked all who gave up their time for sourcing and purchasing where required, on behalf of the Society, all of the equipment required to ensure the success of Wallace Day 2010. From the banner, stamps, collecting tins, ice buckets to stall holders and licences.
Stalls: Lily reminded everyone who would like a stall at the Village Hall that the fee would be £10 to Society funds. She would also be running the fund raising tea room and requested assistance and donations of baking, sandwiches etc, which are much appreciated by visitors on the day.
Pipe Band: Thanks to members Grant Williamson and Gordon Aitken who gave Duncan the contact number for the Chairman of The Scottish Pipe Band Association. He advertised our details & put Duncan in touch with The Tullieallan Pipe Band, who agreed to play at the Wallace Day march.
Wallace Memorial: The format will include…Wreath Laying…Kimberley Ross.
Speakers…Duncan Fenton, Dr Fiona Watson, Ted Christopher, Christine MacLeod, Gordon Aitken.
Memorial to be decorated with appropriate flags by Society members. Archie Miller always organises this.
50 Copies of Scot’s Wha Hae will be distributed to those in attendance.
Collection Cans will be passed round by Society members.
Safe Conduct Petition to be available.
Evening Entertainment: Both Ted Christopher and Albannach will be present along with informal spots by Society members, ensuring a good night!
Raffle: Irene and Duncan requested that members assist in the donation of raffle prizes for the evening event. An auction will also be held. Members were thanked for their generosity to date. These include B and B at The King Robert Hotel and vouchers for evening meals in local restaurants.
Fund Raising: A Wallace Coat of Arms will be carved by Scott Love. This is to be auctioned at the evening event. James Masterton and Steven MacDougall of Authentic Grass, have also donated items. They also donated a huge print of “The Spirit of Wallace” which be used as a backdrop on the stage at the evening event.
A tapestry photo of David Ross, which has been ordered by Irene, will be auctioned at Stirling Bridge.
Health and Safety: Duncan asked members to consider stewarding on the day. Around 12 are required to assist in the march. Tabards would be purchased for use. This is a health and safety requirement by the Police. Members were also reminded that swords, dirks, etc., are not allowed in the hall in the evening.
The Bar: Duncan and Irene reported that all was organised for the bar at Wallace Day. Irene, Paul, Jean, Jennifer and Chris all volunteered to assist.
Security: Ziggy has organised entrance and exit cover for the evening event, including the use of hand stamps.
Subscriptions: Duncan requested that annual subscriptions are paid in August, around Wallace day, to assist with collection. Duncan thanked everyone who had already contributed. New members are always welcome and a new certificate of membership will be e-mailed to them.
The Douglas Sword: Duncan related a report that the Douglas Sword was auctioned recently for £10,000. He recalls Hugh Robertson telling him that he saw the sword when it used to be in Douglas Museum many years ago. Some how, it found it’s way to the family home of Sir Alex Douglas Hume in The Hirsel near Coldstream.
AOCB: Donations from Dunoon! Duncan thanked Malcolm MacNeil on behalf of the Society for giving the contents of the Donation Tin from his bar in Dunoon. £54 was raised which will be forwarded to the David Ross memorial flag fund.
David’s Book: The publisher continues to seek a picture of The Countess of Buchan for use on the front cover.
The meeting was concluded by Duncan who thanked everyone for their continued support and attendance.
Duncan thanked Lily for providing the refreshments and great food that she provided following the meeting.
Customary jokes shared thereafter!
Date of next meeting: Tuesday 21st September 2010 Elderslie Village Hall 7.45 pm
Everyone Welcome! |
Present: Duncan Fenton, Lily Love, Andy Middleton, Jim Adams, Andrew Ballantyne, Gordon Aitken, Karen Owens, William Ballantyne, Anne Gladwell, Irene Clarke, Archie Millar, Jean Millar, Peter Malcolm, John Paterson, Frank Boyd, Christine MacLeod, George Boyle.
Apologies: Grant Williamson, Susan Coghill.
Convenor: Duncan Fenton welcomed everyone to the meeting and outlined hall emergency procedure.
Treasurers Report: George Boyle reported income received from Paypal, donations from Wallace USA, contributions to David R Ross Fund, and sale of badges.
Expenditure over the previous month. included the purchase of a Quaich for Wallace USA and a handstamp for use at Wallace Day and other society events.
Regarding stock, sales were lower than anticipated.
George also reported on his recent visit to the USA as a representative of our Society, at the launch of the “Society of William Wallace USA”! , which was a fantastic experience.
George took stock on his visit to Grandfather Mountain Games in the USA. Although sales were low, much goodwill was received.
George suggested that the Society keep stock in the US for future events, which will also save money on baggage charges. This was approved be everyone present. George will liase with Ziggy on the matter.
People were drawn to the tent by the new picture flag of David R. Ross.
Started in Scotland, developed in the US and spread throughout the world.
Webmasters Report: The website is doing well and continues to be kept up to date by George.
In Facebook, The Falkirk Commemoration & Bannockburn Commemoration were highlighted.
Emails. Both Duncan and George commented on the increasing number due to the use of internet communication reaching interested individuals throughout the world.
Press and Media Officer: Irene has maintained contact with Historic Scotland regarding the grave slab of James the Third in Cambuskenneth Abbey.
Other contact was made to the press and media relating to the continued use on TV of Elizabeth the second and the holiday season. Children in Scotland are off on holiday well before those in England and return earlier, yet most of the holiday viewing is scheduled around the English curriculum.
Members Gordon and Karen were thanked for their contribution to the Falkirk commemoration.
Members expressed the desire to include David’s name at future commemorations where he played a major role bringing an awareness to society today, of the contribution made by those who gave their lives for Scotland. Further tributes are planned by the Society.
Donation: Irene and Paul plan to donate a Quaich to The Society. This will be known as The David R Ross Memorial Quaich and will be given annually to an individual within The Society who has made a significant contribution to the Society’s aims throughout the year. Their names will be inscribed on the Quaich. It will be presented at each AGM of The Society.
The Society members present agreed to a suggestion that a bottle of whisky be donated annually from Society funds to compliment the presentation.
Convenors report: Organisation of Wallace Day, Irene will contact Police for presence on the day.
George will obtain bar licence. Licence requires to be paid for. Also licence for permission for the march.
Duncan will contact pipe band.
Local off sales to be contacted as per usual, who supply us on a sale or return basis.
Irene to purchase cooler.
Duncan to obtain ice buckets.
Ziggy to organise door entrance at the village hall in the evening. He will purchase the hand stamps to be used for ease of identification.
Craig Wilson will also be on the door.
Collecting cans to be purchased for use at Wallace Day and other events.
Archie and Jean will put posters in shops in the area.
A request was made for gifts of bottles of wine or spirits or other items for the raffle. Also donations of sandwiches or home baking for Lily’s tea room.
Other Business: Gillies Hill March, Cambusbarron, Duncan represented The Society.
Bannockburn and Falkirk Commemoration, Thank you to Lachlan for laying wreaths at both sites on behalf of The Society.
Posters: Thank you to George for the above poster of Wallace Day. Duncan printed up hundreds of flyers for Wallace Day, Andrew Ballantyne & John Patterson volunteered to post them through doors in the vicinity.
Robroyston Traffic: Duncan read his letter to and reply from the Glasgow City Council’s Traffic Department regarding his concern, suggesting traffic calming measures and speed bumps. Their reply from was as expected, but they have agreed to replace the small Give Way sign with a larger, fluorescent backed one.
The Society has recorded concern at the possibility of future accidents if they do not take action.
Member William Ballantyne alerted the Society that a saltire at the site had been destroyed. A lion rampant has now replaced it.
Member Andy Middleton’s benches at the site are fine.
Wire brushing of railings and graffiti removal will greatly enhance the area and show pride and respect. Andy continues to upgrade the site with plants & new stone chips. The site is now looking better than it has for many years. Duncan thanked Andy on behalf of the Society.
Sign in Elderslie: The Birthplace of William Wallace sign on entrance to the village has been defaced by graffiti. Duncan will contact the council.
The tomb of Bishop Wishart at Glasgow Cathedral: This is recumbent on an arcade with a union flag beside it. There is no written visitor information on the man who played such a major role in Scotland’s fight for freedom. Although it was recognised that he is mentioned verbally by cathedral guides. Historic Scotland property manager has been contacted. After several e-mails to & from the cathedral, Duncan had a meeting with the Cathedral Guides Convenor, who said that they no plans to install signage to Bishop Wishart, but pointed out that it is mentioned in the guide book.
The union flag is now on the other side of the Nurses’ Chapel.
Input from members abroad: We now have several members from Australia, who are in frequent contact by e-mail, offering input to the Society.
Wallace USA:
Duncan thanked George for his presence on behalf of Society. George reported that the Quaich was greatly appreciated and admired. The Wallace shield along with stars and stripes, was used as a logo on t-shirts printed, and sold to raise funds for The Society. The Laird of Clan Wallace said that the use of the Wallace shield infringed heraldic protocol, so the logo will be redesigned.
Safe Conduct Letter:
Member Gary Stewart continues to pursue this. An interview with Professor Barrow, the foremost authority on medieval history has been released on YouTube, where he states his opinion of the authenticity of the letter. This can also be seen on the Society’s website & Facebook.
Member Ian Clarke continues to contact MSP’s for help. Quite a few have signed the e-petition for the return of the letter to Scotland, including Eric Joyce & Michael Matheson.
A meeting is planned for some time in August in London of those recognised as authorities on the subject.
BBC 2 Newsnight intends to have a discussion on the Safe Conduct Letter. George has agreed to represent the Society on television.
A discussion occurred on the possibility of a future leaflet promoting the society.
Flying Saltire! Duncan suggested raising a giant saltire above Stirling Bridge at the commemoration using helium balloons, with the bottom corners tethered to the bridge. In the past, saltires have been draped from the bridge, but a “Flying Saltire” is thought to be a great photo opportunity to attract the press. Duncan will discuss the practicalities of this with others.
David R Ross Flag:
Due to the significance of the fact that Wallace Day 2010 will be the first since David’s death, it was agreed that the Society offer financial assistance to the flag fund to ensure that the new flag with two sets of poles, is ready to be used on Wallace Day.
Key rings: Are now being sold at £1 each. Thanks again to Archie and Jean for assembling them.
The meeting ended with a big thank you to Lily for the refreshments and for her patience!
Date of next meeting Tuesday 17th August in Elderslie Village Hall at 7.45p.m.
Irene Clarke, Duncan Fenton, George Boyle, Andrew Ballantyne, Gordon Aitken, Gary Stewart, Neil Lochiel, Peter Malcolm, Archie Millar, Jean Millar, Isobel Lavelle, Tom Lavelle, Leona Ferguson, Chris MacLeod,
William Ballantyne, Anne Gladwall.
Susan Coghill, Karen Owens, Grant Williamson, Andy Middleton
A warm welcome was made to all by our convenor, Duncan.
Treasurers report: George,
Little change in income and expenditure was reported. However, key rings for sale at events and Paypal donations have altered the final balance, resulting in a small increase in profit from last month.
Members were reminded that annual subscriptions would be due in August.
Tribute Flag:
The flag, the idea of member William Ballantyne, in memory of David was enthusiastically discussed. Tapadh leibh William!
David would have been humbled at the positive response when George’s hat was passed round, with money safely kept under it when returned to the treasurer’s heid!
Positive Interest was expressed from our friends across the water in America to receive one in time for Grandfather Mountain Games in North Carolina in July.
Duncan and George will ensure that all graphics are an acceptable representation of David and The Society.
Webmaster’s Report: George,
The current website has been updated. With the connection between Facebook and the website, it means that the message will be received by 1500 people from all over the world, with increasing potential for future development.
Membership forms will also be added in August.
The Albannach website will also include links to the society and flag donations.
Press and Media Officer: Irene,
Historic Scotland are to respond to Irene’s inquiry on behalf of the Society regarding the grave slab of King James III in Cambuskenneth Abbey, which is under their protection. They are still repairing it after an act of vandalism.
Irene has maintained contact with the King Robert Hotel in Bannockburn and has secured the entire hotel for the use of The Society during the weekend of The Bruce commemoration in 2014.
Two MSP’s including Michael Matheson, have signed the petition for the return of the Safe Conduct letter.
Convenors Report: Duncan,
Communication continues between Duncan and Donovan Murray and Eric Johnston regarding the formation of an American chapter of the Society to be called
The Society of William Wallace, USA.
Having already established strong, shared, connections, the Society have seen the positive link widen the cause for which we all have close to our hearts.
The USA group will mirror the Mother group in terms of constitution and will be consistent with the parent organisation.
The joining fee will also include a donation to the Society in Scotland.
At the kind invitation of the organisers, our treasurer, George Boyle will be our representative during the period covering Grandfather Mountain Games and is honoured to be present when the inaugural meeting takes place.
Merchandise Officer: Ziggy,
The message from Ziggy was that new stock would be available soon, so please check the web page for an update!
Thank you to Harry and Diane who sent a donation to us from Seattle!
To wee Glen Wood, of Robroyston one man protest fame, for his donation to the Bannockburn fund!
Robroyston: Society members were greatly impressed at the Fun Day held there by the local community. Photo’s are on the website. A great opportunity to inform through fun, particularly aimed at the younger generation, of the significant history on their doorstep.
The Council have rebuilt the dyke around Wallace’s Well, which looked great until a silver Audi ran through it. Written concern was expressed to the Council regarding the speed of the traffic in the area, suggesting speed bumps and road markers at a clearly dangerous area with potentially serious consequences if nothing is done.
Proposals to increase parking facilities and plant a wild flower meadow in the vicinity of the cross are continuing. Progress will be monitored.
The flag at the monument is missing at the moment, thought to be vandalism. Steps will be taken to rectify this.
Thanks to Iain McGhee from Robroyston Community Council, who will keep the society updated on developments.
Thanks to Andy Middleton for the donation of two benches for the area around the monument. There is potential to develop this area perhaps with flagpoles and containers of plants to enhance the focus and significance of the site.
26th June. 12.30 – 3.00:
Scott McMaster of the NTS Bannockburn site invited the Society to share a tent with similar organisations such as Crann Tara and Strathleven Artisans. Duncan will be present along with Ziggy who will bring merchandise for sale, including badges . A march will be held with the laying of wreaths.
Duncan will be speaking.
Ted Christopher and band will provide the evening entertainment.
Authentic Grass: Duncan showed a collectors product of grass from significant historical sites encapsulated in Perspex as a fundraiser. The item, which can be used as an ornament or paperweight, looks good and has great potential.
Duncan showed members a drawing of a sundial dated 1689 found at Robroyston, which previously had a house and formal gardens. It’s whereabouts are unknown. It is thought to be worked by John Mylne,who was master mason to King James VI.
Future Publication:
Kimberly Ross, who is working along with the publisher, has her dad’s book almost ready. At the moment, the search for the cover picture of The Countess of Buchan encarcerated in her cage on the walls of Berwick Castle is underway.
Keyrings: Passport picture sized key rings were passed on to Archie and Jean Millar, who volunteered to assemble them for sale at future events. Thank you both!
Wallace Day 2010 posters, drawn up by George, will be sent to Jean and Archie who volunteered to distribute them in local shops. Leona Ferguson volunteered to reach local colleges and youth clubs…thanks again!
The quest continues to gain recognition for Bishop Wishart’s burial place in Glasgow Cathedral and other notable figures which formed part of Scotland’s history.
George is to speak to sculptor Ron Henderson regarding the sketch, manufacture and prices of a previously discussed idea of commemorating The Battle of the Bell o’ the Brae at Glasgow Cathedral.
Letter of Safe Conduct: Kew and the Scottish Parliament have given permission for historians to look at the document. This is to be minuted and recorded on Facebook by the department of MSP Christine Graham. Professor Barrow, Dr Fiona Watson and the National Museum of Scotland are part of the team involved.
A gift:
Tresurer George Boyle suggested that a gift of a Quaich be purchased by The Society to be taken by him to our new branch in America. All members agreed and entrusted George with the organisation of this. Christine MacLeod will add a piece of The Bruce tartan that she wove and what was to be worn by David. Threads were added to this by David himself at Wallace Day 2009. The same threads will be bound to the Quaich and passed on to our new friends.
Meeting ended with customary good humour!
Thanks to all in attendance.
Next meeting to be held in Elderslie Village Hall on Tuesday 20th July at 7.45pm.
Present:Duncan Fenton, Irene Clarke, Lily Love, Douglas Cassidy, Mark Cassidy, George Boyle, Jim Adams, Gary Stewart, William Ballantyne, Archie Millar, Jean Millar, Thomas & Isobel Lavelle, Andy Middleton, Peter Malcolm,Gordon Aitken, Alex Scullion, Debbie Wallace.
Apologies:Karen Owens, Grant Williamson, Ziggy Wilson, Craig Wilson, Susan Coghill.
Webmaster’s report: Continued success of the Society’s Facebook Page, which now has over 1500 Friends. When the annual subscriptions are due in August, George will include a note asking Friends to join the Society.
We have been asked by Scott McMaster, who is in charge of the Bannockburn Heritage Centre, if we would like to share a marquee with fellow society, Crann Tara, at the Bannockburn Commemoration this year. Other organisations, such as Siol nan Gael & the Strathleven Artizans, will also have their marquees set up on the day.
George will contact Ziggy, our Merchandise Officer, to organise this, & asked for volunteers to man the tent.
Irene:Continued her crusade against the constant stream of misinformation from our media regarding Scotland.
She will contact Historic Scotland for up to date information on the stone grave cover of James III, which they had removed from Cambuskenneth Abbey last year. They said it had been broken by vandals, & they had removed it for repair. They had agreed to contact Irene when it was ready to be reinstated, but nothing has been heard since.
She has been told that the photograph that she asked her photographer friend to try to blow up, using specialised equipment, will be ready soon. This shows the small information plaque next to the Wallace Safe Conduct Letter, when it was on display in the National Museum in Edinburgh in 1997. It states that that the letter was, indeed, a possession of Wallace. This will strengthen our case to have the letter returned. Gary Stewart will contact the museum tomorrow to ask if they will confirm this.
Duncan:Gave a report on the recent Andrew de Moray Flag Raising Commemoration at Ormond Castle in Avoch. Several members attended on a glorious sunny day for the march to the castle, speeches, & the old saltire lowered & the new one raised. This was presented to the Andrew de Moray Project by Duncan on behalf of the Society of William Wallace.
We attended their AGM that evening. When asked about ideas to raise the profile & membership of their society, Duncan suggested using the Paypal method for potential members to join up, citing the success that our Society has had in this department.
The evening’s entertainment was supplied by our friend, Ted Christopher, who impressed the locals there with his unique blend of traditional & humerous songs.
Final prepartions were discussed for the Robroyston Fun Day at Wallacewell Primary School. The Society has been asked to provide a presence to speak to kids about the connection between Robroyston & Wallace. Several members will attend, bringing a variety of weaponry & old photos.
The monument at Robroyston is looking better & better. The loose plaque has now been reaffixed, the cracks at the base of the monument have been repointed, the stone bollards have been secured, the retaining wall consolidated & new turf laid.
Andy had asked Duncan if he knew the whereabouts of the original round stone finials which used to sit atop the pillars flanking the monument. These were removed some years ago when the refurbishment of the site took place.
Duncan has contacted Cala Homes to enquire about this, but has since received a reply to the effect that they had nothing to do with the work. So he contacted Stuart Milne Developments, who were the original contractors on the site. He is awaiting a reply. If we could get these back, we could reinstate them on the now secured wall.
The Society again gave a vote of thanks to Andy Middleton & Jimmy Watson for their sterling work.
Marion MacMillan brought in a bundle of leaflets to distribute to members advertising the Stone commemorating the part played by the Men of Bute, as they fought alongside Wallace at the Battle of Falkirk. Each one lost their life on that blood soaked field. The stone was unveiled in Rothesay in 2003. When Marion asked the local council for help with funding for costs of the printing of the leaflet, she was told by the person she spoke to that she had never heard of it, despite it being right in front of the Winter Garden at the harbour.
Gary Stewart: Mark Hirst & Dr. Fiona Watson have had a meeting with the eminent Professor Barrow regarding the Safe Conduct Letter. They will have another meeting in the very near future.
Gary has been contacted by Mark MacNicol who is intending to walk the West Highland Way to raise funds for Childline. He has asked if some Society members could turn up to see him off, to create a bit of public awareness. Gary has spoken to Dr. Fiona Watson & singer Ted Christopher to attend. We can invite the contacts we have in the press to cover the story & we can highlight the case for the return of the Wallace Letter from Kew at the same time. If any members have not signed the e-petition yet could you please visit http://epetitions.scottish.parliament.uk/view_petition.asp?PetitionID=382 & do so. We now have over 2200 signatures, but this could be bettered. Thanks to all who have already signed.
Gary has spoken to Albannach, who have confirmed they will play at this year’s Wallace Day. Duncan asked Ted Christopher, who also confirmed he will also be available on the day.
Duncan & George have had e-mails from our friends in the USA, who have expressed a desire to start up branch of the Wallace Society over there.
Their proposal included various points, including the fact that they will abide by the Society’s constitution. A proportion of monies raised from memberships & merchandise sales will be returned to the Society.
Members agreed that this will result in a higher profile for the Society in the future.
George said that, following the recent successful Celtic Force tour to Scotland, he thought that important links have been forged, & many of our American friends have kept in touch via Facebook.
Jean Miller informed members that our usual Pipe Band, Kilbarchan, will be unavailable for this year’s Wallace Day march. Gary suggested contacting the Starthleven Artizans, who had a Pipe Band for the opening of their new Bruce Heritage Centre. Duncan will deal with this.
William Ballantyne outlined a proposal for a new banner to commemorate Davie Ross. A written draft was distributed among members. This would be a tribute to Davie’s many years of hard work for the Society. The proposed image consists of a photo of Davie backed by a flying saltire. William stressed that the cost of this should not come out of the Society’s funds, saying that Davie would not have wanted that. Instead he proposed to ask members for donations to cover the cost. It was agreed that this will be posted on the website & the Facebook Page. The proposed image will be available to view on the website shortly. Any feedback is welcomed.
This was approved by members, who complimented William on a well presented proposal.
Duncan asked William if he would like to speak at this year’s Robroyston Commemoration, & he has agreed.
Gordon Aitken reminded members that this year’s Falkirk Commemoration will be on 17th July. The Society’s new PA system will be used for this event.
Gordon has been to visit the tree which was planted in 1997 at the north side of the bridge in Stirling, to commemorate the 700th anniversary of the Battle of Stirling Bridge. At a previous meeting, it was noted that inside the railings surrounding the tree, the grass had become overgrown & unsightly. Gordon suggested clearing this out & paving it with some of the cobbles left over from the Falkirk Cairn, built in 2007. Gaps could be left in which to plant Scottish wildflowers, heather, etc. Members agreed that this was a great plan, & Gordon will get on with it.
The meeting ended on a high note, with Gordon singing his latest composition, “Scotland Crazy”. This charts the events of 2005, with Davie Ross walking from Robroyston to London, & the following service & commemoration.
It was very well received by members.
Thanks again to Lily for feeding & watering the hungry troops after a very interesting meeting.
Next meeting will be on Tuesday 15th June. All welcome.
Duncan Fenton, Irene Clarke, Lily Love, Douglas Cassidy, Mark Cassidy, Neil Lochiel, George Boyle, Jim Adams, Gary Stewart, William Ballantyne, Archie Millar, Jean Millar, Andy Middleton, Christine MacLeod, Peter Malcolm.
Thomas & Isobel Lavelle
Webmasters Report:
The use of Facebook by the Society is proving to be very successful.
Photo’s of previous Wallace Day in the 1970s were given for use of the website by society member, Jean millar. All members are encouraged to send in relevant photo’s to the webmaster, for inclusion in the archives of the Society.
There was a request from some overseas members to instigate a branch of the society in their country. Convenor, Duncan, on behalf of those present, stated that the society had no objections to this as long as the aims of the Society are honoured. Should any activity occur that is disreputable to the Society, the Official Society would have to publicly distance itself from any disreputable branch. These requests have come from Australia & the USA. Gary Stewart reflected the feelings of many members of the society present that following the recent US group visit, real connections have been forged for the future.
Press and Media officer…Irene: Media related issues which Irene observed and the group discussed included…The recent “British” election campaign,
the ash cloud from the Icelandic volcano reaching “North Britain”, and the constant inaccurate and unclear use of the term “Elizabeth the Second”.
Bannockburn 2014:
Irene reported that a cost of around £150 - £200 for the weekend, bed and breakfast in the King Robert Hotel is expected for the Society , which has included a generous discount. Irene will negotiate with the manager who has agreed that the final price quoted in 2010 will remain that price in 2014. The hotel staff are also enabling the Society to have the use of the Rob Roy Hotel in Aberfoyle, should demand for rooms exceed that which the King Robert Hotel can accommodate. They are also willing to transport guests who stay there.
Considering the occasion and the fact that it will coincide with Golf’s Ryder Cup, a decision on booking this in advance was approved by members present at the meeting.
Irene obtained the permission of those present to negotiate with the hotel on behalf of the society on the cost of no more than £200 for the weekend. An agreement by members present was also made that any deposit required should come from Society funds, to be paid back at a later date.
Lily raised the question of the organisation of the Bannockburn event. It is understood that the main co-ordinators will be The National Trust for Scotland. Kimberley Ross and Shona MacKinnon are due to discuss preparations with NTS Property Manager,Scott MacMaster. The Society is also fortunate in having Fire and Sword’s Hugh Robertson, likely to be one of the key players in the commemoration as a member. He will keep us informed of developments.
Convenor…Duncan: The Society was pleased to have the presence of Andy Middleton to personally thank him for the great work he did at Robroyston in repairing and upgrading the monument. Also members thanked Andy for organising the David Ross memorial plaque. He is to be commended for all his hard work in cleaning up the monument & surrounding area, including securing the concrete bollards, which vandals keep knocking over.
Glasgow City Council should hang their heads in shame for doing absolutely nothing after repeated pleas for help with this site.
Also there have been some people who have been very vocal about this recently, but have achieved very little with their empty rhetoric. It is action we need, not words.
So well done to Andy & all the members involved in this project.
Members were informed of communication between Duncan and Donovan Murray, one of the organisers of the US visit to Scotland. Due to the huge success of their visit, it is hoped that the new links made will continue well into the future.
Vatican records:
Interest was raised by Archie and discussion ensued on accessibility. Apparently transfers that happen require the backing of distinguished historians and academics who can fight the cause. Gary will continue to liase with Dr Fiona Watson who has that capability and the support of the Society.
USA request:
Linda MacDowall - Lewis from Oregon who had previously been in contact with the Society requested information on Malcolm Wallace, brother of the Patriot.
She also asked if she might promote the Society through her shop, perhaps selling books and merchandise. She wondered also about the availability of a leaflet on The Society.
Gary suggested that the Society send existing copies of The Story of Wallace currently within the stock of the Society, which met with a favourable response from members present.
Wallace Memorial in Elderslie: 2012 will be the centenary year for the unveiling of the Memorial. Members were asked to consider an appropriate commemorative event at the site which has hosted many historic events honouring Wallace.
Letter of Safe Conduct:
Duncan drew the attention of the Society to an article recently published in The Sunday Times by Marc Horne on the request to return the historic document to Scotland with the support of a number of prominent politicians and the “strong and enduring interest” of Scots and those with Scotland in their hearts.
The feelings of the Society will be voiced through the work of Dr Fiona Watson and others.
Lubeck letter:
Society members present agreed that discussions on this letter should favour of it remaining in Lubeck, the city which has looked after it admirably throughout 2 world wars. As the letter does not belong to Scotland, it is felt that the society should concentrate its efforts on that which rightfully belongs here.
Duncan asked members for their support for Robroyston Fun Day, to be held on 22nd May at Wallacewell Primary School.
The Society has been asked to send along some members, suitably kilted up to answer questions on the links between William Wallace & Robroyston. This will include various photos & weaponry.
Robroyston Community website:
Thanks go to the above who have included a link to the site of The Society and the e-petition on the safe conduct letter.
Society members Jean and Archie volunteered to construct a selection of fund raising key rings promoting the society. The Society will fund the initial outlay of materials.
Images of Wallace, the monument and quotes were suggested for inclusion in the keyrings.
Promotional Posters:
Jean and Archie also suggested that The Society consider how events such as Wallace Day might be promoted in future e.g. the use of posters in the locality.
Birthplace Discussion:
The continuation of the debate was raised when members noticed that Riccarton and other areas in Ayrshire are laying claim to being the birthplace of Wallace. Members were encouraged to re-read books researched and written by Professor Barrow, David Ross &
Professor J. C. Boreland for clarification.
The Wallace Trial:
Members were informed by George that the manuscript is available on the website.
Dates for your Diary
Avoch - Saturday 15th May
Falkirk - Saturday 17th July
Robroyston - Saturday 7th August
Elderslie - Saturday 21st August
Please check website for current information.
Some members will carry a small supply of badges promoting the society and raising funds at events. If you’d like to help please contact us.
A new Stand:
This was purchased on behalf of the Society recently, which will compliment the new sound system!
Wallace Day:
Some discussion was held on the 2010 commemoration. Jean will speak to Ivor Campbell of Kilbarchan Pipe Band regarding the event.
Bannockburn 2010:
Duncan was requested to be one of the speakers at the commemoration. A great honour and we all wish him well.
Finally: as has become tradition, to end the meeting, a wee joke….unrepeatable, it has to be heard to be believed!
A big thank you from all members to Lily for refreshments following the meeting….welcome back Lily!
Date of Next Meeting, Tuesday 18th May 2010
Everyone welcome!!!
Remember to check our website for up to date info!!!
The Society of William Wallace minutes of meeting held in Elderslie Village Hall, Glenpatrick Road on TUESDAY 16th March, 2010 AT 7.45 PM
PRESENT: Duncan Fenton, Mark Cassidy, Douglas Cassidy, Jim Adams, Neil Lochiel, Irene Clarke, George Boyle, P. Malcolm, Jean Millar, Archie Millar, T Lavelle, I Lavelle, Christine McLeod
APOLOGIES: Karen Owens, Gordon Aitken, Ziggy Wilson, Craig Wilson, Gary Stewart, Susan Coghill, Lily Love.
Duncan began the meeting by outlining Renfrewshire Council fire procedures in the event of an emergency.
Treasurer’s report …George: The Society’s balance was read. No expenditure this month, with some income from the sale of T shirts, badges, membership, donations and Paypal, with a small amount of bank interest.
George thanked everyone for their contributions.
A suggestion was made that the Society’s accounts should be amended due to the small amount of interest gained. Part of the funds could be placed in an account with a higher rate of interest which would be of more benefit to the society. The use of a Credit Union was also suggested. Enquiries will be made on behalf of the society.
Webmaster…George: Really positive comments were made on the use of Facebook as a great method of communication. There will be an immediate feeder from this to the main Society of William Wallace site.
If anyone has anything that they would like to contribute, stories or pictures, to the website, please contact the webmaster! Current examples include the Dryburgh statue of Wallace, news cuttings of previous Wallace Days and other events. If you can help, please get in touch.
Media officer …Irene: Irene outlined the fact that the King Robert Hotel has been booked for 2014, which although seems a long way off, is only 4 years away. Members and friends were encouraged to consider booking accommodation as soon as possible. The golfing Ryder Cup is also on at the same time, which will be a competitor for somewhere to stay.
The BBC’s “Seven Ages of Britain” was again criticised for its imbalanced presentation. Irene and Duncan will contact the BBC via email.
The Wallace letter of Safe Conduct. The Society has the support of MSP Christine Graham, who feels assured that Scotland will have it back. A photograph was shown, taken in 1999, with the letter as an authentic document. The petition will be forwarded to our supporters in the USA.
The David Ross Tribute in Edinburgh: A big thank you to all who supported this event at the Three Sisters. It was great to have the opportunity to meet friends and supporters from The States at this memorable event. Thanks also to everyone who contributed their time, for the music, food and in making the event worthy of the man. An auction and raffle greatly helped the cause.
Merchandise: Thanks goes to Ziggy and Craig for manning the stall, where here were good sales of DVD’s, books and T shirts.
24 small sized T shirts have been requested.
Chairman…Duncan: Thanks to member Andy Middleton who made a plaque for David, which was installed at Robroyston. A wee dram was poured over it in his memory!
Jimmy Watson has rebuilt the wall, added chips, attended to the edging and verge around the Robroyston Monument. A tidy job, it looks great. Thanks Jimmy, on behalf of the Society.
Permission will be sought for the erection of a plaque in David’s memory in Stirling.
Duncan thanked everyone for making the meeting of the society and our American friends such a success at The Wallace Monument in Elderslie and The Wallace Tavern.
Duncan also paid tribute to May Macartney who died recently. May was a previous Minute Secretary of The Society.
Arbroath Abbey: Duncan will speak at the commemoration of the Declaration of Arbroath.
Annual Flag raising at Avoch: Now in it’s 12th year that the Wallace Society has had a presence. More details will be given at the next meeting. It is hoped that there will be a good representation from the Society. The Society donates the saltire. The flag from the previous year will be given to the person who raises the new one.
The letter of Safe Conduct: The Catholic Church in Scotland. Enquiries are being made regarding the Letter of Safe Conduct via the Knights of Saint Columba.
Professor Geoffrey Barrow has seen the letter on two occasions and is recorded as being in no doubt that this was written by Phillip IV of France.
MSP Christine Graham’s personal assistant is helping with to deal with the problems created by Kew regarding the whereabouts of the letter in their collection.
Yew Clippings: Following the storm of 2005, saplings were raised from the Wallace Yew in Elderslie. Two were thought to be sent to the new Scottish Parliament. These were indeed planted in the garden at Reid’s Close. Photo’s, a visit and a plaque are future possibilities.
PA system: This has arrived, bought via Pre-Loved and will be a great investment for the Society.
A new Newsletter: It was suggested that a new format of newsletter be introduced. Any ideas will be gratefully received via email to Duncan who will be the editor.
The Strathleven Artizans: Representative Duncan Thomson visited with an invitation for all to attend an event in Renton, to celebrate the opening of the Bruce centre, which the Artizans worked so hard towards. Their achievement will be celebrated on the 27th of March. See website. Duncan will carry the banner on the march through the town and show solidarity from our Society.
Other business outlined by Duncan: Thank you To Melissa Spear for her poem “In Remembrance”, which can be found on our website. She also thanked the Society for the book of poems given to her by Duncan at Davie’s tribute night in Edinburgh. This included the Edwin Muir poem on Wallace, written for the 700th commemoration.
An email from the states suggested a simple memorial plaque to David from his friends overseas.
A suggestion was made to purchase a chill cabinet/fridge for use at the bar on Wallace Day. Enquiries will be made regarding an economical source.
It was agreed that up to £100.00 may be spent on an item/items with the approval of members present on the evening.
Regarding the bar for Wallace Day, Elderslie, Paul is making a spreadsheet indicator of what sells best at Wallace Day, to maximise the efforts of the Society and enjoyment of those attending.
A framed canvas print of David for use at this years Wallace Day was also discussed.
Date of Next meeting…Tuesday 20th April 2010 at 7.45pm
Everyone Welcome!
Remember to check our website for up to date info!!! |
The Society of William Wallace minutes of meeting held in Elderslie Village Hall, Glenpatrick Road on Tuesday the 16th of February at 7.45 PM
PRESENT: Duncan Fenton, Douglas Cassidy, June Adams, Alex Scullion, Lesley Mathews, Neil Gibson, Karen Owens, Gordon Aitken, Archie Miller, Jean Miller, P Malcolm, Duncan Thomson, Ziggy Wilson, Kim Ross, Jim Connel, Neil Gibson, Lesley Matthews, Hugh Robertson, George Boyle, Irene Clarke, Chris MacLeod
APOLOGIES: Malcolm MacNeil, Eddie MacNeil, Susan Coghill, Lily Love
Vice Convenor Duncan welcomed everyone to the meeting as usual, with an especially warm welcome to Kimberley, David’s daughter, who will carry on in her father’s footsteps.
We were also glad to see the safe return of Gordon, our bard, following his recent serious road accident.
Treasurer…George, outlined the balance of The Society.
Since last meeting The Society has purchased a PA system for use at Wallace Day and other events.
Web master…also George. The Pay pal system of membership subscription is now running. A new fee of £5.50 per annum, an increase of 50p, to cover costs.
The new web site enables instant access to everything to do with the Society . It is easy to comment upon and add photos. Thanks George!
Bishop Wishart’s tomb in Glasgow Catherdral: No news on this front as yet. The MSP linked to the Cathedral is writing to Historic Scotland regarding this issue.
Cambuskenneth Abbey: Duncan reported on the suggestion that Wallace’s left arm was buried under a marked stone there. A stone thought to be such had overgrown turf removed. Photos were taken in 2006.
The 700th anniversary tree, which was planted by David Ross and Irene Clarke to commemorate the Battle of Stirling Bridge, is close by. With a view towards The Abbey Craig it was also the spot where Society member Hugh Robertson recently filmed the appeal for Wallace to be the Most Famous Scot.
Media Officers Report…Irene: showed members a photo of David with the actors who played the role of Young Wallace and Hamish in Braveheart.
Bannockburn 2014: Irene has booked 60 rooms at the King Robert Hotel on the 20th and 21st of June 2014 in the name of The Society. The Rob Roy Hotel would also accommodate guests with a free bus.
Member Hugh Robertson reminded members of the commemoration of the Battle of Flodden, which will be held one year earlier is also in the planning stages and would be of interest to the Society. As Hugh is tentatively involved with this on a professional basis, the society will be able to inform members as time progresses.
BBC’s production of “The Seven Ages of Britain”. All present at the meeting agreed, to quote a Herald newspaper comment, that it was “inaccurate tosh”. There was very little, if any, reference to Scots, Irish, Welsh events and treasures.
It was suggested by Irene that, with Kimberley’s permission, the Society contacted the Chief Land Services Officer to place a plaque on the railing beside the tree in Stirling. Irene will liaise with Kimberly in this regard.
Monthly Historical mistakes by journalists in the popular Scottish Press were highlighted at the meeting and once again dealt with on the Societies behalf by Irene!...thanks Irene.
Duncan reported on the expenditure of the new PA system. This will make life easier for all members of the society and audiences at events.
Unfortunately Gary was not in attendance for a full update as was hoped. Society members heard of cataloguing mistakes at Kew which will further hinder progress. More will be heard on this at future meetings. On a positive note, historian Dr Fiona Watson and Geoffrey Barrow are supporting the movement to have them returned from Kew to Scotland.
Duncan suggested a small group including Kimberley could co-ordinate a diplomatic approach on behalf of the society. Ted Cowan and Louise Yeoman are also possible supportive academics who may assist with this.
Wallace Day 2010: Duncan has been in contact with Fiona Watson and has confirmed her attendance as a speaker at the memorial.
Robroyston 2010. Sandra White MSP has confirmed that he will be in attendance at the commemoration there.
Tributes to David continue to be received by Duncan from all parts of the world. Duncan has attended to them on behalf of the Society…many thanks Duncan for this very difficult duty.
Duncan reported on the society’s link with Electric Scotland, which can only help to inform others on the web.
He also brought awareness of the society to a recent article in the Scotland on Sunday newspaper on tartan registration. So many new tartans have recently been introduced that it has become a fashion design rather than a symbol of identity.
Lanark: Members are keeping a close eye on plans which were made to make a museum with a holiday flat above on the site commemorating Wallace’s wife, Marion Braidfute of Lamington. Nothing has happened on this front. This could have been a fitting place for the 2005 coffin and a museum to Wallace.
Duncan informed members of the generous donation of money and a signed book about Wallace by French author Beatrice Balti who has become supportive through her own interests, foremostly with Joan of Arc. Duncan has thanked her on behalf of the Society.
A number of significant items, including an oil on canvas representation of the Wallace Statue at Drybrough may be auctioned at a forthcoming Tribute Night in Edinburgh. Kimberley has also been offered a guitar for this purpose, and Irene an original Braveheart video. More will follow on this subject soon.
Merchandise Officer…Ziggy: The society has been offered an area in The Post Office in Leith Walk in Edinburgh where it could sell stock on a sale or return basis. He has confidence in the good intentions of the staff involved at this prime site in the city. The Society was supportive of this.
Ziggy is taking on the sale of David’s books and DVD’s on behalf of Kimberley and will liaise with her in all matters regarding this.
Stock could also be sold at the Edinburgh Tribute night.
Ziggy showed prototypes of 3 new car stickers which should go down well with folk!
Ziggy requested and was granted, a float of £100 for postage and packaging of items, to avoid any personal expenses.
The new pay pal method of payment is now up and running and there are encouraging signs of increase in sales of merchandise.
New suggestions always welcome!
Thanks to Ziggy for keeping the merchandise sales up and the enthusiasm going!
OTHER BUSINESS: Society member Archie wondered if the Letter of Safe Conduct could have the positive support of the Roman Catholic Church, as it has been confirmed that the pope will be visiting Scotland at some time in the near future. This could be seen as something which bonds the links with Wallace and the church which meant so much to him.
Society member Gordon thanked everyone for their good wishes and support following his recent accident. He informed members of his activity on two main issues.
The place of the 2005 coffin. As it could take up to seven years for Lanarkshire Council to do something about a museum, he suggested that an appropriate place might be The Abbot’s House in Dunfermline. Dr Fiona Watson is now in charge of the property and may be approached on the matter.
Plaque for David at Stirling. Gordon offered cobblestones for use inside the railings around the tree at Stirling. A similar design could be used as at the Falkirk Cairn, with a plaque commemorating David’s contribution to Scotland imbedded into the design. All present were in favour of this idea…thanks Gordon!
Duncan Thomson Chairman of Strathleven Artisans, and one of the 40 Bowmen of St Sebastian, informed members of the forthcoming event of the opening of the Robert Bruce Heritage Centre in Renton, Dumbartonshire on March 27th.
The meeting ended with fond memories and stories of the big man and a bad joke from George!
No refreshments or eats this evening….we miss you, Lily!
Date of next meeting….Tuesday 16th March in Elderslie Village Hall at 7.45pm.
Everyone is very welcome!!!!
PS: Remember the meeting on in elderslie on Thursday the 11th March @ 5pm
Late Website News….David had planned to tour with Albannach and over forty American Albannach fans in March this year to show them the sites and explore our wonderful country's history with them, alas it was not to be but everyone on the tour agreed that it should go ahead and be dedicated in David's honour.
Our American friends would very much like to meet up with like minded people, especially those who knew David and have arranged an evenings entertainment with the wonderful Ted Christopher and Albannach at the Three Sisters in Edinburgh's Cowgate on the 14th March. Apologies for it being on a Sunday but it was all arranged at very short notice. This night will be in memory of David and donations will be gratefully accepted with all monies going to Bannockburn 2014 and the Wallace Coffin fund.
The evenings entertainment will be free as the bands have waived their fee but there will be a £10 entrance fee so hopefully we can raise a serious amount of cash for this most worthiest of causes!
It is with regret that we have to inform you of the sad death of another of our members. May Macartney was a long standing member of the Wallace Society and was also our Minute Secretary for many years.
Our sincerest condolences go out to all her family and many friends. |
The Society of William Wallace minutes of meeting held in Elderslie Village Hall, Glenpatrick Road on Tuesday the 19th of January at 7.45 PM
PRESENT: Duncan Fenton, Irene Clarke, Lily Love, Chris MacLeod, George Boyle, Jim Adams, Hamish MacQueen, Bob Irving, Karen Owens, Gordon Aitken, E. McNeill, M. McNeill, Gary Stewart, Jean Millar, Archie Millar, T Lavelle, I. Lavelle, P Malcolm, Heather Ross, Isobel Rogerson, Jean Thomson.
APOLOGIES: Susan Coghill, Ziggy Wilson, Grant Williamson, Claire McColl, Christine Deanie, Nan Irving.
Duncan chaired a very emotional meeting tremendously well considering the recent death on the second of January, of David R. Ross, Convenor of this society
He warmly welcomed everyone as usual. He highlighted the fact that no-one can take the place of David, but the Society of William Wallace must go forward. He asked all members to help share the load for the future, “that what does not break us, makes us stronger”
Tributes to David: Many thanks to all members of the Society who brought along news reports . These will be kept as a lasting tribute to the big man.
Duncan informed members that he had received many emails of condolence from many individuals, groups and organisations, who knew David in many different ways. It showed the impact that David had on the lives of many people and that his words, written and verbal, reached out to many.
There are also tributes on the following websites
Duncan will continue to liase with David’s Daughter, Kimberley on behalf of the Society, has offered and will continue to offer, assistance to her at this difficult time.
Developments: Alan Reid from Fife has opened a Facebook Group regarding Wallace’s letter of safe conduct HERE
Thank you to Rob Gibson, MSP for Ross-shire for putting letters into various highland newspapers, informing readers about David.
Condolences were also sent from the Andrew De Moray Project.
A new saltire for Avoch will be required soon for the annual commemoration which will be soon approaching.
Some MSP’s supported the recent motion in the Scottish Parliament on bringing Scotland vibrant history more to the fore within the Scottish Education System….well done them!
Treasurers Report: Our new treasurer, George, gave his first Society of William Wallace Financial Report.
There was some discussion over money. It will take time for the team to adjust to a new system of work. As the new secretary was elected by a quorum, present at the AGM, and entrusted with the finances of the society, all members are asked to support him in every way possible for the benefit of the society as a whole.
Bob Irving was again thanked for his support at treasurer of the Society, which he fulfilled for around ten years. The money is now in George’s capable hands!
A message was reported by George from our Merchandise Officer, Ziggy Wilson, that Kimberley Ross, will settle the merchandise account on behalf of her dad.
Web masters report….Also George!
George is happy for his address to be put on the Society Contact List on the web site.
George also asked if anyone had any photos of David for the Society website, so that he could compose a tribute to him.
A discussion occurred regarding payment methods for worldwide merchandise customers and member’s fees. George will explore the best options available to, and for, the Society.
Change: A discussion ensued looking forward to the future of the group. It was suggested that guest speakers be invited, which would affect the finances of the group. Names of prospective speakers are most welcome!
Wallace Day: Fiona Watson would be contacted by Duncan to enquire if she would be the main speaker at Wallace Day 2010.
Postal address: Duncan will change the postal address of the Society on the printed membership forms.
New Statue of Bruce: Finally, after 150 years, a new statue of Robert, The Bruce, was unveiled on the 18th of January. We hope to have a picture on our website soon!
Memorial at Glasgow Cathedral: Bob Irving enquired about progress. This memorial to those present at the Battle o’ The Bell o’ The Brae continues to be at the planning stage.
Lanark: Lanarkshire Council have ended the hopes of The Society that the coffin of 2005 should rest there. Wallace statue in Lanark, Gordon reported that the statue has been refurbished, but the Lanark sword has not yet been replaced. A similar situation occurred at the John De Graham tomb a few years ago. It was eventually replaced.
Gordon Aitken: Spoke of the kind generosity of Ken Shirra of the Knights Templar in Scotland. Thank you Ken, on behalf of the Society.
Gordon read two moving poems to the society, with thoughts of David, which will be available on the website of the Society. One by Muriel Roebuck of Kirriemuir, the other by Gordon himself, entitled ..A Tribute to a Patriot, David R. Ross, Our Own William Wallace….thanks Gordon!
Gary Stewart: Reported on behalf of Andy Middleton on the state of the monument to Wallace at his place of betrayal in Robroyston. Apparently Historic Scotland are responsible for the Cross only and not the surrounding railings etc. The monument stands within the jurisdiction of Glasgow City Council. This clarification may result in the appropriate people being pressured into action of some sort.
Gary also reported on the future visit of 45 american visitors to Scotland. The tour was meant to be led by David, and will continue. Everyone is asked to lend a hand if possible to ensure that the tour continues with our guid scots hospitality and friendship. Albannach at Menzies Castle, near Aberfeldy, and Fiery Jack have been mentioned so far, but please check website for further developments. This will be an opportunity to fund raise for the Wallace Coffin and 2014 commemorations, …all Society members are asked to support us in any way they can.
Gary was also in contact with a journalist regarding the letter of Safe Conduct. MSP’s Christine Graham and Bob Eadie have given support to the return of the letter. Dr Fiona Watson has also emailed him, backing the return. Donovan Murray in the USA has also given his support and will spread the word to his wide circle of contacts and supporters.
News from George: The American Albanach fans intend to be at The Wallace Monument in Elderslie on the late afternoon of Thursday 11th of March…they would love to meet some of us…can ye make it???
Bowling Trophy: The possibility of offering a bowling trophy to remember Wallace and David Ross was mentioned. Monthly meetings are held in the hall in front of Elderslie Bowling Club, during the summer, members can watch the matches as a backdrop to the meetings!
Tower of London: Betty and Charlotte reported on the forgotten Scots who died in the Tower of London. It is said that a group were forced to put on their own shrouds before being shot. They are thought to be buried in an unmarked grave close to the grave of Anne Boleyn.
Media Officer Irene: Reported on some of the tributes paid to David in the national press and local papers.
Irene also received a telephone call from Scotland First Minister, Alex Salmond and a letter of condolence followed. This was read by Duncan to all present at The Glasgow Ferry at David’s funeral on the 11th of January.
Irene showed the Society a commemorative brooch and piece of plaid which was given to her daughter. This once belonged to a member of the team of the inspirational film, Braveheart, and has a certificate of authenticity. It is her intention to auction it at some point, to raise funds for a future Society commemoration.
Other Business: A discussion happened on how the society should commemorate the life of David R. Ross . Ideas included
….a plaque in London beside the Wallace plaque at St Bartholemews commemorating the events of 2005.
…a bench at the Wallace Tree in Elderslie, or Stirling Bridge.
…a plaque set in cobbles.
Money, time , upkeep and vandalism issues are all factors in consideration but suggestions continue to be welcome.
Bruce Plaid: Chris MacLeod showed the society the plaid that she had completed on the 11th of January. This was meant to be David’s new plaid in The Bruce tartan, woven by her on the 200 year old loom in Weaver’s Cottage, Kilbarchan.
The first threads were put on the frame on Wallace Day 2009, by David himself, before starting the Wallace Commemoration.
As a mark of respect, this plaid will be kept until 2014, and used in some form in the Bruce Commemoration.
Two pieces of the plaid were cut from the cloth and passed on to two significant people. One was symbolically given to his daughter Kimberley and the other to Duncan Fenton. Duncan wore the piece at David’s funeral.
The meeting ended by a show of true appreciation of the big man…a telling (or re-telling)….of some of his bad jokes…..just as it always did!
Thanks to Lily for supplying the buffet for members after the meeting.
Date of next our meeting will be Tuesday the 16th of February at 7.45pm in Elderslie Village Hall, all welcome! Slainte!
Late News: As members discussed ways of creating a lasting tribute to our late Convenor, David R. Ross, a vote was taken to ascertain whether members thought it would be appropriate to use money from the Society’s funds for this. Nearly all members were in agreement, but one member raised a point of order that the whole membership of the Society be consulted on this matter.
So I would ask any member who disagrees with this proposal to lodge their objection with the Webmaster or Vice Convenor.
It is not always feasible, due to time restrictions, to poll every member, & wait on feedback, for every decision, so this has been discussed by the office bearers, & we propose that any decision that has to be taken, is put to the vote to the members attending that particular meeting. With most of the previous decisions, that is what we have always done.
Again, if any member disagrees with this, please raise your objections in the manner stated above. |
The Society of William Wallace Minutes of The Annual General Meeting of The Society of William Wallace held in Elderslie Village Hall Glenpatrick Road, Elderslie. On Tuesday 17th November 2009.
PRESENT: Jean Millar, Isobel Lavelle, Tom Lavelle, George Boyle (Webmaster), Ziggy Wilson, (Mercandise Officer), Chris MacLeod, Gary Stewart, Peter Malcolm, Bob Irving (Treasurer), David Ross (Convenor), Duncan Fenton ( Vice Convenor), Irene Clarke, ( Media Officer), Lily Love (Social Convenor),
APOLOGIES: Archie Millar, Susan Coghill, Craig Wilson
Election of Office Bearers for 2009-2010:The meeting began with the election of office bearers, chaired by Bob Irving. Bob stated that he did not wish to be re-elected as treasurer. The following is the result by election….
Convenor…David R Ross
Vice Convenor…Duncan Fenton
Acting Secretary…Duncan Fenton
Minute Secretary…Chris MacLeod
Webmaster … George Boyle
Treasurer…George Boyle
Media Officer…Irene Clarke
Merchandise Officer…Ziggy Wilson & Craig Wilson
Social Convenor...Lily Love
All posts with immediate effect.
TREASURER (Bob Irving): The balance of the accounts of The Society were read by Bob and approved by members.
CONVENOR (David R. Ross): Re-elected by members present, David proceeded to continue the meeting. He responded to various questions including:
The let of the hall…perhaps an alternative venue could be looked into as the rental has increased dramatically…the hall is booked until July 2010. The general feeling was that Elderslie, the birthplace of Wallace, meant something to most people. The hall was best suited to Wallace Day.
Signatories…Previously Bob Irving and Willie Douglas, requires an update. Bob will continue meantime.
Decline in attendance… .unsurprisingly since the high of 2005 – 2006. A suggestion was made that a series of regular speakers could be introduced. This would require a healthier bank balance to pay for the expenses of other speakers.
DEPUTY CONVENOR ( Duncan Fenton): Duncan continued to encourage more use of emailing correspondence, which is much more convenient and saves the society over £100.00 per month in postage.
Two thirds of the Society membership is now on email.
A quarterly newsletter was suggested to be sent by regular mail. No decision was taken on this.
Good Exhibition on in The National Library of Scotland.
There was a copy of an excellent article by Rennie McOwan, printed in the Scots Magazine, November 2009, which was distributed and discussed. David Ross is to contact the author for permission of the Society to use his article some time in the future.
David will speak at the St Andrews Day March in Edinburgh.
The Society website was discussed. All agreed that it was looking great.
A big thank ye to George Boyle for the great work!.
George is happy to receive any relevant information which may be added to the site.
Media Officer (Irene Clarke): Continues to scour the press and point out historical inaccuracies when required…an immense task!...Irene accepted re-election to the post…all thought that she's doing a great job!
Topics discussed were current media articles on Blind Harry,The Seal of Lubek and Wallace’s Letter of Safe Conduct.
A Letter read out by David from D MacKinnon of Ostaig House complaining about the Wallace monument site.
STV Greatest Scot…Society member Hugh Robertson did us proud!. He commended Wallace as THE greatest Scot. The results would be known on St Andrews Day
Merchandise Officer,(Ziggy Wilson): Reported that any money made from the sale of Wallace merchandise is ploughed straight back into increasing stock. Ziggy was re-elected to the post...many thanks indeed!!
A suggestion of providing The Society of Wallace book to be included as part of an introduction to Wallace when new members join was discussed.
Ziggy also welcomes any suggestions for new merchandise ideas (things that will sell well!) . Ideas include…mugs, stickers and badges…perhaps including “I’ve brought you to the ring, now dance the best ye can” and “Wallace was Innocent”
Do please let Ziggy know by email, bearing in mind that a large quantity has to be ordered.
Members and friends are actively encouraged to take a look at the great range of stock for personal, gifts which greatly contributed to the support of the society.
George is hoping to get the online shop up and running soon, meanwhile please continue to support us!
SOCIAL CONVENOR (Lily Love): The Annual Dinner is booked for the 4th December at the Wallace Tavern, Elderslie. All are welcome.
Lily, as usual, provided us with great tea, coffee and eats!
The Society really appreciates all she that does for the members.
Tapadh leibh Lily!
The meeting ended with a vote of thanks to Bob Irving for the many years service as treasurer of The Society!

The Society would also like to take this opportunity to wish all our members
a Merry Christmas & prosperous new year.
Nollaig Chridheil agus Blidhna mhath ur!

NEXT MEETING to be held on Tuesday 19th January 2010 at 7.45 pm in Elderslie Village Hall.
PRESENT: A. Millar, J. Millar, T. Lavelle, I. Lavelle, Jim Adams, Dorothy Adams, Richard Quinn, George Boyle (Webmaster), Lily Love (Social Convenor), David Ross, (Convenor), Duncan Fenton (Vice Convenor), Bob Irving (Treasurer), Irene Clarke, ( Media Officer),
APOLOGIES: Nan Irving, Susan Boyle, Willie Douglas, Hamish MacQueen,, Ziggy & Craig Wilson (Merchandise Officers),
TREASURER (Bob Irving): Several members paid their membership subscription. If any members have not done so, could they please send in their subs as soon as possible. Thanks to all who have paid.
MEDIA OFFICER ( Irene Clarke) Irene informed members of the charter granting Royal Burgh status to Perth by King William the Lion in 1210, which has just been repaired & cleaned & the original seal re-affixed. It will be on display at Perth museum next year. Irene suggested a trip by members to go to see it.
Irene told members that the controversial ‘Mel Gibson’ statue which stood at the foot of the National Wallace Monument in Stirling, has now been removed to make way for a new visitor centre.
DEPUTY CONVENOR ( Duncan Fenton): Duncan contacted Alastair MacIntyre, webmaster for popular website ‘Electric Scotland’. There was an old outdated link to our very first website from years ago. Duncan gave Alastair the details of our new website & asked if he would be good enough to update the link. Alastair replied that he was happy to do so.
Duncan contacted ‘UK Destinations’ website to bring attention to an error in their article on Wallace. It had given the date of the Battle of Stirling Bridge as 1287 instead of 1297. He also informed the editor that another website ‘New Zealand News UK’, had copied their article containing the same error. He received a reply thanking him for pointing it out, & that it was a simple typo. They will also contact the other website to enquire why they have copied their content. The error has now been fixed. Although Duncan also contacted NZ News to point out their error, they have not replied, & the error still stands.
Duncan has purchased two new extending poles for the Society’s smaller banner. This will be taken to other events, not necessarily Wallace-related, but will represent the Society’s presence. This may also increase membership.
CONVENOR (David R. Ross). David told members of his recent travels in the USA. H e visited the Wallace statue in Baltimore, which was erected in 1893, and unveiled on St.Andrews Day of that year.
David asked that more members become involved in contributing ideas and content to the Society. David suggested providing a trophy for the Bowling Club which is adjacent to our village hall. This could be named the “William Wallace Trophy” or something similar, & could be played for each year.
A.O.C.B. Ideas for expanding & enhancing Wallace Day were discussed. Suggestions included getting children more involved with face painting & side shows to entertain them.
Irene suggested buying a fridge or chill cabinet to keep drinks cool in the bar. She also suggested that instead of hiring glasses for the day, which is becoming increasingly more expensive, we should buy our own. After the initial outlay, there would be no further expense.
David suggested handing out wristbands to visitors as they pay their entrance fee at the door at the evening event. This will give us a truer picture of the number of attendees.
The recent commemorations of Wallace Day & Stirling Bridge were discussed. Reports & videos can be found on our website at HTTP://WWW.THESOCIETYOFWILLIAMWALLACE.COM
David thanked Craig Wilson & Andy Currie for acting as door stewards at the Wallace Day celebrations at the evening event.
The annual Wallace Society dinner will be held in the nearby Wallace Tavern in Elderslie, on 4th December 2009.
Thanks to Lily for supplying the buffet for members after the meeting.
NEXT MEETING will be the Annual General Meeting on 17th November 2009 at Elderslie Village Hall at 7.45pm |
PRESENT: A. Millar, J. Millar, T. Lavelle, I. Lavelle, Jim Adams, Dorothy Adams, Christine MacLeod, David Bailey, Richard Quinn, Morag MacLaren, Willie Douglas, Mary McCabe, George Boyle (Webmaster), Duncan Fenton (Vice Convenor), Bob Irving (Treasurer), Nan Irving
APOLOGIES: Susan Boyle, Irene Clarke, ( Media Officer), David Ross, (Convenor), Lily Love (Social Convenor), Ziggy & Craig Wilson (Merchandise Officers)
TREASURER (Bob Irving): Duncan handed Bob money that had come in from memberships, & money from Wallace Day that David Ross gave to him before he went to the USA.
This month’s meeting followed a different format from the usual. As the Weavers Cottage is a little on the small side, we had to split into two groups. This made talking to all members a little difficult. A decision was made to carry over any business from last month to the October meeting, & let member Christine MacLeod, who works there, give us a guided tour.
First, Christine showed us the 200-year-old loom on which she wove the blanket which will go on Robert Burns’ bed in Burns’ Cottage in Alloway. She explained how the sett was chosen, which natural dyes were used, & which plants they came from. She explained how it had just been completed that day, & that MSP Mike Russell, Minister for Culture, had performed the cutting off ceremony.
Moving back upstairs, we were handed over to guide, David Bailey, who explained the mechanics of making peg rugs. We were split into 2 groups, one of which was set to having a go at rug making. The other was treated to tea & coffee in the next room. After a while we switched places, so that everyone had a turn.
When members had finished their spot of rug making, we were asked to sign our names in a book, which will record all those who helped in the process. These rugs will also be taken for display in Burns’ Cottage, so we all had a share in a little bit of history. Thanks for that, Christine.
We were then allowed to have a browse around the rest of the cottage, which is a cruck-built structure, of which there are not many left in Scotland. There were old style box beds, recessed in the walls, & old crockery & fittings from the period. Even a pair of the obligatory wally dugs on the mantelpiece, which every household used to own.
On leaving, everyone thanked Christine & David for a very enjoyable & educational evening.
NEXT MEETING will be on 20th October 2009 at Elderslie Village Hall at 7.45pm |
PRESENT: A. Millar, J. Millar, T. Lavelle, I. Lavelle, Jim Adams, Willie Douglas, Mary McCabe, Simone Dugas, Eddie MacNeill, Malcolm MacNeill, Lily Love (Social Convenor), Jim Love, David Ross, (Convenor), Duncan Fenton (Vice Convenor), Bob Irving (Treasurer), Irene Clarke, ( Media Officer),
APOLOGIES:Nan Irving, Hamish MacQueen, George Boyle (Webmaster), Ziggy & Craig Wilson (Merchandise Officers),
TREASURER (Bob Irving): Bob gave Irene & Duncan a cheque for the drink to be purchased on Wallace Day. This was taken to the local shop which supplies us.
MEDIA OFFICER ( Irene Clarke): Irene again had a go at the newspapers for their distortion of history. A recent item said that Walter Raleigh had introduced tobacco to the “British” government & the “British” monarch, Queen Elizabeth I. Most people know that Scotland & England had separate governments & different monarchs at that time.
DEPUTY CONVENOR ( Duncan Fenton): Duncan read out an e-mail from one of our members in Australia, Robert Dudgeon. Last month he told members of a new book by Dr.Anne McKim. He has since phoned Dr. McKim to tell her that her book had been mentioned at the Society’s meeting, & sent her a copy of the newsletter. Robert said that she was interested in the Society.
Duncan had an e-mail from member Dick Clark about the missing document pertaining to the National Wallace Monument. His friend, Mike Williamson, had the original Confirmation Document to Rockhead, being a family member. Before the 700 anniversary commemorations, Mike travelled from Banchory to the Stirling monument to hand over this one-off document to a Council Officer. The result was, Dick says, his friend was not invited to any of the celebrations, nor even given a letter of thanks.
An e-mail from member Scott Love informed that he has persuaded Radio Station De Tha Dol to publicise Wallace Day on air. He has also been assured that they will advertise other Wallace related events if they are given plenty of notice.
Duncan gave a report on the recent Commemoration at Robroyston, at which Duncan presented young Glen Wood with a certificate of Honorary membership of the Society, in recognition of the work he has done in highlighting the state of the area around the Monument & the Well in the national press.
Duncan reminded members that the Annual Membership is now due & a membership form will be attached to this newsletter. Thanks to all who have already paid.
Click icon
for membership
renewal form |
CONVENOR (David R. Ross): David had to go in person to the local council offices for the licence for Wallace Day, because they had promised it would be sent by post, but after three weeks, it still hadn’t arrived.
Further to last month’s request, David showed members a detailed report of merchandise bought & sold. This had been sent to him by Merchandise Officer, Ziggy Watson.
The subject of the proposed new badges was raised. Duncan will speak to Ziggy on this at Wallace Day on Saturday.
David attended the Borders Gathering in Dumfries at the weekend & gave a series of talks. He was asked by the organisers if the Wallace Society would like to take a table at next year’s event. This was discussed with a view to taking up this offer.
A subject discussed last month was the missing document from the National Library of Scotland of the proposal for funding to build the National Wallace Monument in Stirling. David has been on to them & it seems that it has turned up. The reason given is that it had been mislaid.
David had a phone call from the new owners of the nearby Wallace Tavern. It had recently changed hands already not so long ago. David asked if they could accommodate members for the Annual St. Andrew’s Day dinner. This was confirmed & a date of Friday evening on the 4th December has been pencilled in. Ted Christopher should be available to entertain us on that evening.
SOCIAL CONVENOR (Lily Love): Lily requested members to donate home baking or sandwiches for the tea room on Wallace Day. Also requests for members to help run tea room.
Lily informed members of the sad death of member Gaston Olivier. Gaston was well liked by all members.
Member Cris MacLeod: Cris reminded members that the next meeting will be at the Kilbarchan Weavers Cottage, where she works. She has been asked by the National Trust for Scotland to weave a new blanket for the bed that Rabbie Burns was born in Burns Cottage in Alloway. All members are invited to come & see the work that is being done. This will be on 15th September. Photography is allowed, so please bring your cameras. |
A.O.C.B. Final preparations for Wallace Day were discussed. Members agreed we will attempt to attract some high profile speakers in plenty of time for next year
Thanks again to Lily for supplying the buffet for members after the meeting.
NEXT MEETING will be on 15th September 2009 at Kilbarchan Weavers Cottage at 7.45pm |
PRESENT: A. Millar, J. Millar, Jim Adams, Clare McColl, Heather Ross, Willie Douglas, Mary McCabe, Lily Love (Social Convenor), Jim Love, George Boyle (Webmaster), David Ross, (Convenor), Duncan Fenton (Vice Convenor), Bob Irving (Treasurer), Irene Clarke, ( Media Officer),
APOLOGIES: Nan Irving, T. Lavelle, I. Lavelle, Gary Stewart, Gordon Aitken, Karen Owens, Grant Williamson, Ziggy & Craig Wilson (Merchandise Officers),
MEDIA OFFICER ( Irene Clarke) Irene spoke about a recent letter in the press by Derek Parker who branded the forthcoming Wallace day march as an SNP Rally. Willie Douglas had a letter printed the next day challenging his view.
The Society would like to take this opportunity to again stress that we are a non-political, non-racial organisation, & welcome members of any race, religion or political persuasion.
MEMBER WILLIE DOUGLAS: Asked why coverage was given to the recent Bannockburn Commemoration on our website, when this has nothing to do with William Wallace. Webmaster George Boyle answered that there were many Society members at this event so felt that it was appropriate for inclusion.
Duncan voiced the opinion that, strictly speaking, Bannockburn does not have anything to do with Wallace, but neither do events remembering Culloden, Avoch, Killiecrankie, Sheriffmuir, or Arbroath, but many members attend these every year, and so details are published on the website & the newsletters. Many of our members are well up on Scottish history & attend many events not always associated with Wallace.
Willie also asked how much money had ben raised by the sale of Society merchandise. David will contact Merchanise Officer, Ziggy, for an update.
DEPUTY CONVENOR ( Duncan Fenton): Duncan read out an e-mail from one of our members in Australia, Robert Dudgeon. He recommended a book on Blind Harry’s Wallace, by Dr.Anne McKim, which has over 40 pages of notes at the back which make very interesting reading.
Duncan spoke about the Society’s attendance at the recent Battle of Falkirk Commemoration at Callendar Park.
Duncan also mentioned the changes for the forthcoming march in Stirling to commemorate the Battle of Stirling Bridge. Ted Christopher, who organises this event sent Duncan the details.
This year the march will begin at the Castle Esplanade and down to the old footbridge. The wreath laying & speeches will take place there, & then on to the Rugby Club across the road for the evening entertainment. Details of tickets, prices etc., will be on a poster on the Society’s website.
The Robroyston Commemoration will take place on Saturday 1st August at 2.00 pm. Speakers will be David Ross & George Boyle.
Members Archie & Jean Millar: Said they had met Hugh Robertson, from Living History Group, Fire & Sword, at Kilmarnock recently. He asked if the Society would like him to come & do an illustrated talk. The Society has been educated & entertained by Hugh on previous occasions, & was very well received.
Duncan will contact Hugh to arrange this.
CONVENOR (David R. Ross). David received a phone call from the local council about the application for the drinks licence on Wallace Day. It seems it hadn’t been properly filled out. David will fill out a new form & hand it in personally. Speakers for Wallace Day were discussed. Ken Shirra of the Scottish Knights Templar has agreed to speak, & David will ask Ted Christopher if he would like to speak too.
David spoke about his tour of the USA & said that many Americans are planning to come here for the “Homecoming” & will attend Wallace Day.
Having spent so much time there recently, he has starting learning American history. He showed members a Confederate flag he had brought home, which is based on the saltire. Many Scots who went to America swelled the ranks of the Southern regiments during the Civil War. He showed a photo of a saltire in a museum which was carried into battle by McCowan’s regiment.
David said that the National Library of Scotland has just completed an inventory & it sems there are around 250 documents missing. One of these is the proposal for funding to build the National Wallace Monument in Stirling.
David has been doing interviews with the press recently, & one story they want to follow up is of 13 year-old Glen Wood, who mounted a campaign to improve the state of the area around the Robroyston Monument. Carrying a placard saying “Wallace Deserves Better”, he featured on our website. Now Glen has agreed to do an interview with the press.
David mentioned that the new museum featuring the Black Douglas will open on 5th September in Teba, Spain. It will be housed in the old castle there, where Douglas was killed on crusade carrying the heart of Robert The Bruce.
SOCIAL CONVENOR (Lily Love) Lily requested members to donate home baking or sandwiches for the tea room on Wallace Day. Also for prizes for the evening raffle.
Thanks to Lily for supplying the buffet for members after the meeting.
NEXT MEETING will be on 18th August 2009 at Elderslie Village Hall at 7.45pm
PRESENT: Peter Malcolm, Duncan Fenton ( Vice Convenor), Bob Irving (Treasurer), Irene Clarke, ( Media Officer),
APOLOGIES: Nan Irving, T. Lavelle, I. Lavelle, A. Millar, J. Millar, David Ross, (Convenor), Ziggy & Craig Wilson (Merchandise Officers), Lily Love (Social Convenor). George Boyle (Webmaster).
Duncan chaired the meeting as David Ross was in the States.
TREASURER (Bob Irving): Bob suggested reminding members that the monthly meeting for September will not take place in Elderslie, but in the Weavers Cottage in Kilbarchan, where Cris MacLeod works. This was discussed at the last meeting. A location map will be included in the August newsletter.
MEDIA OFFICER ( Irene Clarke): Irene continues with her quest to correct the media when they get our history wrong. The Glasgow Herald’s “On this day” feature continually includes mostly English orientated events in history.
Irene also phoned the BBC to complain about an item on their BBC History website. It states that King Henry VIII was responsible for bringing Scotland & England together.
Last year, following the damage to King James III’s graveslab in Cambuskenneth Abbey, Historic Scotland sent it away to be repaired. When Irene inquired about it, they told her they would inform her when the work was completed & where it was going on display. So far there has been no news. Irene will contact them again on this.
DEPUTY CONVENOR ( Duncan Fenton): There had been a rumour circulating recently that the Bannockburn March this year had been cancelled.
But details have now been confirmed that the march will leave the 1314 Inn car park at 1.00 pm.
Duncan read out e-mails sent to him by Convenor David Ross. These were exchanges between himself & the councillors who are involved with helping us get permission to erect a monument to the Battle of the Bell o’ the Brae in Glasgow.
One response from the Executive Director of development suggested an inscribed Caithness slab set into the pavement, but Councillor Craig Mackay agrees with us that we should be looking at a higher profile monument than that. He likes our idea of a large claymore with an inscription on it, so that is the project we will go with. The important thing is that Glasgow City Council planning department don’t have any objections at this stage. David has arranged a meeting with the councillors involved. More details will follow on the outcome of this.
Duncan brought in photos of the granite broadsword memorial at Coldstream which was mentioned at last month’s meeting during discussions about the proposed monument in Glasgow. Also a photo of the Bore Stone which used to mark the traditional mustering place of the Scottish army at Borough Muir in Edinburgh. It is now built into the wall of Morningside Parish Church.
Our caretaker at the hall, Charlie, retires in a few days. So, as a token of our appreciation, the Society presented him with a cheque for £50 for all the help he has given us for the last 27 years.
NEXT MEETING will be on 21st July 2009 at Elderslie Village Hall at 7.45pm
PRESENT: T. Lavelle, I. Lavelle, A. Millar, J. Millar, Jim Adams, George Boyle, Cris MacLeod, Gordon Aitken, Eddie McNeill, Malcolm McNeill, Mae Duggan, Peter Malcolm, David Ross, (Convenor), Duncan Fenton ( Vice Convenor), Bob Irving (Treasurer).
APOLOGIES: Nan Irving, Karen Owens, Grant Williamson, Susan Boyle, Jennifer Gilmour, Michael Reid, Ziggy & Craig Wilson (Merchandise Officers), Lily Love (Social Convenor), Irene Clarke, ( Media Officer).
DEPUTY CONVENOR ( Duncan Fenton) Duncan gave a report on the recent visit to Avoch on the Black Isle, where along with members Eddie & Malcolm McNeill and Irene & Paul Clarke, they attended the flag raising ceremony hosted by the Andrew de Moray Project. As is customary, Duncan presented the group with a new saltire on behalf of the Society. Convenor Rob Gibson MSP, gave a speech, where he highlighted the need for a statue to properly recognise the part played by Andrew de Moray during the Wars of Independence. He is in dialogue with Historic Scotland, who are responsible for the site of Ormond Castle, to further this aim.
CONVENOR (David R. Ross) David brought in the application form for a grant towards the cost of the proposed monument to the Battle of the Bell o’ the Brae, near Glasgow Cathedral. This was duly filled in & designs were again discussed. David will meet again with the coucillors involved when he hands the form in.
David read from an e-mail he received from Ian McGhee from Robroyston Community Council. They are looking at ways to improve conditions around the Wallace Memorial Cross and Wallace’s Well.
Plans may include providing proper car parking, rather than the 3 spaces at present, a footpath from the cross to the well, and general tidying up & renovation. He asked if the Society would like to get involved & invited representatives to their next meeting. This is welcome news after years of trying to get something done about the condition of the area without success.
David told of a recent trip to the visitor center at Bannockburn Heritage Centre. He said that they were only two cars in the car park, & the centre itself was looking a little shoddy, with many of the artifacts that used to be on display there not present. The audio-visual display has been updated, but was not as good as the previous one.
This prompted a discussion among members, who have noticed that more & more of properties under the care of the NTS & Historic Scotland are being staffed by non-Scots. This is not a racial issue – it just seems that Scottish people will know more about their own history & will be a little more passionate about it when dealing with the visiting public & answering their questions.
David talked about the Gathering Stone that used to stand on the Borough Muir in Edinburgh, the traditional mustering place of the Scots army. He had read from old books that it had disappeared from its original location many years ago. Having gone looking for it, he found it just outside Morningside Parish Church, where it was placed in 1852.
David informed members of a bust of Wallace in the Kelvingrove museum in Glasgow.
MEMBER Gordon Aitken Gordon broght in a clipping from the Falkirk Herald, which carried the story of the recent vandalisation of the Falkirk Cairn. Someone had sprayed black paint over the sandstone plaque. Gordon’s comments were noted in the newspaper. Gordon has managed to clean the paint off.
Gordon brought in tickets for sale for the Annual Falkirk Cairn Commemoration on 18th July.
Member Cris MacLeod Cris spoke about an article which appeared in the local press about the Kilbarchan Weavers Cottage, where she works. She has been asked by the National Trust for Scotland to weave a new blanket for the bed that Rabbie Burns was born in Burns Cottage in Alloway. This is to tie in with the Burns “Homecoming” year. She proposed that one of our monthly meetings could be held in the Weavers Cottage, & invited all members to come & see the work that is being done. After discussing this, it was agreed that this would take place on 15th September.
Member Jean Miller Jean said that she will speak to the Pipe Major of the Kilbarchan Pipe Band to ask if they are available to lead the march on Wallace Day.
NEXT MEETING Will be on 16th June 2009 at Elderslie Village Hall at 7.45pm
LATE NEWS Duncan received an e-mail from John F. Early from New York City requesting help from our members in locating a drawing of Wallace. Below is his e-mail.
John asks for assistance in re-locating an image he saw five months ago of a personage he strongly believes to be Wallace. John had been looking on his computer for any and all depictions of Wallace, when suddenly he came upon a simple pen and ink drawing. The extremely fine drawing shows the face and uppermost torso of a man in a tunic or nightshirt. John did not download the image or save it on computer hard drive, and ever since has been unable to locate it anywhere.
Of all the portraits of William Wallace that John has seen, he maintains that the man in the drawing he saw looks most like the one hanging in the Stirling Smith Art Gallery and Museum, also same face positioning.
If anyone comes across this image or something similar, please contact John at
Received an invite to members for Lachlan’s 50th birthday party. Here is his e-mail.
PRESENT: T. Lavelle, I. Lavelle, A. Millar, J. Millar, Jim Adams, George Boyle, Richard Quinn, Cris MacLeod, David Ross, (Convenor), Kimberley Ross, Duncan Fenton ( Vice Convenor), Bob Irving (Treasurer), Irene Clarke, ( Media Officer)
APOLOGIES: Nan Irving, Gordon Aitken, Karen Owens, Grant Williamson, Gary Stewart, Susan Boyle, Ziggy & Craig Wilson (Merchandise Officers), Lily Love (Social Convenor).
MEDIA OFFICER ( Irene Clarke) Irene showed members a poster advertising a fund-raising abseil down the National Wallace Monument. Members agreed that a building, which is in fact a War memorial, is not a suitable venue for this kind of event. David will contact Stirling Council on this. Duncan was particularly dismayed by the invitation to “text FUN WALLACE” in order to take part. The Society has raised concerns about this in the past, but it still continues.
Irene has applied for the drinks licence for the hall for Wallace day in August. She also contacted the local police, who again agreed to come to the hall periodically on their rounds to make sure we don’t suffer from drunken youths trying to gatecrash.
She also contacted the lady who did the wreaths for our various commerorations last year, who will supply them again this year.
Irene showed members a gift she had recived from a stuntman who had worked on ‘Braveheart’.
A golden clasp brooch with a broadsword flanked by the words ‘Braveheart’ and ‘Freedom’. This was in a presentation box with a 3 x 3 inch square of tartan from Mel Gibson’s kilt, which was worn in the film.
DEPUTY CONVENOR ( Duncan Fenton) Duncan read from a press cutting brought in by Member Jean Millar proposing a modern re-trial for Wallace. David Ross had supplied his opinion which was printed in the Scotsman’s version of the article. This has been brought up in the press before, and members agreed with David when he said we don’t want a pardon for Wallace, because that leads to the assunption that he was guilty.
Duncan read out a news article concerning the National Trust for Scotland, who are suffering a finacial crisis. Plans include shedding 91 jobs and closing up to 11 of its properties to the public to save money.
Another option discussed was to merge with the National Trust in England. Opponents of this have said that it would become a “junior partner of a much larger organisation”. I think we heard something similar in 1707.
WEBMASTER (George Boyle) George told members of a newly launched website which has highlighted the state of disrepair around the Wallace Memorial cross in Robroyston. This can be found at WWW.ROBROYSTON.ORG
CONVENOR (David R. Ross) David said that he has noticed recently an increase on TV and in the press of all things “British”, with advertisers using the Union Flag more & more. He wonders if this is a deliberate effort to promote “Britishness”, as Gordon Brown has always said he wants to do. Also there seems to be more goods on sale on Scotland bearing the Union Jack logo, & less emphasis on the Saltire. Members’ own experiences have reinforced this.
David spoke about the recent commemoration at Culloden which he attended, and also the one for hte “Rout of Moy”.
David had a meeting with Councillor Craig Mackay about the proposed memorial to the ‘Battle of the Bell o’ the Brae’ in Glasgow. He read out a letter he’d received from him. Glasgow City Planning department have so far raised no objections to this& we have been invited to submit sketches of possible designs. This was discussed at length by memberswith some very good ideas being put forward.
David read out an e-mail from Susan Barclay at Robroyston Community Council. She has asked that, follwing the success of last year’s Robroyston Fun Day, some mebers could again come along, suitably kilted up, to help explain the link between Wallace & Robroyston. This will be held at the local Ppimary school. Several members have agreed to do so.
Member Cris MacLeod: Cris said that on a recent trip to the Epcot Centre, she visited the United Kingdom pavilllion. It contained mostly images of England. It’s own website invites you to “travel to jolly old England”.
This is supposedly representative of the whole of the UK.
Member Jean Millar:Jean suggested we make posters advertising Wallace Day in plenty of time this year. She and husband Archie are willing to hand these out to local shopkeepers for display in their windows. This is a direct response to the negative attitude shown by the local council in the past, when we have put up posters on lamposts, only to have them removed the next day by council workmen.
Webmaster George Boyle agreed to produce the posters.
NEXT MEETING will be on 19th May 2009 at Elderslie Village Hall at 7.45pm
PRESENT: Gordon Aitken, Karen Owens, Grant Williamson, T. Lavelle, I. Lavelle, A. Millar, J. Millar, Peter Malcolm, W. Clow, (guest),Jim Adams, George Boyle, David Ross, (Convenor), Duncan Fenton ( Vice Convenor)
APOLOGIES:Nan Irving, Bob Irving (Treasurer), Irene Clarke, ( Media Officer), Ziggy & Craig Wilson (Merchandise Officers), Lily Love (Social Convenor).
Member Archie Millar raised a very good point. He suggested that we don’t give out details of the bank balance as the newsletters are now available anyone to read on the website, & not just to members. Members agreed. Duncan will still send out the newsletter to members as usual, but webmaster George Boyle will delete the bank balance entry for posting on the internet.
Convenor David Ross brought in a pile of cheques for subscriptions that he received while he was away, & will post these on to the treasurer. Duncan has a note of these & will mark them up as paid on the database.
Archie also mentioned that there are a few old websites with the domain name of the Wallace Society, or a variant of it, that are no longer functioning, & suggested that we try to et them removed, so that our website will be more prominent to a search engine.
DEPUTY CONVENOR ( Duncan Fenton): Duncan read out e-mails he has received. An e-mail from member Alan Reid about the renewed attempt by MSP’s to secure the return of the Wallace “safe conduct” letter currently held at Kew. He suggested that more members could write to their MSP & to the press to show the volume of support for this move.
Alan also mentioned that to celebrate 10 years of the Scottish Parliament, a new quotation is being sought for inclusion on the Canongate Wall. There are currently 24 quotes inscribed on stones from various prominent Scots. Alan suggests Wallace’s rallying call, “I’ve brought you to the ring – now dance the best you can”. If members log on to the parliament website they can leave their suggestion. The decision will be made on St Andrews day. Duncan has already done this.
(Since the meeting his letter regarding this has been published in the Scotsman newspaper 20/3/09).
Duncan brought up the subject of setting up a Paypal account on the website. Webmaster George Boyle said he is already looking into this & has asked David Murdoch to assist with the technicalities.
MEMBER Gordon Aitken Following last month’s request for Wallace Day speakers, Gordon has asked Ken Shirra, leader of the Knights Templar in Scotland, to speak. Ken has said that he would be honoured to do it.
CONVENOR (David R. Ross) While in the States, David had a meeting with an American film company who are keen to make a DVD version of David’s book “On the Trail of William Wallace”. This would show the locations of the various monuments & sites relating to Wallace.
He also spoke with the Canadian Tourist Board, who will have the copy of the Wallace sword on loan.
This is the copy that is kept in the National Wallace Monument & not the original. He sword will be going on a tour of Canada, & they have requested permission for the Wallace coffin to accompany it.
No member raised any objection to this.
David read from a news clipping brought in by Jean Millar concerning a new book called “Bannockburn: The Triumph of Robert the Bruce, by David Cornell. The author suggests that the chroniclers got it wrong when they wrote about the numbers of English killed in battle. He states that it was far less because most of them fled. Comments have appeared in the press from David R. Ross, Ian Scott from the Saltire Society and much respected Prof. G.W.S. Barrow, among others, who disagree with Cornell’s interpretation of history.
David read out a report from Media Officer, Irene Clarke, who could not attend the meeting.
Irene had e-mailed Alex Salmond’s office to ask him to speak at Wallace Day. She has received a reply saying that unfortunately, he will be unavailable for that day.
She has also contacted the provost’s office & is awaiting a reply.
David has been told on several occasions that Scots commemorate battles they have lost, but the English don’t, & that the reason for this is that they didn’t lose many. David reckons the reason this view is widely held is because they don’t teach English defeats in their schools. To illustrate this, he spoke about two battles that are all but forgotten in England, Bannockburn excepted. They are the Battle of Bauge & the Battle of Byland.
NEXT MEETING will be on 21st April 2009 at Elderslie Village Hall at 7.45pm
PRESENT: Gordon Aitken, Karen Owens, Richard Quinn, T. Lavelle, I. Lavelle, A. Millar, J. Millar, Peter Malcolm, Jim Adams, George Boyle, Frank Boyd, John Paterson, Bob Irving (Treasurer), Duncan Fenton ( Vice Convenor), Irene Clarke, ( Media Officer),
APOLOGIES: Nan Irving, Grant Williamson,Willie Douglas, David Ross, (Convenor), Ziggy & Craig Wilson (Merchandise Officers), Lily Love (Social Convenor).
Duncan chaired the meeting as David Ross was in the States.
TREASURER (Bob Irving): Bob asked members for suggestion for speakers for Wallace Day. Also that we should try to get more guest speakers for the monthly meetings. Bob suggested that their expenses could be met from society funds.
MEDIA OFFICER ( Irene Clarke) |
Irene brought in a copy of the recently re-printed book “ The Taking of the Stone of Destiny” by Ian Hamilton. The recent film based on the story will be relesed on DVD on 21st April.
Irene contacted BBC Alba in Stornoway who sent her a recording of a recent programme about Scotland’s past. Selected clips from this will be shown at a forthcoming meeting. |
MEMBER Gordon Aitken
read from a news clipping about David Mundell, MP for Dumfriesshire, who is introducing a Private Members Bill to ensure that Scottish banknotes are accepted throughout the UK. It received its first reading on January 21 & will be debated further in June.
MEMBERS Jim Adams & John Paterson told members that nearby Johnstone Castle, which has recently been purchased, is being renovated by the new owner.
Member George Boyle
Has taken over as webmaster of the society’s new website, www.thesocietyofwilliamwallace.com George has added a lot of new content to the existing stuff on our old website. He asked members for anything they would like to contribute, like articles or photos. Gordon Aitken suggested excerpts from the CD Rom which descibes the building of the Falkirk Cairn in Callander Park.
Copies of the meetings’ monthly minutes & newsletters can be found on the website. Members are reminded that meeting are held on the third Tuesday of every month, except December.
Duncan sent an e-mail of thanks to David Murdoch, webmaster of Crann Tara’s site, who kindly allowed the society space on their website, & who made the transition from his site to our new domain as seamless as possible.
DEPUTY CONVENOR ( Duncan Fenton): Duncan read out e-mails he has received.
An e-mail from member George Boyle with the information that Springburn SNP are trying to get the Wallace monument at Robroyston floodlit. Also to have it designated a site of national importance.
Councillor Craig Mackay was contacted by John Toner who asked if it could be possible to erect a plaque of some sort to commemorate the Battle of the Bell o’ the Brae, which Duncan spoke about at the last meeting.
The councillor in turn contacted the societyto see if we wished to apply for funding for this project, & that he would support us. He asked if the society would be interested in assisting in identifying a suitable location and commissioning a plaque. Duncan replied to him, saying that we would like to be involved. This will be discussed further.
Mr Toner also mentioned to Councillor Mackay the lack of an information plaque on the tomb of Bishop Wishart, Wallace’s friend, in Glasgow Cathedral. This has been discussed at previous meetings, with members bing urged to make a comment to that effect in the visitor’s book
An e-mail fom John F. Early from New York. John asked for help in locating a image of Wallace he saw recently. It is a drawing showing Wallace from the waist up. Duncan asked members to let him know if they had any ideas about this.
NEXT MEETING will be on 17th March 2009 at Elderslie Village Hall at 7.45pm
PRESENT: Gordon Aitken, Karen Owens, Richard Quinn, Duncan Fenton ( Vice Convenor),
Irene Clarke, ( Media Officer),
APOLOGIES: Bob Irving (Treasurer), Nan Irving, T. Lavelle, I. Lavelle, A. Millar, J. Millar, Grant Williamson, David Ross, (Convenor), Ziggy & Craig Wilson (Merchandise Officers), Lily Love (Social Convenor).
Duncan chaired the meeting as David Ross was in the States.
MEDIA OFFICER ( Irene Clarke) Irene spoke about a programme which was broadcast on BBC Alba around Christmas about Scottish history. She will bring the DVD to a forthcoming meeting.
Irene phoned the Scottish Daily Mail about a recent article entitled ‘British Monarchs’. We are used to sloppy research & this time was no different. Included were Edward I & Henry VIII among others who are obviously English kings. It is difficult to tell whether this is ignorance or arrogance on the press’s part.
Lily phoned Irene about a TV programme due to be shown this Sunday on Channel 4. Reference is made to the “English Isles”
MEMBER Archie Millar sent in a news clipping about a forthcoming talk on Wallace by Alan Steel as part of the 200th anniversary of the founding of Paisley Philosophical Institution. This will take place at Paisley Museum on Thursday, February 26, at 7.30 pm. Admission is free & there is no need to book.
MEMBER Gordon Aitken told members that the date for the anniversary of the Battle of Falkirk will be 18th July this year. Further details to follow.
Gordon sang a new song he has just written called “Patriotic Heart”. It is a rallying call for all Scots of diverse views & persuasions to forget their differences & come together for the greater good of Scotland. Scots have always been too ready to quarrel amongst themselves – it is now time to unite.
DEPUTY CONVENOR ( Duncan Fenton):
Duncan read out e-mails he has received. One is from a Mariana Boubee, who is the owner & director of a private English language school in Argentina, which she opened 14 years ago. She loves Scottish history and named her school the “Sir William Wallace School of English”. She requested any leaflets or brochures from the Society to give to her students, to show them some Scottish history. Duncan sent her the link for the Society’s website.
Another e-mail from a Liz Longden at Capital Press. They are preparing a story for the national press regarding the recent motion lodged in the Scottish Parliament by Murdo Fraser MSP, calling for the return of the Lubeck letter. She asked Duncan for comment on behalf of the Society. This was duly sent.
Another e-mail from Elizabeth Crocket, who has just learned from the press about the safe conduct letter which was taken from Wallace on his capture & now lies in the National Archives at Kew. She asked if there had been any attempts to get it returned. Duncan replied & attached copies of all the relevant letters which have gone back & forth over the years on the subject.
Duncan e-mailed the BBC’s Religion and Ethics website to bring their attention to an error on their article about St. Andrew last year. It gives the Battle of Athelstaneford as 736 AD, when it should have been 832 AD. They replied saying they would amend this as soon as possible, which they have now done.
Duncan has been researching the Battle of the Bell O’ the Brae, which took place in Glasgow in 1297. Wallace’s forces defeated the English garrison of Glasgow Castle, which was under the command of Earl Percy. Having obtained several writers’ views on the subject from 1894, 1911 & 1913, he printed out an account of the battle with maps of the area around Glasgow Castle from differint times in history. This was distributed to members.
NEXT MEETING will be on 17th February 2009 at Elderslie Village Hall at 7.45pm
PRESENT: Gordon Aitken, Karen Owens, George Boyle, Eddie McNeill, Richard Quinn, Willie Douglas, Mary McCabe, Simone Dugas, Peter Malcolm, Gus MacKenzie, Mae Duggan, Cris MacLeod, Bob Irving (Treasurer), David Ross (Convenor), Kimberley Ross, Duncan Fenton ( Vice Convenor), Irene Clarke, ( Media Officer), Lily Love (Social Convenor),
Nan Irving, A. Millar, J. Millar, T. Lavelle, I. Lavelle, Gary Stewart, Susan Boyle, Jennifer Boyle, Michael Reid, Malcolm McNeill, Hamish MacQueen, Grant Williamson, Ziggy & Craig Wilson (Merchandise Officers),
TREASURER (Bob Irving): More membership money was collected on the night & David Ross brought in the subscriptions that had been posted to him.
MEDIA OFFICER ( Irene Clarke)
Irene brought in the pull-out poster from the Sun newspaper, which listed Scottish battles. The articles pertaining to Bannockburn & Stirling Bridge had been mixed up, due to sloppy editing. Irene phoned to complain. She also phoned the Sunday Herald about an article they printed about Guy Fawkes, in which they referred to the “British Parliament”. Irene pointed out that Scotland & England had separate parliaments until 1707 – over 100 years later. She phoned the BBC about the recent “Scotland’s History” programme. She protested about Neil Oliver’s continued use of the term “North Britain” when referring to Scotland. She only got a recorded message. It seems as though they must have got fed up fielding complaints from the public about this one.
DEPUTY CONVENOR ( Duncan Fenton): Duncan showed members the newsletter he had received from the Andrew de Moray Project, based in Avoch, on the Black Isle. Their new website is now operational & can be found at
Duncan read from a news clipping sent in by Jean & Archie Millar. Following the broadcast of the first episode of “Scotland’s History”, in which a book was shown from the Bibliotheque Nationale in Paris.
It is over 1000 years old and contains the first mention of Scotland to appear in print. Independent MSP Margo MacDonald is tabling a motion to have the book returned to Scotland for next year’s Homecoming celebrations. Even if it is only for a loan, it will give the people of Scotland a chance to see this unique document.
CONVENOR (David R. Ross)
David also phoned the BBC to complain about the “North Britain” tag used in their programme.
David told members about his recent trip to France with Jim Singer & others. They witnessed the unveiling of a plaque to mark the last resting place of Cameron of Loch Eil, in Bergues, near Dunkirk.
They went on to search for the remains of King John Balliol’s castle in Bailleul. With the help of some locals, they found the ruins in some woodland & took photos. David suggested that the Society may build a small cairn with a plaque to mark the site. It is worth remembering that there is a good chance Wallace may have visited Balliol when he was in exile here.
David brought in a sample menu for the Annual Wallace Dinner, to be held in the Wallace tavern, Elderslie. This will be held on the 3rd December 2008, at 7.15 for 7.30 pm. David said that in view of Social Convenor, Lily Love’s contribution in supplying & preparing food at every society meeting, the price of her & her husband’s meal will be met from the Society’s funds. Bob Irving proposed this, & Irene Clarke seconded. All members agreed this was a fitting gesture.
Lily informed members that the new saltires that have been ordered for the Scottish Parliament will be made in Hong Kong.
Member Gordon Aitken: Gordon read out a news item outlining proposals for a house to be built in the gap where Wallace’s house stood in Lanark. The intention is to have a Wallace museum on the ground floor & a flat above, which can be rented out to tourists.
Gordon has written a new song which he performed acapella for the members. It is about Wallace mourning the death of his beloved Marion. Members all agreed Gordon is fast becoming a talented songwriter & performer.
The positions were filled as follows:-
Convenor David R. Ross
Vice Convenor Duncan Fenton
Secretary Vacant
Treasurer Bob Irving
Media Officer Irene Clarke
Social Convenor Lily Love
Merchandise Officer Ziggy Wilson/Craig Wilson
Honorary Membership Kimberley Ross
Thanks again to Social Convenor, Lily Love, for providing tea & snacks for members to enjoy after the meeting. The Society appreciates all she does for the members.
NEXT MEETING : As usual there will be no December meeting, so the next meeting will be on 20th January at Elderslie Village Hall at 7.45pm.
David Ross’s newsletter will follow later when he comes back from the USA.
The Society would like to take this opportunity to wish all our members a Merry Christmas &
a prosperous New Year.
PRESENT: Gordon Aitken, George Boyle, A. Millar, J. Millar, Eddie McNeill, Malcolm McNeill, John Paterson, Jim Adams, T. Lavelle, I. Lavelle, Bob Irving (Treasurer), David Ross (Convenor), Duncan Fenton ( Vice Convenor), Irene Clarke, ( Media Officer), Lily Love (Social Convenor),
APOLOGIES: Nan Irving, Richard Quinn, Susan Boyle, Hamish MacQueen, Grant Williamson, Karen Owens, Iain Ramsey, Willie Douglas, Ziggy & Craig Wilson (Merchandise Officers),
MEDIA OFFICER ( Irene Clarke)
Irene went to see the film “Stone of Destiny”. She said it was brilliant & urged members to go & see it.
Irene phoned the BBC to complain about a story it ran concerning the film, in which they referred to the scots “stealing back the stone”. When she pointed out that taking back your own property is not stealing, she was given an apology.
Irene contacted Stirling Council about the overgrown state of the area immediately surrounding the commemorative tree at Stirling Bridge. At the recent commemoration, we had to lay the wreaths among grass around two feet tall.
DEPUTY CONVENOR ( Duncan Fenton): Duncan received an e-mail from the Trust Archivist at St. Bart’s Hospital in London. It seems that the plastic plaque advertising Norman McLeod’s book – which we had removed in 2005 – has been re-glued to the Wallace Memorial stone. Duncan has written back, explaining that this man & his plaque have nothing to do with the Society. He has again contacted Mr. McLeod expressing his annoyance at this act of vandalism, to which McLeod still insists he is not to blame. The police have now been notified of this situation.
Duncan got an e-mail from Councillor Grant Thoms who says that many people are asking him about the future of Wallace’s Well at Robroyston. He sent replies from Historic Scotland Head of Listing, Deborah Mays. She states that “ten years ago there were only a few random stones around the stream”.
Duncan wrote to Cllr. Thoms saying that it was obvious she had never visited the site. Duncan sent copies of all his previous correspondence with Historic Scotland over the years & copies of photos of the well, dating from 1995, 1902 & 1899, this to challenge her statement.
Duncan mentioned a recent newspaper article about moves afoot to create a new award to replace the George Medal with a Scottish one. It cited a case in which a Glagow police officer who saved people during the blitz on Clydebank was awarded the George Medal. The medal is inscribed with the image of St. George, & the citation includes the words “ all of us who love England”.
CONVENOR (David R. Ross)
David told members of his recent speaking tour in the USA. He bumped into fellow member George Boyle on two separate occasions – in two different states!
The history Channel in the US are showing a program called “Warriors” in which David took part, showing the use of weaponry from Wallace’s time.
David reported that a large sign welcoming visitors to Scotland from England had been erected near Southwaite. Member Archie Millar told us that vandals had since torn it down. Archie later sent a copy of the newsaper report.
David also spoke about the recent film about the Stone of Destiny.
Member Jean Millar Brought in a news clippping about historian David Starkey, who is the latest person to have a go at Scottish history. Irene also spoke on this, saying that Starkey’s article claimed that Mary, Queen of Scots was just “a murdering whore” & “the best thing that happened to Scotland was the union with England.”
Members agreed that the best way of dealing with these attention-seeking individuals is to ignore them.
A.O.C.B. The new Wallace Society website was discussed. Duncan said that there were still a few Wallace Society domain names available quite cheaply. It was agreed that member George Boyle will go ahead with setting up the new domain. He will consult with David Murdoch, who kindly runs our current website from within his own at www.cranntara.org.uk/WWallace/index.html
David will advise George on how to set things up & transfer our data to the new domain.
Member George Boyle
Asked David Ross if he could give a talk to a local school, to which David agreed.
Member Eddie MacNeill Asked about the Annual Wallace dinner. David has spoken to the new owners of the nearby Wallace Tavern who has offered us to have the dinner there. It will be on Wednesday 3rd December at 7.15 for 7.30 pm. Price for a three course meal will be £15. This will include evening entertainment by Ted “better than Elvis” Christopher until midnight. Members wishing to attend are asked to reply to David Ross at drross@blueyonder.co.uk
The annual St. Andrews Day March will take place in Edinburgh on the 29th November. David Ross will be one of the speakers. More details to follow.
Thanks again to Social Convenor, Lily Love, for providing tea & snacks for members to enjoy after the meeting.
NEXT MEETING will be the Annual General Meeting on 18th November at Elderslie Village Hall at 7.45pm.
Jim Adams, John Paterson, Bob Irving (Treasurer), Duncan Fenton ( Vice Convenor),
Irene Clarke, ( Media Officer),
APOLOGIES: Nan Irving, T. Lavelle, I. Lavelle, A. Millar, J. Millar, David Ross, (Convenor), Ziggy & Craig Wilson (Merchandise Officers), Lily Love (Social Convenor).
Duncan chaired the meeting as David Ross was in the States.
There was a poor turnout with several members away on holiday & constant heavy rain all day.
MEDIA OFFICER ( Irene Clarke) Irene phoned Historic Scotland to enquire further about the vandalised graveslab of King James III. It is now in Edinburgh being repaired. They will contact Irene to tell her when the job has been completed.
Irene wrote to Johnstone police station praising PC’s Ian Johnstone & George Hume, who made several visits to the hall on the evening of Wallace Day to check that everything was OK. Because of this, we had no trouble from the local youths as we have had in past years.
DEPUTY CONVENOR ( Duncan Fenton): Duncan brought in a stock sheet from Ziggy Wilson detailing stock levels of merchandise, expenditure, etc.
Duncan e-mailed historic Scotland to enquire why the vandalised graveslab was left in a vulnerable position in Cambuskenneth Abbey bell tower. If they had realised it’s importance, why did it not have a small notice next to it, informing visitors what it was? Why wasn’t it put upstairs with the other artifacts, which are kept behind a locked gate? To date there has been no reply.
Duncan showed newspaper clippings from Wallace Day sent to him by Archie & Jean Millar. Also a clipping about author Edwin Moore’s new book, which claims that Wallace “was a murdering coward who butchered thousands of innocent and defenceless people” Duncan will reply to the newspaper.
Duncan read out a news report about a mystery man who claims to know the whereabouts of the “real” stone of destiny. It is reported to be hidden in a cave 120 feet up a sheer cliff face near Arbroath.
Duncan had an e-mail from member Alasdair Russell informing the Society about a temporary exhibition at the Mitchell Library, which will run until the end of the year. It is about printing in Scotland & on display are copies of Blind Harry’s original book on Wallace & the Wallace Seal.
Another e-mail from member Alan Reid who sent a review of a newly published book called
“Bannockburn: The Scottish War & the British Isles, 1307 – 1323” ISBN number 978 0 7486 3333 3.
He also sent in a teachers’ leaflet containing details of a new history project. It begins in November, with 5 episodes shown this year & 5 next year. This will be shown on BBC1 Scotland. There will also be programs broadcast on Radio Scotland, and a new website bbc.co.uk/scotlandshistory.
A copy of the statue “Exiles” which was erected in Helmsdale last year has been unveiled in Winnipeg, Canada. This commemorates the Clearances in the 19th century which saw many Scots settle in Canada.
NEXT MEETING will be on 21st October at Elderslie Village Hall at 7.45pm
PRESENT: Gordon Aitken, Karen Owens, George Boyle, A. Millar, J. Millar, Eddie McNeill, David Murray, Eddie Scott, John Paterson, Jim Adams, T. Lavelle, I. Lavelle, P. Malcolm, Bob Irving (Treasurer), David Ross (Convenor), Duncan Fenton ( Vice Convenor), Irene Clarke, ( Media Officer), Lily Love (Social Convenor).
APOLOGIES: Nan Irving, Malcolm McNeill, Richard Quinn, Susan Boyle, Hamish MacQueen, Grant Williamson.
TREASURER (Bob Irving): Bob signed cheques for the alcohol for Wallace Day, & the wreaths for various commemorations.
MEDIA OFFICER ( Irene Clarke) Following reports of vandalism of King James III’s tomb cover at Cambuskenneth Abbey, Irene phoned Historic Scotland to ask why it had been kept in such a vulnerable site. When Irene mentioned that she originally thought they had meant the raised tomb in front of the high altar, the lady she spoke to admitted that she didn’t even know it was there. When the Daily Record covered the story, it carried a picture of King James VIII !
Irene asked members for donations of bottles of alcohol for the bar.
DEPUTY CONVENOR ( Duncan Fenton): Duncan suggested that one of our collecting tins be put on the bar for customers’ loose change.
Duncan praised David Murdoch for setting up our new website, but called for any member with the experience to take over the running of it, to add new content, etc. He felt this was unfair to ask David to do this, as he is already Webmaster of at least half a dozen other sites. Member George Boyle agreed to do this & will speak to David on this subject. Duncan has many photos that could go on a picture gallery on the site.
Duncan thanked George Boyle for making his first speech for the Society at the recent Robroyston commemoration.
CONVENOR (David R. Ross)
David spoke about the recent success of the Scottish competitors at the Beijing Olympics, & said that it was time that Scotland had its own team to compete in future Olympics, as happens in the Commonwealth games at present.
David informed members that the pub close to the village hall, The Wallace Tavern, is now under new management. He has spoken to the new owner & believes he is a patriot. The pub will also be holding events to commemorate Wallace Day, & it is hoped that this will attract more people to the area & swell the numbers at the celebrations.
SOCIAL CONVENOR (Lily Love) Lily asked for donations of sandwiches, home baking, etc., for the tearoom.
Member Jean Millar has spoken to the Pipe Major of Kilbarchan Pipe Band & they have confirmed that they will lead the march on Wallace Day.
Member Eddie Scott suggested the Society have a stall at next year’s World Pipe Band Championship, held in Glasgow.
Member Gordon Aitken brought in a recent copy of the Falkirk Herald, which featured an article with photos of the commemoration of the Battle of Falkirk, at the newly built cairn in Callander Park.
A.O.C.B. David Ross asked Gordon Aitken if he would like to do a few musical numbers during the ceilidh on Saturday night, while the bands are taking a break. Gordon agreed.
Eddie McNeill said that the friends he will be bringing to Wallace Day have their own instruments, & would be willing to do the same during the breaks.
Irene suggested that Eddie MacNeill be chosen to lay the wreath at the monument this year. This was agreed. All other final preparations for Saturday’s commemoration were discussed.
Could I remind members that the annual subscriptions are now due. This can be paid on the day or by completing & posting the attached form. Thank you again for your support.
Thanks again to Lily Love, our Social Convenor for providing tea & snacks for members after the meeting.
NEXT MEETING will be on 16th September at Elderslie Village Hall at 7.45pm.
P.S. I have been asked to attach this to the newsletter to publicise next year’s Homecoming celebrations.
As I’m sure you are aware, 2009 is the 250th birth anniversary of Scotland's most famous son, poet Robert Burns. This landmark event has inspired the creation of Homecoming Scotland in 2009, to celebrate Scotland as the Home of Your Ancestors, the Home of Golf, the Home of Whisky and of course the Home of Burns.
As part of Homecoming, there will be an exhibition of contemporary art inspired by the life, poetry and songs of Robert Burns, featuring work by a distinguished group of artists from the UK and overseas. The contemporary work will be presented alongside a small collection of previously unseen Burns’ relics. The exhibition represents a fascinating and unprecedented way to convey the influence and relevance of Robert Burns' work in the present day.
The Exhibition takes place at the Mitchell Library in Glasgow between 4 April – 20 September 2009 and admission is free.
We are firstly looking to encourage Scots and expats to come back to Scotland but also secondly, to visit the exhibition.
PRESENT: Gordon Aitken, Karen Owens, George Boyle, A. Millar, Douglas Cassidy, Willie Douglas, Mary McCabe, Eddie McNeill, Sandra MacGregor, Mae Duggan, Shannon McLaren, Bob Irving (Treasurer), David Ross (Convenor), Duncan Fenton ( Vice Convenor), Irene Clarke, ( Media Officer)
APOLOGIES: Nan Irving, Malcolm McNeill, T. Lavelle, I. Lavelle, J. Millar, Lily Love (Social Convenor), Jean Nellies, Richard Quinn, Michael Reid, Jennifer Gilmour, Grant Williamson.
TREASURER (Bob Irving):
Bob brought up the subject of stall lets in the village hall for Wallace Day & prices were discussed.
MEDIA OFFICER ( Irene Clarke)
Irene reminded everyone that stalls are not allowed to sell or raffle alcohol, because this has caused problems in the past with under-age drinkers.
Irene phoned the Sunday Herald to complain about an article which equated nationalism with nazism.
Irene will organise the wreaths for commemorations of the Battle of Falkirk, Robroyston & Wallace Day.
DEPUTY CONVENOR ( Duncan Fenton): Duncan brought in an article from BBC History magazine, which tried to excuse Butcher Cumberland’s actions in the aftermath of the Battle of Culloden. Too many modern day historians seem to want to santise our history to make it more palatable. Member Debbie Bardo e-mailed Duncan to watch out for this article. Duncan remnded members that Doors Open Day is approaching. During the month of September, many properties open their doors free of charge to the public. More information can be found at www.doorsopendays.org.uk
Duncan reminded members that the annual commemoration at Robroyston will take place at the monument on Saturday 2nd August, beginning at 2.00 pm. The Campsie Nairn pub has been booked from 3.00 till 5.00 pm for refreshments. It is situated in Woodhill Road, just off Auchinairn Road (B812). Duncan thanked Scott Love for cleaning the graffitti from the Wallace Stone at Riggend, and tidying up the surrounding area.
CONVENOR (David R. Ross):
David spoke about his recent time in the USA on the Highland Games circuit. He read out a letter he’d received from a Reverend that he’d met. It said that David’s speech had touched him, making him realise that although he is 7 generations American, his bloodline is 100 generations Scots. David also mentioned just how many Amercans speak Gaelic, when there are so few speakers in Scotland.
David read out a letter of thanks to the Society from Robroyston Community Council for members of the Society taking part in their annual fun day, educating people about the links between Wallace & Robroyston.
Thanks to Willie Douglas & Mary McCabe who provided the buffet after the meeting in the absence of Lily Love, our Social Convenor.
NEXT MEETING will be on 19th August at Elderslie Village Hall at 7.45pm. |
PRESENT: David Brown, Gordon Aitken, Karen Owens, Grant Williamson, Richard Quinn, T. Lavelle, I. Lavelle, A. Millar, J. Millar, Marion McMillan, Sandy Bain, Ann Bain, Douglas Cassidy, Willie Douglas, Mary McCabe, Bob Irving (Treasurer), Duncan Fenton ( Vice Convenor), Irene Clarke, ( Media Officer), Lily Love (Social Convenor).
APOLOGIES: Nan Irving, Malcolm McNeil, Eddie McNeill, David Ross, Hamish McQueen, Betty Burns, Iain Ramsey, George Boyle.
Duncan chaired the meeting as David was in the States at the launch of his new book.
MEDIA OFFICER ( Irene Clarke) Irene brought in a news clipping about a proposed statue of Robert the Bruce to be erecterd in Annan – facing across the Solway Firth to where Edward Longshanks’ statue stands in Burgh-by-Sands.
Irene told members that the previously mentioned Silver Bell trophy was competed for at Hamilton racecourse for the first time since 1977. It will now be an annual event. Maybe more of the public will have the opportunity to see it, rather than it being locked in a basement vault.
DEPUTY CONVENOR ( Duncan Fenton): Duncan gave details of the forthcoming Bannockburn March on 21st June. He mentioned that the Wallace Stone at Riggend, which had been vandalised with paint, has now been cleaned up, and thanked member George Boyle & his friends at the Paisley Tartan Army for this.
Work has begun on the new path leading to the Wallace Memorial Cross at Robroyston. Hopefully, this should be completed in time for the commemoration on 2nd August.
Duncan brought in a quote for prices for the new Wallace Society enamel lapel badge, and has since received three more quotes thanks to George Boyle, who gathered the information. These have now been passed to the treasurer for further investigation.
Member Richard Quinn
Voiced disappointment at the open day at Robroyston not being mentioned at last month’s meeting. The local primary school had asked the Society to send along some members in highland dress to man a table to explain to the public the connection with Wallace & Robroyston. David Ross & some members attended. Duncan apologised for this ommission.
Member Archie Millar
Showed members a leaflet for the Marie Stuart Society, & asked if our Society should be putting out something similar. It was discussed that this was possible to have on display at Wallace related events, but the cost of putting them into visitor centres would be prohibitive.
Member Gordon Aitken
Gave a report on the commemoration of the massacre of the Clan Lamont by the Campbells, which occurred in 1646. This was held last Saturday in Dunoon, and organised by Na Fir Dileas.
Also a reminder that the 1st anniversary of the unveiling of the Falkirk Cairn will take place on Saturday 19th July. The cairn was raised as a memorial to the fallen at the Battle of Falkirk in 1298.
Member Marion McMillan
Brought along a guest, David Brown, who gave a talk on Scottish history, beginning with Alexander III. He covered the Battle of Largs in 1263, & the sad death of the little Maid of Norway.
His talk was interspersed with musical interludes on his harmonica, which included “Loch Lomond”, “Scots Wha Hae”, & “Flower of Scotland”.
He recited the poem “The Ballad of Patrick Spens” & read from a book of 50 favourite poems of Edwin Morgan, called “From Saturn to Glasgow”. The poem he chose was the one he had nominated for inclusion, called “Lines for Wallace”. This had been written for the 700th anniversary of Wallace’s judicial murder.
Marion handed out out copies of this book to members. She also had copies of the Glasgow Herald’s booklet, “Scotland – The Autobiography” & maps of Medieval Glasgow which she distributed amongst members.
David & Marion were thanked by members.
At the end of the meeting, Marion produced a bottle of Scottish Independence whisky, & asked David Brown to break the seal. This was served among members in memory of her late father. Marion told us that this was her father’s wish.
Thanks again to Lily for providing a superb buffet for members to enjoy after the meeting.
NEXT MEETING will be on 15th July at Elderslie Village Hall at 7.45pm.
David Ross's monthly contribution hasn't reached me yet as he is still in the USA. This will be sent out as soon as I receive it.
PRESENT: Eddie MacNeill, Malcolm McNeill, Peter Malcolm, Jim Adams, Gordon Aitken, Karen Owens,
T. Lavelle, I. Lavelle, A. Millar, J. Millar, Richard Quinn, David Murray, George Boyle, John Paterson, Willie Douglas, Mary McCabe, Cris MacLeod, David R. Ross (Convenor),
Duncan Fenton ( Vice Convenor), Lily Love (Social Convenor), Irene Clarke, ( Media Officer)
APOLOGIES: Bob Irving, Hamish McQueen, Grant Williamson, Susan Boyle, Gary Stewart.
MEDIA OFFICER ( Irene Clarke) Irene thinks that the Glasgow Herald have finally taken on board her comments about their “On this day” feature in which they consistently confuse Britain with England. The last few entries have made this distinction.
DEPUTY CONVENOR ( Duncan Fenton) Duncan gave a short report on the Annual flag-raising ceremony at Avoch this year by the Andrew de Moray Project, at which he presented the new saltire to Charlie Beattie on behalf of our Society.
Jim Singer from Crann Tara gave Duncan a cheque for £50 for the Society’s funds. This is part of the proceeds of the sale of the DVD which was made of the unveiling of the Battle of Falkirk Cairn last July.
Duncan told members of a visit to Culloden, which although a little pricey at £10 entry fee plus £2 for car parking, he thought was worth it if you hadn’t been before. The highlight is the audio-visual show.
Duncan suggested the Society make more lapel badges for sale as our supply is now exhausted. Member George Boyle offered to look into manufacturers, cost, etc.
Duncan read out an e-mail from member John Mackay, saying that, on a visit to Edinburgh’s Dungeons, the glossy brochure states that the Norman Conquest of Scotland occurred in 1068, & the Union of the Crowns took place in 1606! Duncan asked for any members visiting the Dungeons to bring some brochures to the meeting.
CONVENOR (David R. Ross)
David will be in the USA shortly to launch his new book, “James the Good – The Black Douglas”, which is released on 3rd June.
David visited Dunfermline Abbey recently & was told that during maintenance work on the heating, when part of the floor had been dug up, they had discovered some of the tombs which were thought to have been destroyed during the Reformation.
David told members of his travels in England to research a new project on the women in Scotland’s history.
Member Gordon Aitken Gordon had tickets for sale to members for the anniversary of the Battle of Falkirk commemoration on 19th July.
He gave members a rendition of a song he has written about the Black Douglas, called “Teba Sky”.
Members responded with rapturous applause.
A.O.C.B David asked members for ideas for the 700th anniversary of Bannockburn in 2014. A good discussion followed. John Paterson suggested that people might want to organise a march from their own locality to converge on Bannockburn on the day, reflecting the mustering of troops who would have made their way to the battlefield in groups. It was suggested they carry a banner with their home town written on it.
Duncan suggested each group could bring a stone from their locality to the battlefield, perhaps with their town’s name painted or engraved on it. This could maybe be built into a cairn at a later date to commemorate the 700th anniversary.
Malcolm McNeill Malcolm told members of an upcoming event in Dunoon on 14th & 15th June. Organised by Na Fir Dileas, this will be a march to commemorate the slaying of the Lamonts by the Campbells which took place in 1646. There will entertainment at a local pub in the evening.
NEXT MEETING will be on 17th June at Elderslie Village Hall at 7.45pm. |
PRESENT: Eddie MacNeill, Malcolm McNeill, Peter Malcolm, Jim Adams, Gordon Aitken, Karen Owens, Mae Duggan, David R. Ross (Convenor), Duncan Fenton ( Vice Convenor), Lily Love (Social Convenor).
APOLOGIES: Bob Irving, T. Lavelle, I. Lavelle, A. Millar, J. Millar, Irene Clarke, ( Media Officer), Willie Douglas, Angus McKenzie, Cris MacLeod, Hamish McQueen, Grant Williamson, Jennifer Boyle, Michael Reid.
MEDIA OFFICER ( Irene Clarke) Irene phoned David to during the meeting to say that she had a puncture en route to Elderslie, & couldn’t make it.
CONVENOR (David R. Ross)
David told members of his recent travels in the north of Scotland. He visited Skye & Lewis. He came across a memorial stone to Bonnie Prince Charlie that he hadn’t previously known about at Arnish.
He also visited the memorial to the shipwreck of the Iolaire, which sank on New Year’s Day in 1919. It was carrying soldiers returning from the war. Out of 284 servicemen, only 79 survived.
He visited the newly opened visitor centre at Culloden battlefield, & was impressed by the audio-visual display.
Unfortunately the North-East Wallace Day in Stonehaven has been booked for the same day as our own at Elderslie. which is a shame because many folk like to attend both.
DEPUTY CONVENOR ( Duncan Fenton) Duncan showed a collection of photos taken by former secretery, Willie Douglas. These showed post boxes around Glasgow that still have the King Edward VII cipher on them. Of course Scotland never had a King Edward.
Duncan read out an article which appeared in the Scotsman newspaper last week. It concerned Conservative MP Leslie Clark, who claimed that “ disgruntled southern voters are looking for their own version of William Wallace to free the oppressed English nation.” He also stated that a Tory victory at the next election would be the “biggest threat to the Union since Bonnie Prince Charlie.”
An article in the Scottish Daily Mail claimed that eduction bosses consider that too much emphasis is placed on dates in history, & that communication skills should be considered more important. Duncan believed that historic dates are critically important to proper education, & to retain a sense of chronology.
Member Gordon Aitken Attended the re-enactment of the signing of the Declaration of Arbroath last week & brought in photos of the event.
He informed members of the Battle of Falkirk Commemoration, which will take place on 19th July. Gathering at the tomb of John de Graham outside the parish church, at 1.00 pm, the march will leave at 1.30 pm to the Falkirk Cairn in Callander Park, unveiled just last year. Commemoration led by Scottish Knights Templar, begins at 2.00pm. Evening entertainment will be at Camelon Bowling Club, with Kevin Wilson’s new band, White Rose & Fiery Jack. 7.30 till 12.30.
NEXT MEETING will be on 20th May at Elderslie Village Hall at 7.45pm. |
PRESENT: Brian Young, Cris MacLeod, John Paterson, Geoge Boyle, Peter Malcolm, Jim Adams, T. Lavelle, I. Lavelle, A. Millar, J. Millar, David R. Ross (Convenor), Duncan Fenton ( Vice Convenor), Irene Clarke, ( Media Officer), Lily Love (Social Convenor).
APOLOGIES: Bob Irving, Nan Irving, Eddie MacNeill, Malcolm McNeill, Susan Boyle, Irene Rowan, Hamish McQueen.
MEDIA OFFICER ( Irene Clarke) Irene read out a short story about Wallace written by our newest & youngest member, Ellie Hunter, who is 6 years old. She is the neice of member Betty Burns. It’s good to see youngsters taking an interest in Wallace.
CONVENOR (David R. Ross) David had been invited to the opening of the new Wallace exhibit at Edinburgh Dungeon. This will deal with Wallace’s torture & death. He gave them a copy of his book, “For Freedom” to use as reference. John Smeaton, the Glasgow Airport have-a-go hero was also present for publicity.
David has also been filming for the History Channel. It will be part of a series called “Warriors”
David brought some of his collection of weapons, including a copy of Wallace’s sword, battle axe & war hammer. He showed members how they were used in battle.
DEPUTY CONVENOR ( Duncan Fenton) Duncan mentioned a newsclipping about history teaching in Scotland. Schools in Glasgow are being given a curriculum pack which explores Glasgow in the medieval period. He also spoke about the forthcoming BBC Scotland programme called “Scotland’s History”. It has already attracted a lot of negative comments from academics for being blantly Anglo-centric. Duncan has been to see the Silver Bell racing trophy which is on display at the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh. He warned members that if they go to see it, photography is not allowed in the exhibition. Duncan e-mailed Rosslyn Chapel’s website which now also has a no-photography rule. As he has photos from previous visits over the years, he asked why this ban is now in place. No reply has been received as yet.
NEXT MEETING will be on 15th April at Elderslie Village Hall at 7.45pm. |
PRESENT: Gordon Aitken, Karen Owens, Richard Quinn, Malcolm McNeil, Eddie McNeill, Brian Young, John Paterson, Alex Scullion, George Boyle, Susan Boyle, Peter Malcolm, T. Lavelle, I. Lavelle, A. Millar, J. Millar, Frank Boyd, Bob Irving (Treasurer), Duncan Fenton ( Vice Convenor), Irene Clarke, ( Media Officer), Elizabeth Gosnay (Minute Secretery).
APOLOGIES: Nan Irving, Lily Love, Angus McKenzie, Jamie Wright, David Ross, Brian Young, Grant Williamson, Fiona Douglas, Hamish McQueen, Morag McLaren, Willie Douglas
Duncan chaired the meeting as David had a prior speaking engagement.
MEDIA OFFICER ( Irene Clarke) Irene phoned the Glasgow Herald about an article which mentioned King James II. She pointed out that although they meant James VII of Scotland and II of England, they never make this clear. This means that young people who are just learning our history may be confused. The book about St. Mungo mentioned at last month’s meeting is now on display at Glasgow Cathedral.
Irene spoke about a news item from 13th February. A ring which was used by Jacobite agents to identify themselves while carrying secret messages from Bonnie Prince Charlie has been sold at auction. Originally valued at £3000, it sold for £12,200. The ring, set with an emerald, was carried to prove the message had originated from the exiled prince.
DEPUTY CONVENOR ( Duncan Fenton): Duncan spoke about a news clipping sent to him by Archie & Jean Millar. It mentioned a forthcoming five part TV series on Scottish history. It will portray William Wallace as a failure, Robert the Bruce as a king who struggled to keep power, and that Scotland agreed willingly to the union with England in 1707. There was no mention of the programme makers or which channel will be showing it, only that it will be aired in the Autumn.
The teaching of Scottish history in schools was discussed.
Duncan informed the members about a small mausoleum in Kilsyth cemetery which contains the embalmed remains of Jean Cochrane & her son. She had been the wife of John Graham of Claverhouse, Bonnie Dundee. After Dundee was killed at the Battle of Killiecrankie, she married William Livingstone, who succeeded his father as third Viscount of Kilsyth. Whilst living in Holland, the turf roof of their cottage fell in, & they were both killed, although Livingstone was rescued. Their bodies were embalmed & sent back to Kilsyth to be interred there. The 19th century mausoleum occupies the site of the 16th century Monyabroch Kirk. More information can be found here.
David had intended to do the Wallace slideshow, but as he could not attend the meeting, Duncan showed a home video of the Knights of Royal England performing a medieval jousting display, shot at Linlithgow Palace in 2001.
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© Society of William Wallace 2007-2025 |
The Society of William Wallace is a Scottish Charitable Incorporated Organisation Registration number SC045959 |